FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Galleries => Members' FEs and FCs => Topic started by: 4hammers on December 05, 2005, 07:33:47 AM

Title: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: 4hammers on December 05, 2005, 07:33:47 AM
Hi All.
Andy, being as dumb as dogshit, needed me to help him put the photos up. Don't know how many times I have explained it, but the sponge that he calls a brain, just can't cope..... ;D ;) ;)

Not sure why all photos came out different sizes, but I will blame that on Andy.

Anyway, here is a small sample of his goodies.

The MIGHTY NORMAN!! Type 70, watercooled. Rare as all hell.

FE 217 business sedan. Rare in Black, with silver dash & highlights. Also, has "Special" script & front spears from dealer.

FC Ute. Fin family for last 33 years. For sale at $50,000 ;)

FE Sedan. 80,000 genuine miles. Drives like new & only a second owner car. Needs some minor TLC & she will be sweet.

VERY cool farm wagon wreck. Restorable & a nice colour. Oneday.........

Another of wagon.

Old wagon wreck

Hope you enjoy!

Rob J & Andy Pandy.

Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: FE_225 on December 05, 2005, 09:59:39 AM
Hi Rob and Andy
Nice collection, love the Norman!!
Andy, any chance of getting the casting and serial numbers off the Norman for my records?? A few more pix, including one of the rear bearing plate would be greatly appreciated if possible.
Thanks for posting the pix Rob. How's things been anyway, long time no talk........

Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: 4hammers on December 05, 2005, 12:00:42 PM
Hi Tony.
Good to hear from you again. You have been very quiet! How is the FE going? Looking forward to seeing it oneday. The Norman Andy has is my old one. It a fit of remarkable stupidity, I sold it to him ::) I am quite sure I sent through the numbers off that one, but if you don't have them, let me know & I will get him to resend. I don't think the aircooled one had any number though.

Hope to see some shots of yours again soon.

Also, Guys. The wagon is actually a very nice colour. It is the same as my Dad's first FC. Cool, Huh?

Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: FE_225 on December 05, 2005, 12:32:33 PM
Hey Rob
You sold the Norman, AHHHH!! Why?? Also heard thru the grapevine you sold the Olbis,grrrrr.
Yeah, been "quite" for a while now, don't get to spend much time online or on the FE these days, work, work and more work.
Could you please send me the numbers again, lost them and all the old emails when I changed to a new 'puter.
If you don't still have my email addy send my a PM and I'll give it to you.

Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: 4hammers on December 05, 2005, 10:41:52 PM
Hi Tony.
Yes, both gone :-/ :'(
The Olbis has gone to a guy here on the forum, who is a Grey fanatic, so it will actually get used. The Norman went to Andy, as I found a 37 Chev Sloper that I really wanted & needed some extra funds. Now the Chev has gone, I find I am also Norman-less. I don't like that feeling. Andy will oneday be a really nice bloke & give it back to me, I am sure ;D ;). We do have a deal though, if it does get sold, I have first dibs & I will buy it back.

I will get Andy to send them through.

Rob J

Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: srevoice on December 06, 2005, 06:42:50 AM
Hello Tony, I hope this is the numbers that you wanted,

 Casting No 29, and between the water inlets are,


I hope this is what your require, also if Rob thinks I am going to GIVE the norman to him he is in for a bit of a shock, all I can say is that he had better have some deep pockets as inflation has almost doubled the price ;D ;)

Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: FE_225 on December 09, 2005, 01:02:11 PM
Thanks Andy
There "should" also be a 3 digit number on the rear bearing plate, could I also get that too please??

You have a priceless piece of automotive history, don't sell it!

Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: srevoice on December 10, 2005, 06:12:28 AM
Hello Tony, sorry there isnt any number on the end plate of the charger. Should there be???

Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: Burnsy on December 10, 2005, 10:00:35 AM
Hello Tony, sorry there isnt any number on the end plate of the charger. Should there be???

Gee no number, looks like you have been duped Andy.  Must be a worthless replica, don't worry, I will take it off your hands for half what you paid for it :P

Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: srevoice on December 10, 2005, 09:58:33 PM
Only half you say, I think if I done that Rob J would cut off my balls. I must say it is a very good copy of one, if I knew who did it I would get him to do some more and flog them off.

Andy ;D ;D

Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: 4hammers on December 11, 2005, 05:27:04 AM
Don't flatter yourself, Andy. I ain't going anywhere near your balls :o

I will drop out to No-neck's place & have a look for you. I am sure they are there. He isn't very good with numbers & letters & stuff like that ;)

I have a cunning plan to get it back. I am going to take Andy down to that place where all the old cars are (In my photobucket album) & get him to jump the fence. Either the dogs will get him, or with the head that he carries around, the farmer has a much bigger target for his 12 guage. I will rescue him & get him to sign the Norman back over to me. ;D
Good plan? Just don't tell Andy.

what are you doing on Thursday? Wanna go for a spin to see some cars?

Rob J

Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: craiga on December 11, 2005, 06:47:18 AM
Good one Rob, VERY funny.

Could you take a video camera with you? I'm keen to watch the proceedings :-)



Title: Re: Andrews (Srevoice) Cool collection!!
Post by: srevoice on December 11, 2005, 09:21:01 AM
Thanks Rob, I would love to go and look at some cars. But I think you should know that if anything happens to me the norman will get a nice acid bath, as I believe if I cannot enjoy it, no one will, HA  HA  HA ( my evil laugh ).


p.s. dont flatter yourself, I know you want my balls. As each time I help you at the bakery, I do something wrong and you say " I will have your balls for that "