FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => General Board => Topic started by: dam-mad on May 22, 2003, 08:16:46 AM

Title: How long has this been running
Post by: dam-mad on May 22, 2003, 08:16:46 AM
This should be a very easy question, how long has this site been running?

Title: PWR steerin problem
Post by: Jonny on May 22, 2003, 08:37:32 AM
Not sure mate, not bad though eh, hey i was wondering if anyone can help me.

My pwr steerin was leekin so the moron at the service station gave me some stop leak stuff that made my steerin act like it doesnt have pwr steerin.

Is there somethin i can do.....

Title: Re: How long has this been running
Post by: slim on May 22, 2003, 08:57:27 AM
I checked out RETs registration date and its AUGust 30 , 2001 ,  Craig A (poo) is August 31st 2001, so im guessing around about that time the forum kicked off . But its just a hunch.  As for your power steering , drain the stuff out of it , and get the correct Power steering Fluid for it .

Title: Re: How long has this been running
Post by: fcpv on May 22, 2003, 09:33:09 AM
Never use stop leak anything in a power steering system, if your power steering is leaking it will be because it has blown a seal as the unit operates under pressure to give steering assistance .
By adding stop leak to the system , effectively all as you have done is block the oil gallies that would pressure feed the rams in the power steering unit and this would be why it now feels like you have no power steering at all  -  because you dont, and you wont have a oil leak either.   Hope you get better advise next time
Russell Bates  FCPV

Title: Re: How long has this been running
Post by: MalFE on May 22, 2003, 10:08:43 AM
Page 40 starts at 18 Aug 2000


Title: Re: How long has this been running
Post by: dam-mad on May 22, 2003, 10:42:16 AM
Thanks Guys,

I guess it doesn't really matter when the site started as long as it doesn't end in a hurry.  It is my favourite site, well done!

Good luck with the power steering, it doesn't sound good

Title: Re: How long has this been running
Post by: RET on May 22, 2003, 09:38:44 PM
The forum has been running since sometime in 1998 from memory.  As Slim discovered, it has looked like this since August 2001 when I converted it to run on YaBB.  Prior to that it had been maintained by Phil Gray (pgray) on his website as a MS FrontPage discussion board - the same software used to run FastLane's boards.  But it became too much maintenance for him, so he started a new one on Yahoo Groups, but that sucked big time, so I got all the data from the old boards and wrote some conversion programs to put the data into YaBB format. (Although I threw away a lot of rubbish posts at the time, so I think Mal picked the oldest one correctly).

It took about a year to reach that critical mass where we had enough users to really get the conversations going (I think it was around 50 registered users.  Now where rapidly closing in on 400.)

The domain fefcholden.org.au has been registered since about 1996.
