Title: COLORTUNE Post by: Professor Grey on September 19, 2016, 08:56:54 AM Hi Everybody,
Does anybody have a Colortune kit they want to sell? I sold mine about 30 years ago and can't remember what thread is standard, so I may also need an adaptor for the grey motor. The only Aussie seller of new ones is out of stock, and he seems a bit pricey anyway. Thanks Guys, Prof. Title: Re: COLORTUNE Post by: Professor Grey on September 19, 2016, 09:26:56 AM Hi Everybody, Does anybody have a Colortune kit they want to sell? I sold mine about 30 years ago and can't remember what thread is standard, so I may also need an adaptor for the grey motor. The only Aussie seller of new ones is out of stock, and he seems a bit pricey anyway. Thanks Guys, Prof. P.S. I've Just read about a "Gunson Gastester" If anyone has one of those for sale I'd be interested. Cheers, Prof. Title: Re: COLORTUNE Post by: Harv on September 20, 2016, 04:21:34 PM I've parcelled up my Gunson, and sent it via Aussie Post. Send it back with the kit once you are done - no rush.
Cheers, Harv Title: Re: COLORTUNE Post by: Professor Grey on September 21, 2016, 09:28:19 AM I've parcelled up my Gunson, and sent it via Aussie Post. Send it back with the kit once you are done - no rush. Cheers, Harv Thanks Harv, As always, you're a legend and a gentleman. Cheers, Prof. |