Title: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: customFC on November 06, 2006, 06:04:44 AM Just wanted to share a few photos of a full custom FE/FC panelvan from the late 70's.
International headlights and awesome murals that were popular at that time. Check out the cool use of swords for the grill and rear bumpers. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v117/customfc/holden 1/FCVan1w.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v117/customfc/holden 1/FCVan2w.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v117/customfc/holden 1/FCVan3w.jpg) Seems to me that a custom of this quality would probably still be sitting in someones garage. It sure would be cool to stumble across something like this. Anyone (Qld?) know anymore about this car? Regards Alex Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: SRVLIVES on November 06, 2006, 06:20:52 AM Was just about to start a Customs thread Alex.... good weather today for dreaming and scheming :)
Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: TAYZ on November 06, 2006, 10:52:46 AM It would have to be somewhere you would think??
Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: cruiser056 on November 07, 2006, 08:53:10 AM Alex,
I have never seen this car at a show up here is Brissy, but surely it would still be hanging around. Michael Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: shanemartin on November 18, 2014, 10:41:01 PM Alex, Hi GuysI have never seen this car at a show up here is Brissy, but surely it would still be hanging around. Michael My name is Shane Martin.... I painted the custom murals on this car back around 1976-77 for a guy named Des Noyse from Mt Gravatt in Brisbane. The car was called "Noysemaker" and won top custom paint that year or the next at the Indooroopilly Hot Rod and Custom Show. Just came across these pics while doing a search for a fc fe grille for a mate, and would love to know if anyone had any further news on the car or the original owner Des. cheers Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: customFC on November 19, 2014, 12:52:41 AM Hey Shane.
Nice work on the murals. I heard that Des still has the van tucked away in his garage. Can't be certain of this fact though. Regards Alex Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: shanemartin on November 19, 2014, 01:09:16 PM Wow.....Are you serious Alex. That's amazing. I know he absolutely loved that car and its wonderful to hear he still has it in his possession. Don't suppose you know how I could get in touch.... is Des on the forum?
Thanks so much for the update Alex. Cheers Shane Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: customFC on November 20, 2014, 12:08:20 AM Hey Shane
No, he isn't on this forum. The pics I posted years ago were sent to the NSW club by Des when he was trying to sell the car. (maybe 20+ years ago now) A mate of mine in Qld mentioned that he believes that Des couldn't find a buyer at the time, so he parked it, and he still has it. I can't confirm if this is just legend or fact though. If you find out, please let us know. Do you have any pics of the car? Regards Alex Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: fink on November 25, 2014, 08:51:25 AM Iremember the owners name,but a different looking car,it had the hq t/lights,cutouts in bonnet and full side windows with murals on the sides and the rear[I think trains]xui running gear,it was in a early issue of Custom Rodder,i'm pretty sure it was the same guy,anyway if anyone can find it Alex can! 8)
Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: fink on December 12, 2014, 03:22:28 PM If you can get your hands on issue nmbr 2of Custom Vans and Trucks,you can see this on the cover before it had swords and murals,not what I'm was looking for,but it's a start!
Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: mcl1959 on December 14, 2014, 03:02:01 PM It also has a feature in the Graffiti book of street customs -1983
I don't have the mag anymore, just a photocopy of the article. Ken Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: customFC on December 15, 2014, 12:03:17 AM (http://s9.postimg.org/j5oyphe5n/Graffiti_Noyesa.jpg) ($2) Regards Alex Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: fink on April 19, 2015, 06:56:19 PM OK,i found a pic of the car I mentioned earlier,it wasn't trains painted on the sides ,it was choppers,etc,it's name 'Todays Paint',maybe Alex has a pic,i found it on BING,'fb panelvan'scroll down 9rows and there it is,Gaz!
Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: customFC on April 20, 2015, 04:19:57 PM Rob Knott's van. Here's a downloadable copy of the Custom Van & Truck article featuring the van
Click on the image to download the article: (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y183/customfc5/Holden/CVT_78Aut_KnottsFCvanw.jpg) ($2) (http://s1.postimg.org/l3z7uc60r/todayspaint_4.jpg) ($2) Regards Alex Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: fink on April 20, 2015, 07:35:51 PM Cheers Alex,cool car in it's day,even with the full windows down the sides,it's well built,IMO,thanks Gaz! 8)
Title: Re: Custom FE/FC Van Post by: FireKraka on April 21, 2015, 12:07:04 PM Theres an FB Van on gumtree over here at the moment that has had similar mods done to tail lights etc was a mild show van or so the add says.
Regards Neil H |