FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Technical Board => Modification Help => Topic started by: surferboy on August 18, 2012, 06:15:31 PM

Title: h4 headlights
Post by: surferboy on August 18, 2012, 06:15:31 PM
I don't know why  ??? ::)
but i decided to do it myself and fix my headlight instead of paying somebody else to do it  :o

a couple of weeks ago my kerbside headlight failed. after a couple of hours trying to figure out how the headlight comes apart (hint don't read an FC workshop manual when working with H4 lights !)
I gave up and payed $65 to an electrician to do it.
as is the norm... once one side was fixed... this week the drivers side headlight stopped working.
NO WORRIES  :D I know what I did wrong last time
"I CAN DO THIS and save myself some money"  i thought to myself
Just got to undo the three screws,unplug the unit,move the rubber cover, unclip a bulb,replace bulb, clip together, replace rubber, reconnect and put three screws back in  EASY  ;D

 Bugger .... at least I only buggered up one screw and bruised one knuckle (and threw 4 temper tantrums - I have a low tolerance for mechanical problems) in the process
Down to the shop with the old bulb,  to find the shop doesn't have one the same, so I end up(having another tantrum)  paying extra to get a matching pair, so now I have to pull apart the good light  :'( (and chuck another wobbly)
The GOOD NEWS is after 8 hours I've got it back together and the lights work


How do I adjust the light beam patern ?????????????????????

since the rebuild the light beam has been very short so I've been on high beam to see where I'm going.

How do the three screws adjust the light unit ? Theres a 1''long one at the top and one on the left side that go through holes in the headlight unit into brackets inside the mounting dome thing and a 1/2'' one one the right that fits in a notch on the headlight unit into a bracket on the edge of the dome thing. They seem to just hold the light unit against the outer edge of the dome thing ?
I would post pics but my photobucket has decided to not work now ! >:(

(http://s18.postimage.org/3u3lx4qg5/rs4.jpg) ($2)

(http://s18.postimage.org/l8nu5enl1/rs5.jpg) ($2)

(http://s18.postimage.org/n1vc7gy5h/rs3.jpg) ($2)

 8) 8) 8)
Next time I'll go do 8hrs overtime at work earn $400 and pay somebody else $65 to do it !

Title: Re: h4 headlights
Post by: mcl1959 on August 18, 2012, 06:40:27 PM
The top screw adjusts the up & down adjustment of the light while the one on the side adjusys the left/right movement of the light.


Title: Re: h4 headlights
Post by: surferboy on August 19, 2012, 12:56:01 AM
g'day Ken

thats what I kind of figured.
the short screw in the notched section is fixed and the two longer screws would move the light.
But I must have done something wrong because i turn the screws but the lamp is stationary ???
It seems as though the bottom of the light needs to come forward to raise the light beam as the top is screwed in tight. I thought there might have been some kind of rubber spacer (?) that moves the light away from the backing housing thing and compresses when the screws are tightened
I'm trying to figure if there is some secret sequence to fit it all together that I have missed.
I can't find any instructions on Google.and being an old modification I'm not sure if it's all been installed correctly

 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: h4 headlights
Post by: mcl1959 on August 19, 2012, 08:00:40 PM
It sounds like it has been put together wrong, The parts book says there should be 3 adjusting screws per headlight. This would allow the bottom of your haedlight to come out further.


Title: Re: h4 headlights
Post by: surferboy on February 21, 2013, 03:09:55 PM

why does that not suprise me  ::)

Did the usual trick and ripped Cathys "ugly duckling" apart
Found Cathys has adjusting screws with springs on them to move the light forward and backwards at the top and sides
The wagon just screws staight into the body !

The dullness ended up being a wiring issue and the lights not coming on properly
( I did overtime and payed the electrician to solve that one)

Figure now,   I just pack the back of the "adjustment" screws to get the alignment right and tighten them up and problem is fixed   (after I change the current assortment of odd screws with matching screws that fit properly)

BUT... then more problems... ::) >:(

The headlights are turning off !
so I tried different scenarios to try and figure what might be tripping them off

Sometimes they don't come on at all when you pull out the switch
sometimes they come on for 15 minutes
sometimes 2 minutes
tried side lights, without turning on headlights.  they seem to stay on
tried side light after the headlights started playing up and the side lights kept going off also
tried headlights this morning. stayed on for 15 minutes then started going off and on for a few seconds at a time
There doesn't seem to be a particular pattern. It seems to be random.
It might seem weird but they usually work during daylight and then not turn on during night time  ??? ??? ???

Earthing, short somewhere, Relays or switch problem ?
If I've buggered up the switch can I get a NEW one ? or can an electrician fix this one ?

Any advice/hints appreciated
It's back to the electrician next week, anything that makes his job easier (and QUICKER)

 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: h4 headlights
Post by: GM on February 21, 2013, 03:21:37 PM
Try changing the relay

Title: Re: h4 headlights
Post by: FCRB26 on February 21, 2013, 04:51:16 PM
Factory has no relay the bi metal strip on the switch acts like a relay its pulling too much current make sure you have a relay fitted.
Your switch should activate the relay not the lights this im guessing is the problem.? ???

Title: Re: h4 headlights
Post by: mcl1959 on February 21, 2013, 05:49:01 PM
Yep, you need a relay fitted. Generally H4 headlights pull too much current for the old switch. I doubt you have damaged the switch as the bimetallic strip is protecting it and your wiring.
