Title: Holden Special Tools Post by: ACE on August 23, 2012, 03:51:28 PM Holden Special Tools
Litchfield E1882 (GMH equivalent 3A4) Remover and Installer Control arm shaft $30 Litchfield E1640 Pinion Flange holding tool $40 Litchfield E60 Brake cylinder clamps (set of 4) $40 GMH Equip 5/8"-3/4" SAE open end spanner $10 Inner door handle remover $15 (This tool came in a kit with a N.O.S set of scratch plates) Boot tool kit tools: Turner screwdriver $10 Spark plug / wheel nut tube spanner $10 Slip joint pliers $10 Lots More!!! Send me a p.m if interested ;) ACE 8 ' |