FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => General Board => Topic started by: RET on June 05, 2009, 08:33:43 PM

Title: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: RET on June 05, 2009, 08:33:43 PM
I've just had a call from Leon's mum. He's got his car finished (enough) and is on his way to Wintersun with his wife and kids.

Anyway, he's run into trouble and needs a spare tyre (and possibly a rim). He's somewhere near Taree on the highway, and doesn't want to leave the family to hitch for help, understandably.

Are there any forum members in the area or know anyone in that area who might be able to help?

If so, Leon can be reached on 0401 089461


Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: JB on June 05, 2009, 08:43:50 PM
Thats crappy news... I hope he gets the help he needs...  :( :(

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: NosFEratu on June 05, 2009, 09:05:44 PM
I'll pop this over on the FB EK and Ozrodders forum too - there may be someone in the area that can help

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: FC427 on June 05, 2009, 09:10:26 PM
Leon must have got away late he said he was going on Tuesday ....I am sure a fellow motorist will help him out :( once they see he has family on board and is stranded .....Hope he gets Help .......FC427.......

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: NosFEratu on June 05, 2009, 09:16:47 PM
I knew he a wiring "issue" late Monday night and he to go out and get a new alternator. 

I've popped RET's message onto the FB EK forum (I know that not all of them were travelling to Bendigo this weekend) and OzRodders are always hounding him for updates so hopefully there's a few people on their forums tonight that might be able to help.

Thanks RET - I'm sure Leon, his kid and his pregnant wife will really appreciate your help :)

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: NosFEratu on June 05, 2009, 09:17:53 PM
yeah I know - make that kids  :D

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: RET on June 05, 2009, 10:11:15 PM
I rang Dan (FE-FC member from the Mid North Coast) to see if he had any contacts. I spoke to Di who put me onto Rick from Hastings Old Holden Club. He was going to see what he could scare up.

I was explaining this to Leon when he had a callcome through - hopefully it was the cavalry. I've heard nothing more... Will post here if I do.


Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: RET on June 05, 2009, 11:38:00 PM
Got a text from Leon, he's got a wheel and tyre, but...

... seems the socket for the locknut might still be back in Sydney...

Hopefully he'll get to Wintersun.


Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: RET on June 05, 2009, 11:45:08 PM
No sooner do I hit post...

The wheel is now on, but unfortunately the battery has been flattened. Please say a prayer for Leon & fam, hopefully they can get moving again soon.

It'll make a great story, one day.


Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: NosFEratu on June 06, 2009, 09:51:25 AM
Thanks for the update RET  :D

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: Papa Smurf on June 06, 2009, 11:30:43 AM
Does this poor guy have any luck at all - hope all is & goes well from here on.

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: coolmum on June 06, 2009, 02:30:21 PM

Hi all you wonderful people. I'm Leon’s Mum.

Thank you so much for all your thoughts, ideas, help and even prayers for Leon to get FCCOOL to Queensland for its debut comeback.   

After so many countless hours of dedicated ingenious and hard work on this worthy project it’s disheartening to see these things going on for him.  :'(
It’s a shame he couldn’t have arranged to have an escort to take this amazing car out on it's first big run.
A film crew along even  :o could have captured all this for starters!
What a story???
A testimony to his passion, more than commendable drive to push on and not give up until he reaches his goal, against the odds and trying conditions. To see FCCOOL, come through to victory.

I believe he certainly deserves some kind of award at "Wintersun" for that alone.

At leats he has all of you cheering him on from the sidelines along the way.

My reason for posting right now is for an update for my self.
Leon phoned me with very little phone credit and only one charged mobile phone between himself and his wife Michelle. (little Leon Jr. had been using mums phone to amuse him self on the trip with phone games unsuspecting of a what was about to happen) when his tyre blew out.

Due to space problems, the car loaded with all but the spare on board, the unthinkable happens. Just past the Taree turnoff, on the freeway to Queensland.

I have a sister the other side of Taree, who I contacted. She begins to send out word to locals for the not so usual type of tyre needed.

He mentions this forum so of course as "mum" I go to work in Sydney try to find help.
First finding lovely Richard who sends out the SOS to Leon’s mates along the coastline.

Then I make contact with him again to assure him Richard is on the job too, and find a motorist has just stopped. But this rare wheel is a hard find on Friday evening of a long week end. And even to take his wheel for repair would mean leaving all that is most dear to him in the world unguarded on the side of the road.
His pregnant wife, his two beautiful little boys, and of course  ..."FC COOL" attracting the admiring gaze and attention of every passer by.

So Leon has no option but to stay with the precious car and, even more so, very precious cargo.

Reliant now only on whatever help comes his way 
                                                                     ...on the freeway.

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: coolmum on June 06, 2009, 02:31:43 PM
Word came back that there are no doubt tyres with a club member at "Bowraville". Though way too far ahead at this stage of his journey to be useful. If only we could find someone who was heading southward from Coffs Harbour region who could do a rescue drop off!

Then I next hear that Leon has received another call that someone at Port Macquarie has a heap of the exact required wheels standing by on loan offer. But again still just out of reach to make use of to get Leon’s beloved family  ...and "cool car" on the northbound road again.
I had to hang up as Leon had yet another call coming through. More ideas of help and further encouragement.
It seems someone about to drive south, may be able to bring a wheel from the Kempsey district, but he won't be leaving before around 4:00 am. Meaning a seven hour "camp in the car" at least, ahead for Leon’s boys.

What an unexpected adventure my cool little grandsons are having.
Camping in "daddy’s FC wagon" on its first big "run in", out of town!
Good thing they are all now bedded down in lots of not so cool blankets!
Lets hope it wont turn out to be a seven hour roadside sleep over.
Comfy accommodation for this little battling family in the Sunshine state going to waste, and all!

  ...Meanwhile the wonderful guy at Port Macquarie is also still on the job. With hope that a closer contact of his, near Old Barr may be able to assist "the Cool Family".
Worst come to worst this great guy at "the port", has even indicated he may yet personally come to the rescue, and make the long drive down and back.

A welcome relief to this mum of "FC COOL", I really must admit.

My next call to Leon is good news. The motorist who stopped earlier is back. He has an odd, though suitable tyre that will fit at least to get the family moving again. It's more like a four wheel drive style tyre, Leon tells me, but the rim will fit, and an exchange of $45. with this so welcome stranger, makes it a real bargain in this situation to get all to safety off the roadside.
The plan is to get to Port Macquarie on this wheel, fit FCCOOL with the offered matching wheel, and roll on up and over the QLD. boarder in original FCCOOL style.

The prayers are working.

The local trader leaves Leon to fit the wheel.

Only I discover on my next check in that the rare and special (just like my boy  ;) )imported socket Leon uses to remove the wheel nuts can't be found on board.
Its either at home with the spare, or lost in the dark amidst unpacked bags and bedding in the make shift sleeping place of young "Leon and Karsons" big adventure.

I'm in the same Sydney suburb, and Leon is now asking I go down and do a search of his garage workshop floor! Yikes! Is he kidding?  :o
But then again he knows I'm a "Cool mum" so I guess he isn’t.

So I get on my warm hunting clothes, steal capped boots and head on down.

Finding the light switch in the dark in this “geniuses workshop” (to my boy :-* ) was my first big challenge.
I survived that quite well,  ;D I'm proud to say, and began to survey the areas I'd been instructed to pan in.
I think I may have struck gold, and now have to drive back home to “phone in” with the news. How to get the thing there is next bridge to cross. Get there first.

I get back home and begin to describe on the phone, this cylindric silver nugget to the master.
Unfortunately I've struck out.

Ruling out that object (what ever that thing was    ) I make another trip back down with even more descriptive details of the lost treasure I'm in search of, and further clues Leon has come up with as to its elusive whereabouts.

On return to Leon’s home base battle ground, my next find is looking good. Way more fitting the description, I think I have it for sure this time, and as I'm heading back home I’m thinking of ways I can relay a picture of “the find” to ground zero, to make certain it’s “the one”, as I begin to consider the idea of the request I sense is coming next in relation to my cool motherly duties.
An unexpected Friday night drive to have an unplanned visit with my dear sis at Wingham. 

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: coolmum on June 06, 2009, 02:33:12 PM
Back home at the phone… “Unsuccessful again”... but the bad news is met with good.. Another wonderful motorist had been able to assist with a special tool that made the rare wheel nuts come free, with a bit of technical manoeuvring and will power!  The wheel was off and the replacement was on!  :D
FCCOOL now ready to roll on to the next pit stop at Part Macquarie. "Wintersun" or bust!

Leon advised me at this stage that his mobile phone was now also about to run out of charge.
Aware of the need to save what ever charge that was left for the unforseen on route to Port Macquarie, I quickly (of course)  have to relay my final words of motherly advice; “Make sure you both recharge your phones at the Port”.
 I'm assured by Michelle’s the elated voice in the background that "all phone charges are on board" (just not car charges unfortunately  ::) ) and I advise the hopeful travellers; "I'll call you in few hours to see how it all went".

My most sincere mothers hope is that Leon will take the opportunity to give more than his FCCOOL car a pit stop and rest at Port Macquarie.  :'(  As I understand he has slept little more than a few staggered hours, in days, in preparation of his prized car for this long awaited trip and event. 

Well that my part of this update.
Now I'm asking for yours.
Many hours have past since I last got through to the "Cool's"
Phone says; "not available"?  :'(

Then I read here that after I had believed they were finaly on their way, they had more than phone battery trouble!!!!   :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(
Surely not???  :(

So I imagine the phone battery ran right out about that time too, as I have heard a word since.  :-X

 ???  ???  ???
Did they make it to Port Macquarie?
Was the wheel what they needed?
Did they take more than 3 seconds to charge the phones before they resumed the journey northbound?
Were the phone chargers on board FCCOOL, or still at home in Sydney with the spare wheel and the super special socket?  :-[
Did little Leon have so much faith and confidence in the amazing FCCOOL, re any further mishaps, that he again went back to playing phone games  ::)   on both mum and dads phones, while Mum  :D was peacefully dozing?
    ...or even worse (God forbid  ::) ,... while "Dad" was dozing?  ??? 
Were they stopped at the boarder and detained for the kids having "cool bananas" hidden under the seat!
Did they push on through and make miraculous time, and are now recovering nicely from exhaustion in a luxury motel suite, too distracted by the spa and big soft bed,  :D  :D  to remember to plug the phones in?
...or why they had come at to the land of sun at all???  ???    ::) for Leon...most likely...NOT!

Or was there a ticket tape welcoming party at the boarder awaiting Leon, the cool dude with his cool brood in FCCOOL, that caused him to have to be detained and spend the next 6 hrs signing autographs and "posing"  ;D  for car magazine photos, by his incredible COOL FC?

If you have heard from Leon and can offer me any further update at all of your own, I would be more than grateful.

Please, please let me know.
 With thanks to you all...   :-*
                         ~ FCCOOL’s  Coolmum.
                                       …actually “very proud Mum”!

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: NosFEratu on June 06, 2009, 04:17:47 PM
Hi Coolmum

Thanks for your updates on Leon's Big Adventure.  And as RET says, it'll make a good "I remember the time" story for Leon at some stage in the future!  :D

As Lizard said, does Leon ever have any luck? More than he probably thinks actually!  He's got a dedicated and proud mum, people like RET jumping on the phone (and forum) to rally people to help, kind hearted passerby's not to mention an awful lot people who would dearly love to see Leon finally enjoy his car. You can't ask for better than that except for Leon to make sure the spare wheel and lock nut spanner take priority next time! But..... all of us have taken risks at times - some of us have gotten away with it - some of us haven't!  :-\

Please let us know when Leon, Michelle and the boys arrive at Wintersun. 

And, as a mother (and grandmother) you have every right to be both concerned and also very proud of him, especially his determination.  :) 


Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: RET on June 06, 2009, 06:51:46 PM
Well after disappearing off the face of the earth for most of the day, Leon has turned up at Coolangatta late this afternoon. Coolmum was starting to get concerned, but just rang me to let me know she'd heard from him at last.

Not really sure of the entire story, but they've finally arrived at Wintersun, and I'm sure will enjoy what's left of the event.

A big thank you to Rick from Hastings Old Holden Car Club for his assistance getting Leon mobile again.


PS: Leon - when you get around to reading this... Mate, a spare tyre is like an Amex Card. Don't leave home without one ;D

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: rat on June 06, 2009, 07:42:52 PM
to get the a lock nut off a 3/4 socket smashed over the lock nut will work  8)

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: NosFEratu on June 06, 2009, 08:51:23 PM
thanks for the update RET - and yes, definitely big thanks to Rick for helping out Leon.

And let's hope Leon has an uneventful trip back home!

BTW - Ozrodder's has reported that a hot rod was stolen out of a secure underground car park overnight up there. 

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: customFC on June 07, 2009, 09:17:31 PM
Here's some photographic evidence that Leon made it to Wintersun OK.

BTW, a HQ Monaro was stolen at the same time as the Model A.
Here's an article:

http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/collectors-shattered-by-classic-car-thefts-20090607-bzps.html ($2)


Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: NES304 on June 07, 2009, 10:22:13 PM
What a bunch of Far%ing R soles!!!!!

What a crap society we live in when mongrels like that are lurking about

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: Mrs EffCee on June 08, 2009, 09:39:40 PM
OMG - Leon, so glad to see you finally made it.

BTW EffCee after reading those drama's and knowing what your luck is like, if you are lucky enough to actually have OUR FC finished by Orange, we are definately taking the cruiser with the car trailer on the back and towing the bloody car!!!  ;D ;D ;D

You know me well.... do you think I'd have the patience to handle all that  :-\

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: EffCee on June 08, 2009, 09:51:16 PM
Well done Leon,

Good to see you made it, what a great job you have done, I am looking forward to catching up with you. What an inspiration you are, the drive that you have and the never give up attitude.

I would like to think that there are a lot of people who are sitting, reading this thread, applauding you and the work that you have done against all adversity.

I also think that it is great when people are willing to "jump in" and offer any help that they may be able to provide to help a person in need. A huge well done to those that helped Leon and family out.

Good Luck on the return leg and travel safe.


Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: NO NAME on June 09, 2009, 05:31:58 AM
i am home, the trip home was 100% hassle free.

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: Tailshaft_Tim on June 09, 2009, 06:22:07 AM

Congratulations Leon

You've done such a great job on FCCOOL and the photos look fantastic.  It's great to see your wagon back on the road and I'm glad that you made it back home okay.  I'm looking forward to seeing it in Orange next year.  It's obvious how much work you've put in and how far the wagon has come - I still remember you cutting the rust out of it in your front yard in the rain years ago.  I've always loved wagons and yours has been one of my favourites.  It looked great under the Sydney Harbour Bridge during the 2001 Penrith Nats.

Cheers, Tim.


Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: pedro on June 09, 2009, 09:32:10 AM
Glad to hear you made it home alright Leon, sounds like you had a memorable adventure, the wagon is looking great, I still find it hard to believe you did such a good job on it working under a gazebo in the driveway. 8) 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: Ed on June 09, 2009, 11:50:08 AM
Hey Leon,

Great to see you made it there and back!

love the shots of your wagon, keen to check it out in the flesh soon.

Well done RET et al for helping out Leon.

nice tip on the lock nut removal too rat.



Title: Re: SOS from FCCOOL
Post by: zulu on June 09, 2009, 01:46:19 PM
Good goin Leon, wagon looks  8) cooooooooooooool, great to see it out and about and pleased to hear you all made it home ok.

Cheers Gary