Title: buying an fc Post by: Iso007 on August 05, 2012, 08:40:25 PM Hi guys, my first post on this site. hello to everyone. I have been looking to purchase a fairly original fc sedan for at least a year now with no luck. I am in the west of sydney.
About a year ago, i had one of my other cars (an isorivolta) in a small car show in campbelltown, NSW when the fc club were also there. I had a bit of a talk to them all throughout the day and they were very friendly group. I got a phone number from one of the members who had an FC for sale, but the number was wrong and didnt ring through. I am still looking though and there is nothing current in the for sale section. I am willing to pay the going rate realtive to the condition, as i was never any good at bartering anyway. regards to all. if there is anyone out there they could also send me a pm if they prefer. Ian Title: Re: buying an fc Post by: john253a on August 05, 2012, 09:02:31 PM best bet is look everywhere,
there are always a few on evilbay and carsales, but inspection is always a must. i found mine on here from another member last year ive found thee is rrp on theis, they seem to go from 5-30+ but some rwc 8+ mine was 13, and ive been offered 16, so prices may have gone up good luck with hunt, i spent 5-6year till i found something in the condition and price range i was happy with (down side they doubled in that time period) Title: Re: buying an fc Post by: Iso007 on August 05, 2012, 09:17:59 PM Thanks John I have been watching all the ads and have inspected about 12 now. The main problem I am finding is the modifications that have been done to most of them. I don't mind some improvements but with the ever increasing restrictions on new registrations I am trying to be a bit careful. Thanks for your help.
Best regards Ian Title: Re: buying an fc Post by: john253a on August 05, 2012, 09:41:32 PM i thing as far as mods go, best bet is to speak to some with similar mods, and see how easy it was to get engineered, or depending on age of mod its not required,
what are some of the mods your talking about Title: Re: buying an fc Post by: Stewy on August 06, 2012, 07:23:21 PM I think Ian is after a stockie that you know what goes where :)
Ian have you seen the one that slim is selling on ebay Ebay Item #200800863464 I have no affiliation with this car Good luck Cheers Stewy 8) Title: Re: buying an fc Post by: john253a on August 06, 2012, 07:55:29 PM same as mine, even down to the price, only i traded the basked in the boot back for a set of wheels, ;D
Title: Re: buying an fc Post by: Iso007 on August 06, 2012, 09:07:40 PM Hey guys, yes i have seen the ebay fc, but just havent had time to go further with it although that is about what i am looking for. Bought myself a 3 car shed and i have been busy getting the ground ready for the slab.
I have a couple of other cars and some are altered however as i get older, i am appreciating the orginal cars a bit more. best part about owning an old holden is talking to the other guys who own them. thanks regards Ian |