FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Technical Board => Restoration Help => Topic started by: Not Happy Jan on July 24, 2009, 08:11:21 PM

Title: Sand Blasting
Post by: Not Happy Jan on July 24, 2009, 08:11:21 PM
Just testing the waters because I have never done this before :P :-\ .... has anyone tried to do this themselves. Someone gave me a kit from bunnings and i thought that i would try it out on the backs of the guards and the front end to clean them up. I have a good strong compressor so that is not an issue.
I know I'll have to screen pretty well...
But how much and what sort of sand does it use  ???

Title: Re: Sand Blasting
Post by: FC427 on July 24, 2009, 08:55:46 PM
Don't use sand as it gives of gas which is poisonous...I think the disease is call silicosis ,you get from breathing the gas that is released from sand when it hits an object under pressure as in blasting ...There are many different mediums that can be used safely Garnet ,Glass, soda , Wallnut shell , plastic etc etc  I think unless your compressor is around 20CFM that doing more than a small area at home is out of the question ,Garnett comes in quiet a few grades and is your best bet and at around $25 a bag the most affordable .....FC427.....

Title: Re: Sand Blasting
Post by: TTV6FC on July 24, 2009, 09:06:09 PM
Be carefull not to blast big flat panels as they are easily distorted by the pressure/heating effect of the sand on the steel.The guy who does my sandblasting says any panel that you can easily push in (flat part of bonnet etc) should not be blasted.

Title: Re: Sand Blasting
Post by: Not Happy Jan on July 24, 2009, 10:37:11 PM
OK thanks.... so mainly back to elbow grease.
2 questions then
How do you get the  black stuff off the insides of the panels?
Where do you get walnut grit and will it work with the gun from bunnings ie what nozzle size suits walnut grit?

Cost effectiveness. Presumeably that i screen how much would i need to order to do the two front guards edges, apron, backs of bumpers, grill surround and two doors??. I would paintstrip the flat bits and sand them off.

Title: Re: Sand Blasting
Post by: FC427 on July 25, 2009, 10:06:44 AM
The Bunnings guns are very low volume gun I am using one in my blasting cabinet at the moment would take a long time to do what you want I only do small bits at home and send the rest out as it is not cost effective ,difficult to reclaim media , and puts dust and grit everywhere , sounds like you only have about $100 to $150 worth or blasting ......Just my opinion ........FC427.......

Title: Re: Sand Blasting
Post by: Not Happy Jan on July 30, 2009, 09:19:52 PM
I think that getting them done professioanlly is a much better option. Thanks All ;D