Title: Who makes these 50th anniversary badges? Post by: Paul In Ireland on March 09, 2008, 12:06:01 AM http://cgi.ebay.ie/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=120227272823&ssPageName=STRK:MEDW:IT&ih=002
And what do they really cost? I was offered a second chance offer for $60 - I had bid up that far, not realising what the final price would be. Are they a limited edition or could I get one cheaper from the original maker or supplier? Thanks. Title: Re: Who makes these 50th anniversary badges? Post by: FC0058 on March 09, 2008, 08:06:15 AM Paul
I wandered that myself, I bidded on one and it sold for a bit over $60, my highest bid was $25 and no second chance offer. Surely they would cost a heap less than $60. I want one for the car and one for the cabinet but am not willing to pay over inflated prices for a new item with no limit to the number being produced. I would hazard a guess that if manufacture in bulk 50 to 100 they would cost $15 to $25 each Cheers Jim Title: Re: Who makes these 50th anniversary badges? Post by: Paul In Ireland on March 09, 2008, 10:33:26 AM Jim - He has now offered me 2 for $120 - I am tempted but like you say it isn't the cheapest price for something that I would have thought was $30 +/- given it will become a collectable.
Gunna hold fire for a bit longer..... Title: Re: Who makes these 50th anniversary badges? Post by: spybo on March 09, 2008, 10:50:42 AM Hey guys,
We could do our own version.....have just completed a run of badges for the nats...something like the one on ebay could be done for approx $30-35 per badge so if there was enough interest I could get some made up. That way we could make sure they WERE limited editions. Just a thought |