FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => General Board => Topic started by: RET on January 11, 2007, 11:05:10 PM

Title: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: RET on January 11, 2007, 11:05:10 PM
Woolworths/Safeway are donating all profits from trading on Jan 23 to the CWA (to support farming families and communities) as well as several sustainable agriculture research projects.

The press release can be found here ($2).

O/T I know, but seems a good cause worth promoting.


Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: COL58FE on January 12, 2007, 06:23:16 AM
    all profit's! seems a good cause to promote, yeh right. spose there gunna make it rain next week in the far nsw west  too. how can you promote a company that pushes out the little battler then makes out it doing them a favour, wake up and see the  light ret. after all it got f@#* all to do with fe/fc's anyway as you bluntly remind us all so fequently of. i thought your harbour bridge promotion was bad hmmm fair-dinkium.

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: customFC on January 12, 2007, 10:43:46 AM
Wooooaaa Col....get the bug outa ya arse.
Any effort to help the struggling farmers should be applauded regardless of what you might think of the company behind it.
As for off topic posts........did you not read the O/T in the title? If you don't want to waste your time, heed the warning and don't F%$#in open it.
With over 3000 posts, I think RET should be allowed an O/T every now and then.

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: COL58FE on January 12, 2007, 01:44:27 PM
      no bug up my arse, if the big company's(wooly's/coles etc) looked after the farmers in the first place they'd have a better chance of getting through the drought by themself's.  In stead they rip them off when buying from them and rip all consumers off too.
I do agree though all farmer's do need extra assistance. don't worry about that.  
as for the O/T- so should we all be allowed to post a couple no matter how many post one has done.
O/T or not if i agree or disagree on a subject i'll tell it like i see it, and sometime's i don't say anything.
but i'll open what i want to f@#%in open.
don't like it band me no loss to me either way,
as my comment's were to ret not you alex but i guess your in it now.

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on January 12, 2007, 10:33:41 PM
For a potential 3 million dollar donation you should put your differences aside and pull your head in Col.
I'm no fan of the "big guy" but for the sake of the farmers if I am buying groceries that day I'll go to Woolies.

As to O/T, there was fair warning, nuff said.

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: RET on January 12, 2007, 11:44:19 PM
I don't think I need to justify myself or what I post, to Col or anyone else.  However, just to clarify:

I was asked if I could publicise this by a family member from a rural community, which I was happy to do.

If you have philosophical issues with Woolies, that's your prerogative.  I don't think they are responsible for the drought, but hey, maybe it's a global conspiracy or something.  If you don't want to shop there, don't shop there.  Or go there on the 23rd, and never darken their door again.  Whatever.  I'm not on commission, from Woolies or, for that matter, the Historic Houses Trust.

As for the suggestion that I might ban you because you disagreed with me? Grow up.  You are entitled to your opinion, and so am I, administrator's hat or not.

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: FB_MAD on January 13, 2007, 03:30:47 AM
We all know these big companies screw the farmers and then screw the consumers and I'm not happy at all about that.

However...... if all profits made on that day go to the struggling farmers and communities then my missus shopping trolley will be making its way in for a months worth of groceries instead of a weeks worth.

PR stunt maybe,but its helping them poor buggers out there cope with this f#*%g drought.

I don't have a problem with it being off topic.....at least its for a good cause.

My thoughts,


Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: Shayne on January 13, 2007, 04:37:10 AM
As an example of how much the drought is hurting the rural sector, the family company I work for is operating on 8% of its normal turnover this year.  We normally employ 45 people at this time of year, currently we have 5 on the books.  I'm doing the jobs that 6 people would normally do, and I'm still only racking up about 50 hours per week.  We are a service industry to the agricultural sector.  Our whole town of 3500 people is hurting, not just the farmers.

The only way we can get people in the city to realise how much it affects them all is by getting these big corporates on board.  They are the ones who can advertise and make people think about this serious situation.  Without them, many city folk would perhaps think we are just a bunch of 'whinging farmers'.

Maybe when people go into Woolies on that day, they might stop to consider where the milk, weetbix, bread, butter, fruit, veges, meats et al come from.  I'll bet most of these people don't normally even think about it.

We don't have a Woolies in out town so don't think I'm on any kickbacks.

Now all get yourselves ready for a big group hug.

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: Spinner on January 13, 2007, 04:49:30 AM
I am happy that the remaining MIG-19 aircraft will be looked after by Woolworths/Safeways.  The shortage of these aircraft could indeed be called a drought, especially if their numbers are compared to the heady days of the 1950's.



Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: COL58FE on January 13, 2007, 06:02:16 AM
          o.k o.k, i'm off to stockton sand dunes
head-first   :-X.

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: collecta on January 13, 2007, 09:35:18 AM
Dead set col i dont normally respond to shit like this but you make yourself look like an dumb ass every time you open your f#$%in mouth on this forum its not the first time you have had a disagreement with something RET has written, as said before grow up or f@#$in ban yourself, as club members our club membership fees help pay for this EXCELLENT forum for all to use we have lost alot of good people and knowledge over the last few years because of stupid bickering.
F@#$K i feel better, your comments had me fuming.


Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: COL58FE on January 13, 2007, 12:46:33 PM
            in an emergerncy i've pulled my f@#k'n head out of the sand just for you.
(Quote) you make yourself look like an dumb ass every time you open your f#$%in mouth on this forum its not the first time you have had a disagreement with something RET has written

if you f@#k'n read back properly i'm giving ret what he give's me every f@#k'n time i get on here (a neg opinion).
just for the record i don't give a F@#k how you feel big mouth.  
         col >:(

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: COL58FE on January 13, 2007, 12:50:47 PM

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: FC0058 on January 13, 2007, 02:36:59 PM
Maybe if Woolworths / Safeway tried  putting Australian Owned, Grown and Packaged items on the shelves and give all that imported crap the arse.
Then may be that would show that this big company gives a toss about the aussie battler.
But thats ok they have taken over Service stations, bottle shops and put a shit load of small business out of business.
But hey lets support that so called big Aussie Company.

Buy Australian, Support Australian and turn the 23 into a protest & tell Woolworths to go F#$K themselves.

Just my thoughts as a true blue AUSSIE.


Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: craiga on January 13, 2007, 09:45:17 PM
Surely everyone is entitled to an opinion? And to post whatever they like, without fear of direct attack? Piss pulling, OK, but outright attack?

Woolies generally don't do too many favours for anyone, after all it IS a large corporation, driven by profit for the benefit of shareholders.

However, in this case, I reckon we should all cut them some slack. OK, generally you may think they aren't very considerate or caring, but when they do try and give something back they surely deserve a small cheer?

And geez RET, I thought you would have known what would happen when you stuck your head up out of the trench!!!!

Party on Col, enjoy your time at Stockton beach. Just don't dig too deep over there, I hear its pretty well populated with 'missing' people.



Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: tommo65 on January 13, 2007, 11:51:44 PM
Here's my two cent's worth if Woolies/Safeway want to give money to the CWA then bloody good job those lady's do  fantastic work in their communities.
I know a lot of people who own/manage cattle stations up here and they are doing it hard.But I do wonder if Woolies will go the distance with this type of support or is it a one off bit of flag waving.Cheers Tommo

[Spinner I would rather they sponsor a Boomerang or Wirraway Mig 19's ain't that rare]

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief AssistanceWhat a
Post by: Papa Smurf on January 14, 2007, 12:46:16 AM
With comments like that you sound a pathetic man & the forum is - in my opinion better off without that type of outburst.

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: RET on January 14, 2007, 06:44:32 AM
if you f@#k'n read back properly i'm giving ret what he give's me every f@#k'n time i get on here (a neg opinion).

Hmm, well that's news to me.  I can recall just two threads where you and I have disagreed, and one occasion where I pulled you up for using the NSW club logo as your avatar when you're not a member.  Unless you're delusional or paranoid, that hardly constitutes "giving it to you every time you get on here".

Anyhow, remember to slip slop slap, mate.  You'll want to be careful on Stockton Beach with that thin skin of yours.

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: RET on January 14, 2007, 06:49:12 AM
Oh and Scott (collecta)

I'm glad you feel better, but I don't think these flames needed that sort of fanning...


Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: SRVLIVES on January 14, 2007, 07:57:46 AM
Go for it Col... you jerk........

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: 4hammers on January 14, 2007, 10:51:39 AM
Jeeeeezus, Col!
What have I missed?
Woolies WOULD be doing it to help themselves, as much as the battler. They would have their "Public Relations" people going gangbusters to get this up & running, as it IS the little fella who has made them what they are & Woolies seeming to help them, will do wonders for their image.
But seriously, who gives a rats what the real agenda is, when they are going to get some relief to the farmers? You sometimes have to deal with the devil.

That kind of outburst is totally uncalled for. If we all booohoo'd as easily as you have just done, the forum would be empty. RET does a kick arse job & if anyone has the right to pack up the bat & ball, it is him. He is the brunt of lots off sooking & moaning.

RET, good job, mate. I think also Scott may have fired Col up also, but honestly, he (Col) has the thinnest skin I have ever seen, so it was gonna go bad from the first post.


Rob J

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: -KIWI- on January 14, 2007, 11:27:46 AM

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: cruiser056 on January 14, 2007, 08:27:14 PM
The large corporations have always screwed the little guys and always will!  And I am sure that they are not only doing this for the farmers, there would have to be something in it for them also.  But as 4Hammers said, sometimes you have to deal with the devil!  Unfortunately I think most people here have missed the main point and that is " SHOP AT ONE OF THESE PLACES ON THE 23rd AND THE PROFITS GO TO THE CWA"  
Now I don't mean to start any arguements, everyone has their own opinion and has their right to express it, but any money donated to the farmers should be welcomed and the issue not used for petty arguements.

Maybe RET could add a heading for such topics or alter the rules allowing for public fundraising etc.


Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: HAD 708 on January 15, 2007, 06:47:16 AM
Just my 2 cents worth. I have been in the Horticultural industry for nearly 25 years and this drought is by far the worse EVER experinced by all sectors of Farming etc and of course all allied industries as well. I think that any and all Donations of any kind will be and are greatly accepted and if the Autumn does not bring rain and i mean drought breaking rain, this will be just the start of donations handouts etc. If woolworths are the first to start it good luck to them and congratulations. As to unfair and unwarranted attacks on RET my suggestion is to go to buggery!!!

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: Wayne on January 15, 2007, 08:15:35 AM
Hi All
 If you are upset about a big company trying to help the struggling farmers and trying to cash in on it. Why dont our clubs try to help these farmers and either donate some money through our clubs or have a fund raising event through all the clubs? Just my thought  look good for our clubs to do something that is going to help them and good for our clubs to be able to assist.

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: SRVLIVES on January 15, 2007, 08:37:47 AM
Excellent idea Wayne!

May I suggest the funds from our next club meeting raffle as a start?

I'll bring along a nice prize for you all.... be there! ;)

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: NES304 on January 15, 2007, 09:44:30 AM
                          [size=14]PLEASE RAIN[/size]

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: leon on January 15, 2007, 11:11:16 AM
 :)G Day all.
We all have back bones and we are all Australians that's what makes us just what we are (Australians) and I'm sure our club will help and give something to help those in need in our own back yard. ;)

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: SRVLIVES on January 20, 2007, 07:35:39 AM
Excellent idea Wayne!

May I suggest the funds from our next club meeting raffle as a start?

I'll bring along a nice prize for you all.... be there! ;)

Any thoughts on this idea?

Title: Re: O/T Woolworths Drought Relief Assistance
Post by: RET on January 26, 2007, 03:43:36 AM
A total of $4.7M was raised, well beyond the expectations of Woolies or the CWA.

Article from the SMH here ($2).
