FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => General Board => Topic started by: 4hammers on April 30, 2006, 06:41:35 AM

Title: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on April 30, 2006, 06:41:35 AM
Hi all.
I am in Melbourne on the 3rd May (Next Wednesday) to pick up my new toy, so if anyone wants to catch up for a coffee & a chat (Or to come & beat me up, hey Sarge ;)) let me know. I will be sitting on the wharf where the TT Line ferry loads up, as I am to shite scarted to drive my new beast in unfamiliar territory (I also don't know the car that well).
I am just gonna hang out from about 3pm to the ship loads at 7pm. A LONG boring wait, so it would be nice to catch up with someone. Bring a car along & we can check each others out.

Hope to see someone there!

Rob J

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: srevoice on April 30, 2006, 07:56:24 AM
Can someone meet him please and keep him there, the IQ of tassie will go up in leaps and bounds if 4headswells stays away.

With all my love, Andy

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on April 30, 2006, 08:07:33 AM
Andy, Andy, Andy ::)

Man, how many times do I need to tell you. It works like this;
"If I need any crap from you, I squeeze your big head". Remember?

OK. You know how embarressed I can make you? Well, if I remember rightly, you will be working with "Katie" on Monday night. "Katie of the amples", Correct? You may want to apologise now, or I am gonna have a BALL at your expense come Monday! ;D ;D ;D

Rob J ;) ;)

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: srevoice on April 30, 2006, 10:55:18 AM
Give it your best shot numb nuts, I have already worked something out with her. You also have to be careful, I was told that you scared Tess so much with your paunch that she is doing a runner to Sydney ;) ;) ;).

 I suppose I should apologise seeing you havent paid me yet.

 With love, Andy :-* :-*

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: fcstationsedan on April 30, 2006, 11:50:17 AM
Rob, what have you bought this time?

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: Burnsy on April 30, 2006, 12:25:51 PM
Hi all.
II am just gonna hang out from about 3pm to the ship loads at 7pm. A LONG boring wait, so it would be nice to catch up with someone. Bring a car along & we can check each others out.

Hope to see someone there!

Rob J

Man thaf is a long boring wait, I remember doing it when I bought my EK and took it back to Queenstown.  The guys behind me in the que must have thought I was nuts as I would sit there in my car for five minutes thinking about it before I would jump out and sick my head under it somewhere to check if it had this or that.  Is a good way to get to know a new car though - forced sitting around for 4 hours - no decent coffee shop within cooee either when I did it back in 1999.  On the good side though, the wireless was rewired and working by the time I boarded the boat ;)


Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on April 30, 2006, 12:27:06 PM
Hi Dave.
Long time, no talk. How's things? All well I hope. How is that 57 wagon going? Mmmmm, I like that wagon......

I have developed a hankering for something really different. I still have my FC wagon, but am playing around with Split window Kombis & a bay window dual cab. All quite rare.
Look at my avatar. That is the one I am picking up from Melbourne on wednesday. It is a 55.
Here is a link to another site. But beware, there isn't a Holden in sight :o :o

Man, I am excited.

Hi Mike, you replied while I was relying to Dave! Yes, it is a long wait. I always get there early, as I am paranoid something will go wrong & I will miss the boat. Could have got a later flight, but would rather sit around for awhile, than miss the boat completely. It does give me time to "Become as one" with my new toy.

Rob J

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: -KIWI- on April 30, 2006, 08:02:17 PM
it is almost worth the airfare for me sarge and emu to fly down but alas it wont be dam it ..
have fun but !!!!

try emailing phantom he should be free hes a govt employee


queensland kiwi

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on May 01, 2006, 12:10:33 AM
Ha ha, Kiwi.
Probably the only chance you will get to behold the mighty 4hammers. Quarantine resctrictions prohibit, short, smelly, dumpy birds from entering Tassie. They reckon they are pests! Read through some of his posts guys & you will see where they got that classification.

Actually, I will be in QLD before too long. ;)

Crikey, guys. The response has been overwhelming. 140 + views & not one VIC guy who wants to catch up with a fellow FE FC lover. I am heartbroken. Now I remember why I like NSW better ;)

Rob J

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: SRVLIVES on May 01, 2006, 04:39:26 AM
140 + views

Oh, I thought there might be mention of what courthouse you would be appearing in.....;)

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: -KIWI- on May 01, 2006, 04:50:43 AM
he not going to court he going to hospital !!


regards kiwi

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: surferboy on May 01, 2006, 11:07:16 AM
Gday Rob,

Its not that the Vics dont want to come and say hello to you , its just that theyre scareder than you are to drive through that Melbourne traffic !!

Where else in the world do you pull over to the left to do a right turn then wait for your green light to go red then hold up the traffic on the green light while youre checking no trams are coming through the intersection???????????????????????

8) 8) 8)
PS I apologise to those people I nearly killed when i drove up the left of the tram that stopped on the green light

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on May 01, 2006, 11:11:55 AM
Hi Surferboy.
Spot on. That is why I am not going anywhere near them. Referred to as a "J" turn. The "J" stands for "Jeeeeeeezuz, this is a stupid idea". Or something along those lines.
I now exactly where you are coming from with the tram stopping & me darting by on the left in my old Monaro. Wondered why those Melbournians were always so aangry. Didn't realise I was actually suppose to stop. But then again, my old Monaro & me would stop for NO MAN!

Man, you have waaaaaay to much time on your hands. Where do you find this stuff. You have a funny picture for EVERY occassion.
I do like that though. Damn Honkies!

It is usually at the Supreme court, but when I appear there, I am not usually allowed to wander the streets. That is why I don't mention it. This time however, no court & I am free!!

Rob J

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on May 03, 2006, 07:27:09 AM
OK, I am on my way in the morning. The response has been staggering, nearly 3 people! I am all warm & fuzzy.

I have lost all my messages from the 26th April on, so those top guys that did PM me, I have lost your details.

Ok, see you there, guys.

Rob J

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: Phantom on May 03, 2006, 09:24:45 AM
Dammit i am washing my hair on that day(well whats left of it anyway)
                               Cheers Rusty

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on May 03, 2006, 09:34:29 AM
Hi Rusty, Phantom, Bogan or whatever.
Washing your hair?.....Is it that time of year again already ;)
You were my number one hopeful. I was counting on you coming along & we could make friends & bond in my Kombi. But alas, it is not to be. maybe next time, my strange purple friend :-*

Rob J

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: -KIWI- on May 04, 2006, 01:48:02 AM
4 hammers new song

im sooo wonley so wolney and blue

1 is the lonelest number


all by my self

cheers kiwi

;D ;D

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on May 05, 2006, 07:56:00 PM
haha, Kiwi.
Very good. Original. ::)
Not lonely, mate. I hope to return the favour to any Melb whacka that decides to visit TAS. I just expected maybe a couple of "G'days, but sorry, can't make it". Melbourne is a busy place.....dirty & smelly too ;D ;)
I understand now, how hard it must be to get around, so in future, I probably won't be sending any old Holden bits over there, as it is too much for the poor postie to handle ;) ;D Not really fussed, too busy playing with my new VW! Lots of fun.
Here is a photo of my new toy, just to give those diehard Holden boys a coronary! :o


Rob J

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: SRVLIVES on May 05, 2006, 08:17:29 PM
Good to see the giant warning badge still attached to the front! :P

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: RET on May 06, 2006, 12:09:59 AM
Very nice looking unit.  North Sydney Bears Supporters' Bus ;D  Or Essendon, I suppose :P

Has it got those pop-open windscreens?  She looks pretty cosy in your garage.   That might be the only way to get in or out :o


Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on May 06, 2006, 01:06:47 AM
Essendon colours actually ;D Well, Chesnut Brown & Sealing Wax Red (Odd name for a red, but pretty!).
Yes, it has Genuine factory Safaris. Which, in the scheme of things, are as rare as a Smiths Clock in an FC (Plently have them fitted aftermarket, repos).
It IS a bloody tight fit. I measured about 5 times. Worried the roof was going to clip on the way in. Once in, nice.

Rob J

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: Hotlips on May 06, 2006, 02:27:53 AM
 :P :PI'm still trying to get over the "male bonding".  I'll have nightmares forever :-[ :-[ ;D

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: ridgey_didge on May 06, 2006, 05:03:50 AM
Have you really thought this through.  You must be the forum member with the biggest target in the centre of his/her chest or back - you cop so much at times and now you get yourself a van with a great big target slap bang in the middle of the front.
What a smart looking van though.  You must be chuffed to have that in the garage - well done.
And next time I come to Tas I might have to take you up on that general invitation to drop by and meet you and see your cars.

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: -KIWI- on May 06, 2006, 05:08:30 AM
i have to say hammer boy as much as i dont get into hitlers revenge mobiles that is 1 nice looking unit
have fun


Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on May 06, 2006, 07:21:45 AM
Hmmmm, yes, I gave MYSELF a scare after I wrote that. Sometimes I go too far :-[ :-/ :o

Seems I must like getting flak. Like to make myself an easy traget. Gives me an excuse to have some fun at everyone elses expense.
When you are down, by all means, drop in. I have 2 more of these babies on the way. A great big shed to put them in & plenty of time for fun. The ACT are a good crew. Give my regards to the others at the next club meeting.

I heard that name the other day. "Hitlers Revenge". It is good. They can be a real pain if you don't maintain them, but if you do, they are all cool & so easy to work on.

I meant to also say, I scored the best set of plates for this puppy. "KOMBI" was still available! :o Even the fella who checked when I asked thought I was dreaming. He looked it up & couldn't believe it. It WAS once in use, but went out of rego & didn't get renewed. 6 week wait though :-/

Rob J

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: Martin on May 06, 2006, 11:30:55 AM
Great looking vehicle Rob.  Is the inside as good as the out- ?


Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: Johns on May 06, 2006, 01:20:19 PM
Hi Rob.

Love the Bus, the colours are sensational.

Enjoy the crosswinds ;D


Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on May 06, 2006, 08:31:19 PM
Hi guys

yes, the interior is good, actually, that is probably the highlight of the bus. Awesome inside. Have a look at this link. It is to a thread someone started on the bus on the Kombi club forum. http://kombiclub.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1495
He knows the bus well & was the one who encouraged me to buy it sight unseend.

Yes, those crosswinds can be a little "Interesting" to say the least. This one runs 68 running gear though, with an "Indian automotive" IRS system on the rear & a ssuperbug gearbox. All sounds good & makes it handle real well.

Rob J

Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: TAYZ on May 07, 2006, 03:12:03 AM
                                 Must say Rob I'm not into German vehicles but I had a look at the above link and i must say that is one nice looking old rig.  I bet you had to sell a few cream cakes to purchase the ol girl!


Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: TAYZ on May 07, 2006, 03:15:05 AM
Forgot to mention it would look absolutely s%$t hot dropped about 4-5 inches!!  ( I reckon one of those ol split windows kustomised would really fit the bill!!)


Title: Re: 4hammers in Melbourne for the day
Post by: 4hammers on May 07, 2006, 06:51:15 AM
Hi Tayz.
Lots & LOTS of cream cakes, you can bet. :o
I am buying 3, for a small business thing I have on the go.
Have number 2 already & number 3 is being built.
Number 3 is the "Modified" one. VERY cool, with everything brand spankers. Running the best gear, with a nice set of polished "Fuchs". This baby will be the one that scrapes the pavement. May be installing an airbag system! I have to sell one of the kids for that though & I am pretty attached to them.......but then again, it would look cool! ;)

Rob J