FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => General Board => Topic started by: FE350 on December 20, 2007, 07:21:18 PM

Title: car and misses
Post by: FE350 on December 20, 2007, 07:21:18 PM
Has any one got any old trade secrets on finding time away from the misses to work on our cars?

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on December 20, 2007, 07:54:00 PM
Get 'em hooked on night-time telly  ;)

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: FE350 on December 20, 2007, 11:16:40 PM
thats a great idea cheers i'll try that!!

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: NO NAME on December 21, 2007, 12:34:38 AM
Has any one got any old trade secrets on finding time away from the misses to work on our cars?
wow, it happens to you too.

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: Ed on December 21, 2007, 08:32:38 AM
Unlucky.... or lucky??

I'm encouraged to go and work on my car... apparently it gets me out of the house.

hey do you think she's trying to tell me something???

possibly the car needs improvement  ;D ;D



Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: FC427 on December 21, 2007, 10:35:10 AM
The secret is  1/ never spend to much time with them in the first place . 2/ Get to the shed as often as possible even just for a short time to get them use to it, it will take several years to train them .  3/ Never seem to excited about [ HAVING TO WORK ON THE CAR ] if it sounds like work and not fun she may be happier . 4/ Always encourage her to spend more time with her family and friends . 5/ Never ever tell her what it costs ........FC427..... 

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: cajerridoc on December 21, 2007, 10:42:44 AM
The win/win option is to ask for sex. You'll either get told to go away or sex. Win/win.

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: ridgey_didge on December 21, 2007, 11:05:19 AM
Fix the pergola first in my case, or do something else from her list of jobs for you to do - hopefully the simplest but most impressive.
Cheers all

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: Ed on December 21, 2007, 11:10:24 AM
The secret is  1/ never spend to much time with them in the first place . 2/ Get to the shed as 5/ Never ever tell her what it costs ........FC427..... 
Amen.. women get jealous of cars too!  the "other woman" syndrome.
Particularly evident around this time of year.
buying the mrs a nice gift for Christmas does the trick for me and keeps the Christmas cards coming from the bank manager.. lol

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: ratbox on December 21, 2007, 02:18:26 PM
sounds like you have a kool missus aswell ed  ;D
if they don't like you working on the car ditch 'em, or the car addiction cause they're never gunna change and in the end you'll end up like a mate of mine who has tons of kool stuff but can very rarely use it cause his balls are securely in his missus's purse, once yor married to them with kids and a house then they drag out the "if you don't do what i say you'll be out of here working to pay for a house you don't live in and kids you don't see" :o

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: Trevor_B on December 21, 2007, 04:48:44 PM
Hey guys,
I have the answer....

build her a car!


Just look at that smile when I handed over the keys and it tells you it wasn't hard for me to get the time in the shed.


although I did get a chance to test drive it first  ;)

After a 15 months rebuild, our 2nd FC is finally on the road (after the usual registration challenges) - all ready for the Nats.

See you there,


Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: FE350 on December 21, 2007, 07:20:49 PM
thats a beautiful fc ute mate well done, i love that colour green... i think i might try the win/win one, sex or car sounds good to me..

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: zulu on December 21, 2007, 08:09:04 PM
Confucius say: unhappy wife, unhappy life............. or was that, Confucius say: man with no wife soon have solution in hand..............anyway, I am very fortunate, my missus, like some of the other blokes is happy for me to spend time on the cars.
David has a good point though, it helps to do a little job around the place now & again as well.
Ute looks good Tevor.

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: colt on December 21, 2007, 09:23:36 PM
Or you can have lots of things on the go at once. When she whinges about you not finished anything yet, just tell her you need more time in the garage.

If you havent got a garage, tell her you need a BIG one. When you get the garage, just keep hiding yourself so she cant find you.

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: ekdave1962 on December 22, 2007, 10:59:09 AM
Ah Guys ya DOING

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: Addo on December 22, 2007, 10:45:43 PM
The only thing that works for me is "don't work on your car so much that the missus gets the shits with you, wait till she gets the shits with you then go work on your car." They won't come near you, guaranteed. Depending on your relationship you may get a lot done or very little!

Title: Re: car and misses
Post by: Damo58 on December 23, 2007, 10:10:04 PM
well iam lucky because my lovely wife bought my fc for me  ;D ;D now all iam trying to do is get the money out of her to get it fixed up and on the road  ;D ::) but iam finding that bit a lot harder but at least its sitting here and i can dream fir the time been about what iam going to do to it

                                     Cheers Damo58