FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Technical Board => General Technical => Topic started by: fccool59 on June 27, 2007, 10:54:51 AM

Title: steering box lube
Post by: fccool59 on June 27, 2007, 10:54:51 AM
i pulled the cover of my steering box (EJ) to replace it with a chrome one and it looks like there has been a corpse decomposing in there, should i clean it out and re lube it, if so what should i use?

Title: Re: steering box lube
Post by: Jonno on June 28, 2007, 12:11:04 AM
I was told that 'Penrite steering box lube' was the stuff to use. I obtained mine from Scotts (www.scottsoldautorubber.com.au) but I'm sure it is sold elsewhere too.


Title: Re: steering box lube
Post by: Brad on June 28, 2007, 08:57:27 AM
Hey Cool
    The manual says that S.A.E 90 EP. or S.A.E.  140 E.P.  gear oil may be used as a substitute for the factory 9 fluid ounces of a special steering box grease confirming to GMH specification C.G.1.   :o :o.
  It goes on to say that to check the level in the box you should
" remove the steering gear cover LOWER attaching bolt, and with steering gear in the straight ahead position , insert a length of 1/16 dia welding wire through the bolt hole to act as a dipstick. The wire should penetrate approx. 3  & 1/4 in. into the housing. if correct the lubricant level should be 1 & 1/2 in. minimum from bottom of wire "

Title: Re: steering box lube
Post by: FB_MAD on June 28, 2007, 09:46:12 AM
I'd use the SAE 140 oil as its thicker and less likely to get past a worn seal.

Better still make a slurry from SAE 140 oil and Molybdenum disulpide grease ( you know, that grey grease that is near impossible to washed out of the pores and creases in your skin !! ) and fill a large syringe ( available from a vet ) up with it and pump it into the filler hole in the steering box top cover.


Title: Re: steering box lube
Post by: mcl1959 on June 28, 2007, 11:57:43 PM
I used the oil as per the manual once and the stuff dripped out of the bottom of the steering box for months past the seal.  Go with a grease rather than an oil would be my recommendation.


Title: Re: steering box lube
Post by: craiga on June 29, 2007, 01:22:16 AM
I have used the Terry method - only because I experienced exactly the same problem Ken describes.

Title: Re: steering box lube
Post by: fccool59 on June 30, 2007, 08:20:17 PM
should i first wash it out with a degreaser, its full off old dirty grease but has also had water in it while it was stored and there is some orange stuff, its already painted in white with pearl and the box is kinda roughly polished.
i had a look in the shed and i only have bearing grease and rubber grease, whats this other grease that doesnt wash of your hands?

Title: Re: steering box lube
Post by: FB_MAD on June 30, 2007, 11:48:27 PM
I wouldn't use a water based degreaser as you will have to wash it out with water and thats no good.
While the covers still off I'd fill the box up with petrol or kero and try and slosh it around with a small clean paintbrush or something and leave it for a day or two.The old grease will dissolve in the petrol/kero and then pour out ( all in theory ) but you might have to have a couple of goes at it.

If your steering column is still in the car you will have to try and get it out some other way like compressed air or something but it will be messy.

You could pinch your misses hair dryer and try and dry the water out BEFORE you try the petrol/kero try.
Petrol/kero and sparks from hairdryers is an explosion waiting to happen, so make sure you use the hairdryer before you get petrol or kero near the steering box.

The grease I mentioned contains Molybdenum disulphide and is a dark grey color and is hard to get out of your skin ( I know... I got covered in it on my bucks night !! ).It wears out eventually though.
Its available at most lubricant supply places.
