Title: FULL EK SPECIAL TRIM FOR SALE Post by: vmx-mxr on September 18, 2012, 07:38:53 PM Ok ladies and gents, I know this is for the venerable FE and FC predecessors of the finned wonders but understand that some of you also have an FB or EK lurking in the shed or perhaps know a sicko that does so I'm letting you know about a full interior trim set for sale.
Front seat, Rear seat, 4 x door trims/cards Grenadier Red and Athens Silver, in very good original condition for age (does need a top panel on the rear squab, a new door card and re-glue of trim - drivers door from memory). Currently on :evil:bay but happy to withdraw from sale at any time. $1500 to members and guests to this forum, $1600 on auction # 300780675768. Obviously inspection is recommended but we were pretty impressed when we got it. It would sure look good in a quality resto or a car being prepared for sale etc. Call me 0416074750 or Jimmy 0450511961 Dave Mac PS - Still love 'guesting' in here every time I finish on the dark side forum !!! Always something good to read :) Title: Re: FULL EK SPECIAL TRIM FOR SALE Post by: vmx-mxr on September 19, 2012, 10:30:51 PM Just wish to say the trim is now SOLD.
Thanks Dave Mac |