Title: What's this Post by: Roybeth on October 03, 2017, 06:24:21 PM Sorry its a little obscured by a stand (that is actually not doing anything, car is sitting on other ones, for some reason while crawling around under it I just feel better with a spare in there somewhere - lol) BUT what is the bracket or what ever it is above the car stand - was thinking a jack point but as it is only on one side of the car seems it may not be.
TIA (https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4443/36798619773_8003d0460d_m.jpg) ($2)before n after - Copy ($2) by Helen Sheedy ($2), on Flickr Title: Re: What's this Post by: ardiesse on October 03, 2017, 07:30:16 PM If your car were a passenger model, that would have been the place where you jack the car with a side-lift jack, and there would have been a hemispherical socket between the jack stand and the sill, to take the head of the jack. But Holden, being Holden, of course designed a different support member for the commercials, without the socket for the passenger car jack.
And I was expecting that you'd have one on each side of the car. Was it a Monday car? I am not much help. Rob Title: Re: What's this Post by: Errol62 on October 03, 2017, 08:31:20 PM My EK van doesn't have these brackets which sit directly inside the b pillar to inner sill join.
I presume they were deleted altogether from the later commercials so your ute is the missing link in the evolution chain 😂 Any bracing effect lost from deleting the scissor jack bracket would have been more than compensated by inclusion of a full length third sill panel in the FB EKs. That is until the middle panel rusted away, which wouldn't have been long generally. Sorry about running off at the touchscreen but I find the subtle differences interesting. Cheers Clay Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: What's this Post by: Roybeth on October 03, 2017, 09:00:39 PM So am I reading this in that it is a jack point?
in which case it may be even more curious - as mentioned there is only one on the passenger side and it is under a ute Title: Re: What's this Post by: Errol62 on October 03, 2017, 09:10:11 PM Yes it's one for the books
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Title: Re: What's this Post by: ardiesse on October 04, 2017, 09:56:43 AM No, it isn't a jacking point. It's a body reinforcing member. The commercial models used a bottle-jack instead. The jacking points are under the front suspension arms and under the rear spring mounting plates.
Rob |