FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Technical Board => Restoration Help => Topic started by: oldholden on February 08, 2008, 08:53:41 PM

Title: Posting pics (was part of "Original FE" thread)
Post by: oldholden on February 08, 2008, 08:53:41 PM
[ EDIT BY RET: These posts have been split out of the "Original FE ($2)" thread. ]

Howdy Fella's

Thanks for all your feedback. I want to post some pics but am not sure how (call me stupid, thats ok!). There is an "insert pics" tab above where I am typing but it looks like I need to insert a hyperlink. Is that correct? Otherwise I can click insert picture and get this (http://)

Tom aka oldholden

Title: Posting pics
Post by: customFC on February 08, 2008, 09:57:49 PM
Hey Tom.
You need to insert a URL.
Therefore you first have to upload your pics to a host location.
Many use photobucket and once uploaded you insert the created URL.

Start here:
http://fefcholden.org.au/forum/index.php/topic,5613.0.html ($2)


Title: Posting pics
Post by: Geoff_K on February 09, 2008, 11:01:39 PM
Hi Alex,
I feel for Tom.
This URL, uploading to a photo site etc., never seems to work for.
I'll admit that I have only tried once or twice (about a year apart) but each time, after I had carefully followed all the steps, something alway seemed to stuff me up: either it was the Mac Browser didn't like the "Photo' bucket; I did not want to give my credit card details to become a member; my photos were too big/small or the wrong format; and when I did upload a photo or 2, next time I visited the site, I could not find them again (or when I finally did, could not get them to go to the forum site. ( I must have somehow created a photobucket account somewhere along the line because they email about an account, that I can't even remember how to get into)
I know this is a big winge, but I would love to post photos (I assume '.jpg' files) and graphics files '.pdf' files.
Alex, I see all your images, and get the impression that you store all your photos on the web somewhere.
Why is it not possible to just attach the images to the post, like one does with an email?
I am reasonably computer literate, but am currently defeated.  I need a step by step instuction manual ( and I mean step by step, not just go here, go there type stuff) from start to finish, with a named example.  I tried the forum set of instructions, and it beat me, wanted to punch out the computer.  Why is it so hard, and if these guys who build these sites want you to use them, where is the down loadable pdf file that provides the step by step (printable) instuctions to get it working.
Alex, don't feel obliged to help on this one, just keep posting great archive photos.
Sorry to seen so negative, but I guess things are not always easy, and this one has snookered me!!!

Title: Posting pics
Post by: mikey on February 10, 2008, 12:01:19 AM
            Sent you a PM regarding posting pics.

Title: Posting pics
Post by: customFC on February 10, 2008, 12:12:27 AM
Hey Geoff.
I hope I wasn't coming across as a smartarse.
Just answering a question with what I hoped would help.
I get that not everyone gets this computer stuff.
That's why I never let a problem like sharing pics stand in anybodys way, by offering to get them up for them.
So Tom, if your still having probs getting the pics up, just email them to me and I will help you get 'em on the forum.

My email addy:

I just ask that the pics are attached to the email rather than embedded.

Title: Posting pics
Post by: customFC on February 10, 2008, 12:22:07 AM
This may help, it's a link to photobuckets tutorials.
http://tutorials.photobucket.com/ ($2)
I would suggest these 3 for the basics.
Setting upload options
http://tutorials.photobucket.com/tutorial_158.html ($2)
Uploading a Single Image
http://tutorials.photobucket.com/tutorial_3.html ($2)
Uploading Multiple Images
http://tutorials.photobucket.com/tutorial_39.html ($2)

I don't want to take the post off topic, so hopefully Tom can get the pics to me or upload them himself and we can all get to see his cool car.

Title: Posting pics
Post by: Geoff_K on February 10, 2008, 04:07:46 PM
Test for Image Placement
been working on it all day.
Image is old, and not really relevant, but because it had been posted bymcl59 last year it should be sized within perameters, and I can get to image resizing on another day.
If it works, it is thanks to RET, customfc, and mikey, thanks guys.
Tilley Kit on FE Ute (copy of image from Oct 2007)
ps moderators: if this works/fails please delete after 24hours

Title: Re: Posting pics (was part of "Original FE" thread)
Post by: RET on February 10, 2008, 05:17:57 PM
I've separated out these posts into a separate thread, rather than delete them.


The easiest was to resize images on the Mac is to use one of the following:

Downsize by Stunt Software http://www.stuntsoftware.com (This one works with iPhoto libraries or folders of photos)

Photo Tool http://www.pixture.com/software/macosx.php (this is a contextual menu plug-in, for doing all sorts of nifty image manipulations. There's also a related one called QuickImage, which converts images between formats, ie PNG -> GIF or PDF -> JPG, without having to go through Photoshop or some other program. You just right-click on photo(s), and choose the appropriate tool)
