Title: ACCOMMODATION / NATS H.Q. Bookings Open Post by: surferboy on April 02, 2011, 05:25:43 PM BOOKINGS FOR ACCOMMODATION ARE NOW AVAILABLE Headquarters and accommodation for all attendees of the 14th FE-FC Holden Nationals Perth, Fri. April 6th - Mon. April 9th, 2012 Country Comfort Inter City, PERTH 249-263 Great Eastern Hwy, Belmont, WA. For all bookings and enquiries contact... Lance Yarrall. Reservations Manager (08) 9478 0890 (Direct Line) intres@touraust.com Visit the 14th Nationals website ($2) for further information. Title: Re: ACCOMMODATION / NATS H.Q. Bookings Open Post by: Hotlips on April 11, 2011, 04:49:20 PM ;)Why thank you sir, have booked in 3 SA couples. ;D ;D
Cheers Hotlips Title: Re: ACCOMMODATION / NATS H.Q. Bookings Open Post by: surferboy on January 15, 2012, 02:29:26 AM Just a quick note
The Country Comfort Hotel is part of what was the Constellation Hotel Group Constellation Hotels are now SilverNeedle Hotels It's part of an expansion into the Asian market and does not affect our arrangements with the Country Comfort Hotel 8) 8) 8) |