FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Galleries => Members' FEs and FCs => Topic started by: leon on September 17, 2006, 07:45:07 AM

Title: FEE from Trundle
Post by: leon on September 17, 2006, 07:45:07 AM
 :)G Day.
Almost there. Picked up the car from the upholsterer on Thursday.
About a half dozen things to do then rego. :D
Regards. Leon (http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m311/rub_07/FEE010.jpg)

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: TAYZ on September 17, 2006, 07:54:16 AM
Very very nice leon, looks sensational


Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: jimmys57 on September 17, 2006, 08:52:41 AM
Leon.that looks absolutely fantastic!.....coming along beautifully,its obviously a first rate job.....Bet you cant wait to get it on the road..........Congrats...Jimmy

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: graham_fuller on September 17, 2006, 10:08:49 AM
Nice Leon. Will we see it at the anniversary run next Sunday?

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: COL58FE on September 17, 2006, 11:12:28 AM
        very very nice job you are doing there,
love the trim.But that horn button how did
you get it like that or is it NOS,it top's
it all the trim off with that shinning away.
                                                  Cheer's Col.

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: customFC on September 17, 2006, 12:25:42 PM
Superb Leon, Superb.
That material was worth the wait.
Can't wait to see it.

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: Russ on September 17, 2006, 10:51:33 PM
Thats not fair now i know what mine should look like :P
Top job i would be very happy with the work done.

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: HAD 708 on September 18, 2006, 03:42:51 AM
Absolutely fantastic leon westminster carpet the lot! I gather it is a 1956 early 1957 model? The level of finish i think even by the few photos, looks like it has been taken to a whole new level, exceptional well done!!!!

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: leon on September 20, 2006, 10:27:12 AM
 :)Sorry Fellows for taking so long responding  to your replies.
Thanks Brett for your comment yes its  early 1957 I think. :-/
Russ. I'm only doing it for the car itself. It deserves it.
As always Alex your thoughts are greatly appreciated and you may be seeing  it this coming Sunday at our 25th anniversary if I can complete  it by this Saturday. ???
Hi Col.
The horn button I have is a new old stock I paid $400 for it from the guys at Redfern.
Here's hoping Graham. :P
Yes Jim, answer to your question I tried and after all this time the sooner it's on the road the better.
Thanks Tayz. ;)
Regards. Leon

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: gp on September 20, 2006, 08:04:46 PM
Looks fantastic Leon, can't wait to see it on Sunday!



Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: RET on September 20, 2006, 11:42:53 PM
As always Alex your thoughts are greatly appreciated and you may be seeing  it this coming Sunday at our 25th anniversary if I can complete  it by this Saturday. ???

Well what are you doing on the computer?  C'mon Leon, back out to the garage!  I'm excited enough about what's planned for Saturday night and Sunday: to finally see this car in the flesh?  Wow.


Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: Rusty_T on September 20, 2006, 11:49:06 PM
 8) 8) 8)

 "Ah Leon you've done it again".The car looks great in the pics and will look even greater in the "flesh".You are the master. See you Saturday night.

Cheers Rusty.

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: NES304 on September 21, 2006, 07:36:46 PM
To put it crudely, your interior gave me a woody.
It looks Poo hot and hope mine looks that good when i'm done with mine

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: Wayne on September 22, 2006, 07:18:46 AM
 I can confirm that the car looks better than new as I have been lucky enough to see the car first hand.
  Leon you should be proud of the car with the great job you have done on it.

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: leon on September 22, 2006, 09:31:57 AM
 :)G Day and thanks to every one for your support, it's been a long ride.
I fell off a few times and thought there's more to life than this.
I'm no spray painter or motor mechanic but I convinced myself if I take my time and I make a few mistakes along the way I'll just redo it and eventually I'll get there.
I know there's many of you out there that know what I'm talking about.
I couldn't give up, if I did that it would be the worst  thing to do for me and  FEE from Trundle wouldn't  get that last chance of becoming it's former self.
I would like to say a big thanks to my wife Julie for her support over the past 2.7 years.
Regards. Leon and FEE from Trundle
PS I got FEE registered today. :D

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: graham_fuller on September 22, 2006, 06:45:44 PM
Congratulations on getting her registered. Now the fun part.Driving her around.

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: Hewart on September 23, 2006, 03:08:14 AM
Well done Leon....!!!

Your FE looks awesome...!!! I'm sure you're very proud of the finish and can't wait to hit the streets!

Looking forward to seeing it, and congrats on the rego!!


Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: RET on September 25, 2006, 09:51:21 PM
Those who braved the horrendous winds at Luddenham yesterday got to see the finished product in the flesh.  Great work Leon, who brought both his FEs out for the day, and no doubt had some cleaning to do when he got home again... :-/

In person it looks every bit as good as the photos would suggest, and won the "Car of the Day: FE" trophy at the event.


Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: Johns on September 26, 2006, 02:53:34 AM
I'm with RET, congratulations to everyone who braved yesterday. It was a great display, irrespective of the conditions.

My congratulations also to Leon, you've done a wonderful job.

My trip home in Kev along the M7 was surreal, the car was being blown 1-2 feet sideways in the gusts, but the real fun was the willy willys, which filled the car with dust and leaves and at one point on the M2 a section of tree branch nearly 2 feet long came through the passengers window. At that point I thought I should close it :P

Then I saw two cyclists riding along and didn't feel so stupid.


Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: RET on September 26, 2006, 03:57:17 AM
I had fun getting home, too.  Took SSME staff advice and went north on Luddenham Road (to avoid the downed power-lines).  About a mile from Mamre Road a tree branch hit the roof/windscreen with a big enough thump to rouse the kids who'd already fallen asleep. ::)  No visible damage, but from that point on the hood-lining was ballooning out, particularly when headed westerly.  Once all the windows were wound up it stopped, but it was pretty stifling inside: I'm glad we were only going a relatively short distance. (The kids went back to sleep pretty quick!)

I can only presume that the branch must have dislodged part of the windscreen rubber under the stainless to cause the wind to flow through like that.  I'm glad there's no external damage and that I've still got a hood-lining in one piece.


Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: FC_Driver on September 26, 2006, 04:35:55 AM
Hi All,
An evetfull trip for us also!!!
Trees down everwhere and the closer we got home the closer we got to the Thirlmere fires.
Traffic at a standstill North bound on the expresway near the Picton turn off Tree down.
We had various deversions at Pictin but at least we survived being blown all over the road as we were cumming down the expresway. Back to our son's home to finish our pic nic lunch which we gave up trying to eat at Model Park  (a little windy) got home but no power. Power restored 4 30 am today. Now Leon did you get your cars home safely without damage? I must admit I was thinking of your freshly restored FE whilst braving the 110 kph winds as we passed Campbelltown.

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: leon on September 26, 2006, 07:59:10 AM
 :)G Day Richard,  Bruce and  John.
I'm glad to hear you and the children got home safely it could have been much worse under those terrible   conditions.
Julie  was driving the standard sedan behind me and the car was  hit by a small branch.
Thankfully no damage,  and me driving Fee from Trundle  after   it's first public appearance over power lines and small branches on the road,  made it home without a scratch but with a lot of dirt inside and out of both cars :D
We all made it to our homes with our self's and cars in one piece.
It was a very adventurous  and nail bitting day for all I'm sure. ???
Regards. Leon    

Title: Re: FEE from Trundle
Post by: customFC on September 26, 2006, 10:30:46 AM
Hey Leon.
Thank you for sharing your new car with us at our 25th Anniversary display.
A truly beautiful car.
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v117/customfc/Holden Club/25Anniv46.jpg)