Title: 9" to suit FE-C Post by: Neil Armstrong on October 15, 2002, 09:04:19 AM Hi I have a ford nine inch diff housiong which has been shortened to suit a EK, so can be used for an FE-FC.
Diff comes with housing, axles, option of a 3-1 or 2.75-1 diff centre, brake components and drums Asking price is $700 ono Neil Title: Re: 9" to suit FE-C Post by: HARKO on October 15, 2002, 10:55:37 AM G'day Neil.
I'm interested , Email me or preferably "I M" me some detail's please mate (ie background and condition of gear's [3.1] etc) I think I'm runnin too large of a blower and with the rear wheel diametre so big it seem's to strain the poor little stocker ::) vicki51@tpg.com.au - Email problem's but will be sorted within the week Thank's mate,,,,,,,,,,,Harko Title: Re: 9" to suit FE-C Post by: Neil Armstrong on October 17, 2002, 06:16:43 AM Hi Harko
The diff housing is at a freinds house and the centre is being reconditioned at the moment so i will keep you posted thank you Neil Title: Re: 9" to suit FE-C Post by: HARKO on October 17, 2002, 09:53:36 AM OK Mate I'd appreciate that, Thank's
Title: Re: 9" to suit FE-C Post by: ralf on October 21, 2002, 07:11:45 AM i'll give ya a million cazillion dollars for the diff
Title: Re: 9" to suit FE-C Post by: HARKO on October 21, 2002, 10:07:09 PM Wow ralf,,,,I remember paying that much at a wrecker's once for a Holden part "but Ford" You are lost my tired friend , Turn thee to the light for thou lion haseth the key .
and hey "Wait in line" Title: Re: 9" to suit FE-C Post by: HARKO on November 05, 2002, 01:00:30 PM Hi Neil
I was hoping that you would Internal Mail me a number I can reach you on . Would like to hear of your progress and I have a few more question's about the diff If you click on my name Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Send this member a private message You should'nt have any drama's Thank's mate Title: Re: 9" to suit FE-C Post by: neil armstrong on November 08, 2002, 09:11:45 AM Harko
The diff is currently in the possesion of my mate, who has decided to put the diff in hi 350 EH wagon to test it out and has liked it so much he dwecided to hang on to it for a while as it was original his diff. But ill keep you posted on anything that hapens Thank you neil |