FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Technical Board => Modification Help => Topic started by: gav on September 07, 2003, 02:57:23 AM

Title: power steering rack posibility ????
Post by: gav on September 07, 2003, 02:57:23 AM
hi there..
i have just spent the past week reading through this site & it seems no-1 has came up with a power steering conversion ! if i'm wrong please let me know!
but "but" i have played with many makes & models of cars over the yr's & one conversion i did a while ago , was useing a "TE - ford cortina 78/79" i presume the later model aswell , power steering rack to my LX torana hatchback ... very cheap & easy to get hold of :)
since i am going to go ahead with a commy v6 & 5 speed transplant in a fc van , i would love to hear from other people who r doing this swap ....

Title: Re: power steering rack posibility ????
Post by: JB on September 07, 2003, 05:34:03 AM
HI gav,

What questions have you got...
I am nearing the end of the same conversion without the 5 speed.


Title: Re: power steering rack posibility ????
Post by: gav on September 08, 2003, 12:07:25 PM
hi jason
thank you for your quick reply & your wilingness to help .
i just got my heart ripped out today when i went to look @ the FE van i was told i could have for nothing .. should have known "it was the worst !" fire / rust & vandal damaged thing ive ever seen ....:(
i allready have a commy v6 5 speed & all the gear from a ute donor...
all i need is a van now to put all my gear into ! can anyone HELP?
very nice van to jason & i will take you up on the offer for questions , when i find my donor car now....
thanx.... Gavin