FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => FE-FC Holden Nationals => Topic started by: weddo on March 26, 2012, 09:08:08 PM

Title: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on March 26, 2012, 09:08:08 PM
24th ..Drive from Hobart to Devonport on Staurday to catch a little ocean liner to Port Melbourne, same old same old ....done it before .... but this is exciting!!! we're of to PERTH.

HIS FC with Judi driving is singing along very well, but I have found why race cars (OURFC) are built for the race track......my bum is sore!!

Arrived in Port Melbourne 25th at 6.30 am to disembark from the Spirit and a long drive to our son's place in Port Melbourne (all of 4 minutes). It's a bit hard to sneak up on our grandaughters at 6.45am with a couple of FC's.

Spent a loverly day and night with our family and headed of at about 10 am this morning - 26th, not before getting some spare sets of spark plugs. The other thing you begin to realise is that a race car is meant to drive hard and rev hard, but just putting around town is not good because it fuels up and starts missing. The other thing is you are always listening to noises and worrying what may go wrong. The car is brilliant for tweny full on laps around around a race circuit, but I feel a little uneasy on the long runs.

However we have made it from Melbourne to Nhill (about halfway to Adelaide) and no mishaps, so perhaps I am worrying over nothing.

see you all soon


The Weddo's

Bill & Judi

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: surferboy on March 26, 2012, 11:06:23 PM
Hi Bill & Judi
Looking forward to catching up with you both in Perth

Just turn up the Rock N Roll on the stereo and it drowns out all those unusual noises Bill.
It works for me and helps me relax  :D

Don't tell us they don't put stereos in racing cars  :'(

You'll get to Perth OK and realise you were worrying over nothing......
and then you'll worry all the way back home

 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: Dave Lakin (Davo Lako) on March 27, 2012, 10:02:50 AM
Great !!!  Another Roadtrip to follow ... have a great time "Weddo's" ... we'll all be following you ... as for me , I'll look forward to seeing you on the other side ... bit soft , I know but I'm winging it ....

Have fun and Cheers for now , Dave .

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: fe-ambo on March 27, 2012, 10:09:08 AM
Thanks for sharing your road trip.

I was once told if it will do 5 miles it will do 500 so don't worry about the noises. Just cruise and enjoy.

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: jack_fc on March 27, 2012, 10:25:31 AM

Weddo, keep the updates coming please!  :)

(and the only time you should REALLY get worried about the 'noises' is when they all suddenly disappear!  ;))

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: colt on March 27, 2012, 06:05:02 PM
Surferboy, no they don't put radios in race cars, although yes I have contemplated it, just for the f---off factor. (I can if I want to).

Weddo, I am JEALOUS, JEALOUS,JEALOUS (how many times can I say it?) I can imagine the state of your bum. If it's anything like my EH you would be scraping and crashing over every bump. I absolutely LOVE it. You bugger! I can't WAIT to catch up.

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on March 28, 2012, 11:27:17 AM
27th - Nhill to Adelaide - tyres rubbing pretty badly in the rear, moved most heavy items to HIS FC and continued on carefully.
Arrived in Adelaide at about 4.45pm after plenty of little stops and only sitting on 55-60MPH.
Decided to do something about the rubbing so found a local Pedders shop and walked in and said "I need my bum lifting" - older bloke said "can't help you but I'll have a look at your car".
The young boys in the workshop could't get over the fact they were working on a old Holden for the first time!!
After a bit of discission we decided on an old and tried remedy.
With the older guy giving directions to the two boys,- jack under there both sides, lift together gently, another jack under the diff, remove the bottom mounts for the shocks, small jack between the spring and chassis, prise bar in the spring shackle and gently flip over.  Re-mount the shocks, let the jacks down gently and hey presto instant 1 1/2"  lift.
No charge was the reply... can't accept that I said,  so a box of beer it was. 
Great guys and now highly recomended PEDDERS - KESWICK - ADELAIDE

28th - Having a lazy day catching up with some rellies and on the train tommorrow. Might have to do some "didn't know" type of talking as we are supposed to have 130mm clearance underneath - AIN'T GUNNA MAKE IT!!!!!!  See how we go.

Till next time

The Weddo's

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on March 30, 2012, 12:24:05 PM
Where does the time go when you are having fun. Step back a day 30th.....and we arrived at the Adelaide train station to have the car loaded. Cars were checked over very thououghly and a person of very small stature was allocated to load the race car .... I'm getting a little nervous when he asked where are the gears and says "my legs are too short" ..by the time he had got it underway, stalled numerous times, left it idling, revved it and slowly inched it up onto the loading ramp and then proceeded to take what seemed about half an hour to get it into position it was boiling it's head off. I was not a happy person, but the positive is that we are on board. Toot..Toot. No problems loading HIS FC....nice guy and much longer legs
 We had awhile to wait for the passenger loading so sort out a nice quiet place in the station cafe and it wasn't long before we joined by Ray and Jan Stewart, Ray was looking for the guy with the big mo...found us!!!

It was't long before the train arrived from Sydney and proudly carrying more FC's, ...with five now on board we almost out number the other vehicles!!

Settle into our cabin, have a nice meal, a couple of drinks and off to bed. Didn't sleep a lot..maybe the motion or the excitement or both.
Start the day -30th with a lovely sun rise and breakfast and there's no  clickety clack like the last train trip I had, but that was 30 years ago!
We are currently on the long straight leg of the train trip on the Nullabor and have just had a short stop at Cook, in the middle of nowhere, a little ghost town with millions of flies, and wouldn't you know ...some more FC friends..g'day says a voice... and Richard Thomas appears from nowhere.

Well, off to enjoy the rest of our day, and wander down the cabins to meet up with our other FC and FE friends

Clickety  clack...clickety clak


The Weddo's

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: FC0058 on March 30, 2012, 01:02:28 PM
Hi Weddo

Good to see the trip is going well and you have found some good company on the train to keep you amused.

Enjoy the ride at least your rear end will get a rest for a while.

See you in Perth Phil and I are departing Adelaide early Sunday morning doing the FC express should be in Perth early Wednesday at the latest (If all goes well)

Cheers Jim

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on April 01, 2012, 09:56:06 AM
What a helpfull bunch of people at East Perth Railway Station and a great Rail Manager (Greg) on board the train.
I had a chance to talk to Greg enroute and let him know my frustrations about how the car was loaded in Adelaide and he said he would have a talk to the "girl" in Perth.
I take back my pre-determined trepidation of the "girl" as when I explained the problem in Adelaide and that I really need to get some water into the radiater before they started and drove it off,  she (Carol) said " don't worry Luv we will look after it... and they did.... they got a bunch of people and carefully pushed it off the train and out onto the parking area. THANK YOU !! they were great and it topped of a great train trip,

Yipee we made it, we are finally in Perth - let the show begin!!!


The Weddo's

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: surferboy on April 01, 2012, 05:44:18 PM
You'll get used to it soon Bill
We're all happy, helpful people over here in the West   ;D ;D ;D

We've thought of everything...
we've even organised the weather to make the Eastern Staters feel more at home
Did you bring this rain with you ?
6 months of heatwaves  then 1 week to the Nats we get rain  :o
I'm even thinking about pulling a jumper out of mothballs  :(

 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on April 12, 2012, 09:44:59 PM
WELL....BUGGA ME... it seems like just we checked into the Nats and now its all over, where did this last week or do go?

Congratulations WA Super job!!!!!!
If you guage the quality of the Nats by the enjoyment you had, WA ticked all the boxes for us.  We managed to pack in an enornous amount in a few days, saw relatives that we hadn't seen for thirty years. We met new friends in the FE FC scene and renewed friendships from years past and we have had a ball.

But now sadly we must part.

The cars are packed and we set off  mid morning for a leisurly drive from Perth to Southern Cross. Called into Kellerberrin and spent an hour or so with Richard Marek at his old garage and Holden Dearlership shed and display. What a wonderfull array of old holden history and what a generous guy to give up his time to show us around.  He has asked that if anyone has any photo's taken outside could they email him a copy and he will update his website with them.
oldseadog@westnet.com.au    www.marekbrosgarage.com

He also said (tounge in cheek) "who left the black rubber marks on his forcourt".

Any way we made it to Southern Cross and no dramas, my bum must be getting used to the hardness.

Didn't have to change any plugs today, 53 loves the wind blowing in her grille, mind you I should have gotten a trophy for the most plug changes between Melbourne and the end of the Nats in Perth

Tootle of to Kalgoorlie tomorrow for spot of site seeing and an overnight stay somewhere. (did any one else stay in Kalgoorlie?)


The Weddo's

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: Dave Lakin (Davo Lako) on April 13, 2012, 10:32:24 AM
Have a safe , enjoyable and event-free trip back ...

Dave .

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on April 13, 2012, 09:22:43 PM
Well...just another day on the road, starting from Southern Cross via Coolgardie for an early lunch and onto Kalgoorlie for some site seeing.
We saw the Super Pit at night on our way over on the train (short stop and tour) and then today during daylight...what a BLOODY BIG hole... it is awsome!!.  :o :o

Did I say that the race car didn't have a plug change all day?.... loving it and getting plenty of attention from fellow travellers. HIS FC with Judi steering is still moving along nicely.

Spent the afternoon touring around Bolder and Kalgoorlie, had the usual photo shoot in Hay Street, a beer and dinner at a pub in town and now just laying back in a nice cabin at the Prospector Holiday Park.

Tomorrow.. Kalgoorlie to Norseman or Fraser Range after a bit more exploring around town.

My BUM started to hurt this afternoon, but I realised I was sitting on something ;D

Sorry to hear about Garry, hope all turns out well, and a safe journey home for the Ambo.... and for all our other fellow travellers


The Weddo's

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: colt on April 14, 2012, 09:01:06 PM
Woops, that may have been me leaving the black marks? No, not THAT way. I had to maneuvre the trailer into position and his forecourt is very tight!

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on April 17, 2012, 10:26:27 PM
Isn't it nice not having phone coverage for a few days.


anway ..had a nice stop over at Fraser Range Station.. what a great little spot..accomodation in old shearers quarters, stone floor and all..nice couple running the place.."wow how long have you been here I said...ummmm five days was the reply, simply briliant place and would will go back some time.

The nullabor is a brilliant drive, scenery changing all the time, cars and vans and trucks.. bloody long trucks.. and every body waving ..what a happy few days. Stayed at Madura, Nullabor Road House and now in Streaky Bay upon the recomendation from some Canadians we had a few drinks with at the Nullabor Road House Bar. We are having agreat time and so far no problems with the cars.

We aren't travelling very fast 3050 RPM, 155 deg water, 35lb oil pressure, 92 kph, 60 mph day in day out and my BUM STILL HURTS but I'm still smiling.. every time I look in the mirror Judi is still right behind me. And late in the day when the I pod gets boring and you need to keep awake we start weaving from side to side and passing one onother in turn and doing stupid things you shouldn't normally do.. but it is fun  and by the way only on long stretches of clear road... like there is any other sort of road around here duuh!!

Did get one particular photo on the way


(http://s16.postimage.org/u08ep38gh/P1012183.jpg) ($2)

(http://s16.postimage.org/oq81bjdld/P1012187.jpg) ($2)

anyway until next time


The Weddos

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: customFC on April 17, 2012, 10:50:09 PM
I see you have the fireproof racing sandles on.
Good to hear you are still out there having fun.

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on April 20, 2012, 06:42:03 PM
Catch up time!!
As I said it is sometimes a good thing without a phone connection.

Did I say MY BUM HURTS. It didn’t this morning - 19th

Yesterday we drove from lovely Streaky Bay at about lunch time, where we stayed in some really good accommodation Villas with undercover pool and spar, barby area (and a nice little town) to Port Lincoln where we thought we would select some rather nice accommodation again …….WRONG!! 
The whole of Port Lincoln was booked out for a Convention ..and it was getting dark.

We had tried every where and the last stop was the Lincoln Motel – six story- plenty of rooms I thought, Uh Uh no way. The staff  were extremely apologetic and there was another couple also at reception doing as we were. One of the staff found them some accommodation at Coffin Bay – drive back 40 minutes for them. The manager (must have been our good looks) tried a few places, but to no avail and it looked like we were going to have to sleep on the beach.

“I have a friend” she says and they have two Eco Lodges, I will try them for you.
I spoke to “Jill” (best friends now) over the phone and she said she would make up one of the lodges for us, “just have a meal in town and give her some time to do it”.

Katherine our other new best friend Manager printed out the directions of how to get there “and a bit of dirt road”  she said. Thanking her profusely we set of to have a meal and then travel about 15k’s out of town to the turn off, in the same direction we were travelling as luck would have it.

MMM .. 15k’s is about 25ks.. the “a bit of dirt road” is another 20ks up into the hills.. dark as dark and as rough as you like but we battled on with Judi following just out of the dust screen behind me.
We eventually found the turn off towards the main house, and thought oh my…what have we gotten into. We pulled up at the front of the main house and our best new friend Jill walked out to greet us. She called her husband out to see the cars and two of their friends also came out.

One of their friends says “so you are from Tasmania…which part” 
We said “ Lewisham” about 40k’s out of Hobart
Well buggar me, turns out he lives about 3k’s from us…you wouldn’t believe it !!

Our new best friend’s husband Michael, asked us in for a drink, which we declined, but said he would love to catch up in the morning if possible. Turns out it was not possible, he was the local Magistrate.

Our directions to the ECO Lodge was … just follow the track down the hill, which we did..for about 2 more k’s . Boy am I glad Port Lincoln was booked out. We arrive at the most wonderful architecturally designed and appointed accommodation you can imagine. The bed was the softest thing my bum had felt for a long time. We slept like babies.

Morning arrives and the view from the Lodge is to die for, kangaroos in the garden, birdlife every where and all in the middle of the bush with only natures sounds to keep us company.

With all that behind us (and many a photo) we sadly drove back out of the bush, which didn’t seem as long in daylight, and headed on up the highway. Stopped in Tumby Bay for lunch, another lovely place, (we are compiling quite a list of places to return to when we retire in a few years) and onto Cowell where we caught the new vehicle ferry for a two hour crossing to Wallaroo. Step down in accommodation to a nice cabin in the caravan park, but still no internet connection


The Weddo's

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on April 20, 2012, 07:08:53 PM
Catch up No 2.

53 aint no more.. It has retired from the race...dam

Set of for Port Wakefield this morning and just about to arrive at the Port and 53 started missing, got worse and we stopped.

No 1 plug not burning fuel, pulled the rocker cover of and had a broken rocker arm. Oh well it has done it before and I carry a spare or two.
Pulled it apart and change one over and set the tappets, but when we went to start it again, it struggled to turn over..mmmm have bent some thing in the process. Called RACT in turn RAA sent out a mechanic, changed "dirty" points, had good spark every where and fuel but did not like turning over.
Outcome...RACT recover veghicle and deliver back to my address...the best part about being in Ultimate Membership although we do have to pay for the boat, but get a refund on the passage previously booked Sad part is leaving the car at Port Wakefield RAA depot and waiting for it to be delivered back home some time in possibly two weeks.

The seat is softer in HIS FC and I get to ride with Judi now for the run home.


Till next time

The Weddo's

(http://s14.postimage.org/d4u55eqp9/P1012496.jpg) ($2)

(http://s13.postimage.org/68wl0ctk3/P1012498.jpg) ($2)

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: FE_UTE on April 20, 2012, 10:39:24 PM
G'day Weddos
Sorry to hear bout the Race car...must have been the rough WA bush roads...gotta be happy with Ultimate membership

Bloody hell it must be a bugger to have to share a car after all these miles ......... ;D ;D

Enjoy your time together, have a safe ending to your travels
Great couple...great diary...great cars...

See you in Tassie

Gary & Lorene

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: philwreck on April 21, 2012, 10:35:05 AM
sorry to hear about 53, wakefield is only an hour away.we got a reliable motor and facilities. we,re here to help.phil &elaine.

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: RET on April 21, 2012, 12:55:26 PM
53 may be out of the race, but she retires with dignity. That's a hell of an achievement.

See you in Tassie ;D

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on April 21, 2012, 08:40:20 PM
Said our farewell to 53 today (after being like an extention of my body for 4000k's) as we left Port Wakefield heading in an Easterly direction, via Two Wells with a bit of craft shopping in a wicked old court house, Gawler - where we dropped in to have a chat with Phil and Elaine and a look in "Phil's Corner" of the wrecking yard :o :o :o oh what a sight, FC's upon FC's and enough projects for a life time. It was good to catch up for a chat with very nice fellow Nats people.

Then on and away via the windy country roads to Mannum but not before a stop at the BIG ROCKING HORSE for scones and jam and cream and then onto Murray Bridge for the night.
Did I hear some one say "did ya call into the Birdwood Museum" ..no we didn't this time but did a couple of years ago and it was excellent.

It's bit strange having someone else in a car after so many miles of ones own company (not that I don't like my own company) but the extra voice when you talk to yourself is  bit unnerving but Judi is getting used to me ::).

Any way we are still having fun traipsing around the country and enjoying our now single car adventure.

Till next time


The Weddo's

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: colt on April 22, 2012, 08:15:08 AM
Sorry to hear about 53 Weddo. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.


Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: FC_Driver on April 22, 2012, 08:21:27 PM
Know the fealing having to leave the car behind......
Look forward to seeing her up and running in Hobart

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: Gertie on April 22, 2012, 08:39:43 PM
Sorry to hear about the race car failure. I was very impressed with it and would love a ride some day, maybe next nats. We are leavinge Perth tomorrow and hope for an uneventful trip. We did it back in 1968 but gertie is a little older now and so am i. See you in Tassie 2014.
Regards Geoff and margaret

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on April 24, 2012, 11:11:53 AM
Left Murray Bridge and was intending to go via Castlemaine then on to Melbourne but it was bucketing downwith rain and my vaccum wipers decided not to work.. well they did work once then stopped...too wet to sort any thing out, so prepped the screen with Rainex and off we went. My BUM DOESN'T HURT.....HIS FC is very comfortable.
Had a call from RACT about midday to say the have a engaged contractor  to pick up the car at Port Wakefied and deliver to our home address but could be about ten days. Good news!!

A very wet but uneventfull drive today, just a bit of a challenge when the B-Doubles pass you and you have about 3 minutes driving blind, but we are still pottering along.

We arrived in Port Melbourne mid afternoon and are now with our grand kids for a couple of days of R & R before heading off to the boat back home.

Till next time


The Weddo's

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: philwreck on April 24, 2012, 06:15:03 PM
hi, bill &judy.my network of spies.(as oppossed to rets),tell me they saw a red fc with a stripe on a truck heading toward adelaide this morning.So 53 has begun its own journey home.phil.

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on April 25, 2012, 10:15:35 AM
Wow,  we are due to catch the boat tonight, it might even make it home with us. :o


The Weddo's

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on April 27, 2012, 06:57:47 PM
Well home at last.

A couple of nice days in Melbourne and a lovely cruise to Devonport and then straight down the middle ...the Heritage Highway....remember that for the Tassie nats!!

Cleaned 53's area in the shed and waiting, waiting, waiting. It will happen soon enough.

The 4000ks done in 53 is about 20 years of track work so I don't wonder it said "I've had enough" and decided to retire.
On the other hand HIS FC rocked, used about 200mls of oil in about 5500ks and about the same in water, and just went and went and went, we could not be more pleased with it, and NO SORE BUM

I can say that Judi and I have had a ball for the last five weeks. We have renewed great friendships, made new friends, seen unbelievable places we had never seen before and had the best time ever at the Nationals and as someone said "the intimate Nationals" it certainly was.

Congratulations to the West Australian Club and all their volunteers for a fabulous time and a well organised event and congratulations to those of the FE and FC fraternity that took the time to attend the event without a vehicle.. that is commitment.

The blogs from all the travellers from different states, of their adventures to and from Perth has been a highlight this year, and when I get time as others will, I think the photos will be a joy to look at.

We have enjoyed tremendously our association with the Nationals since our first at Phillip Island and we are so looking forward to organising the Tassie Nats and giving every body a little taste of our fantastic island.

See you all in Tassie in two years


Bill & Judi

The Weddo's.....home at last

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on May 07, 2012, 09:36:43 PM
Well .... we can now say we have finished and finally arived home!!!

53 arrived home today, rather impressive position on the front upper level of a transporter.

(http://s16.postimage.org/v7fi29jap/IMAG0150.jpg) ($2)

Took a little bit longer than anticipated, but worth the wait... we are happy!

Time to have a look at her, remove her most important bits, massage them back into a work of art again and HIT THE TRACK !!!

Well... maybe not that quick.. but you get the gist of things.

Will sleep a little more soundly tonight..

All finished from the Weddo's

Bill & Judi

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: customFC on May 07, 2012, 10:46:27 PM
Looks like a race transporter with the Widowmaker down below.
On a different point, is that the view from your place?
Bloody impressive!!
Can't wait to get down there for a look.
Congrats on the completion of your journey, and thanks for the ride along.

Title: Re: The Wedds are on their way to the Nats
Post by: weddo on May 08, 2012, 10:54:58 AM
G,day Alex,

Yes it is the view from our place, overlooking Fredrick Henry Bay, onto Hobart and Mount Wellington, good day or bad day it is still a great view.

