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Technical Board => Restoration Help => Topic started by: nick on November 30, 2002, 10:29:44 AM

Title: Fitting glass to station sedan
Post by: nick on November 30, 2002, 10:29:44 AM
Just spent ages fitting new seals to rear windows. Tail gate was'nt too bad but sides very tricky.
Fitted from the inside and pulled string outward, very tight fit used feet.rubber mallet, is the right way to go about this????
Still have the other side to do and am worried might smash glass!
Any advice , tips, words of warning, greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Fitting glass to station sedan
Post by: HARKO on November 30, 2002, 12:54:46 PM
Hey Nick ,When instaling the cut down screen into my ute we bashed it so hard with the mallet that I expected it to break and was very surprised it didnt.
The utes got laminated glass and you are using toughened glass which has differnt characteristics and is genuinely a lot stronger.
I doubt you will damage the glass unless it has a pressure point somewhere and you will realise straight away if this is the problem because it will shatter immediately.
Using your feet is the way to go and try soapy water in the seal before you place the rope in.
I also pulled the rear side windows out of my wagon a couple of weeks back and they came out front first so I would install them in the reverse order - front last in.
Good luck Ill keep my fingers crossed mate :)

Title: Re: Fitting glass to station sedan
Post by: FCwagon on December 03, 2002, 09:15:51 PM
I had to Remove/fit the rear glass to my wagon a couple of times due to doing different jobs at different times - painting the roof again etc.etc. Wasn't too bad a job & sounds like you're going about it close to the right way.
To make it easy, I made up a solution of 50/50 dishwashing liquid/water in a squirty bottle & gave the body & seal a good dose. Makes everything real slippery & the window pops in without any heavy bashing. Just need to give it a thump to settle the seal and bingo.
After a few days the solution evaporates from inside the seal & if needed you can then use some sealant.

Title: Re: Fitting glass to station sedan
Post by: nick on December 05, 2002, 02:12:04 PM
Thanks for the info.
Got the last one in ok.
The rubbers were'nt the greatest fit top rear corner on both sides
out  about half inch. Still if they keep the water out it will be great.

Title: Re: Fitting glass to station sedan
Post by: FCwagon on December 05, 2002, 11:53:41 PM
I formed new corners on the rubbers with black silastic once the glass settled. I masked with tape and smoothed off with a rag and/or finger soaked with mineral turps. Makes it look a lot better.
The original seals had a squarish corner section but the replacement ones now have taken a short cut.

Title: Re: Fitting glass to station sedan
Post by: nick on December 06, 2002, 01:23:29 PM
I'll give that a go.

Title: Re: Fitting glass to station sedan
Post by: 4hammers on December 14, 2002, 10:16:00 AM
Hi Fellas.
Thanks for the info. I fitted the 3 rear windows on my wagon after the big respray. Followed your advice & voila!! Perfect. The only problem, the corners like you say, & when the panel beaters had cleaned up around the edge (the ridge where the rubber slots in), they inadvertently sharpened up that edge. Took a chunk out of one rubber!! Bitch!!
But not to worry, will fix.