FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => FE-FC Holden Nationals => Topic started by: NascoHunter on September 09, 2005, 02:05:10 PM

Title: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on September 09, 2005, 02:05:10 PM
Hi all,
    The 11th FE/FC Nationals are fast approaching at Phillip Island. The Vic club is pleased to announce that we have secured the use of the Phillip Island GP Circuit for the Show and Shine during the Nationals next year. The Show and Shine will be held on Easter Saturday on Pit Lane. We will have sole use of the circuit and entrants will be allowed to drive 2.5 parade laps. I believe this is a great coup for the FE-FC Nationals and the weekend will be capped off by a tour and drive around of Holden's Proving Ground at Lang Lang on Easter Monday. Till next time Tony Galea

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: gp on September 10, 2005, 03:33:55 AM
Awesome!! I can't wait!

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: customFC on September 10, 2005, 11:15:03 AM
Cool stuff.
Better throw the race rubber in the boot... ;D ;D
If Norm comes, can we allow him 3.5 laps  ???

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: joker2 on September 16, 2005, 02:37:44 AM
can I leave the FC at home in the shed & bring the VK Brock Commo instead  ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: craiga on September 16, 2005, 03:08:33 AM

What do you mean, and waste the streamlining effect of those wheel spats on your wagon.

You just don't realise how much fun it is to throw a crossply shod FC into turn 1 at Phillip Island at about 50 MPH. You'd have to get the Brock up to about 130MPH to have the same amount of fun  ;D

See you there.


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fc104 on September 16, 2005, 07:57:04 AM
For those of you counting the sleeps till the next nationals, this might help.


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on September 16, 2005, 06:30:13 PM
Hi all,
    It will be a sight to see 100 FE-FC going around on the Phillip Island race track.
  Cant wait
      Tony Galea. :)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: gp on September 16, 2005, 07:55:53 PM
Yee Haa!
I'll race ya!  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on September 17, 2005, 12:19:13 PM
You better get the calendar out to time us Graham.  
 See you next Friday.
      Tony G

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: FC58q on September 17, 2005, 07:58:55 PM
Hey Tony
My new work mate raced FE for Graham Blanchard Holden and had the fastest FE in oz Ihave been told just acquired a pic of his car will post later

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on September 21, 2005, 12:12:43 PM
Hi Ray,
   My Dad bought his LH Torana G-Pack from Graham Blanchard Holden new in 1975. The dealership was just up the road from our place were l grew up and walked past it everyday on my way to school. Will look forward to the pics of your mates FE he raced.
  Cheers Tony Galea.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on November 29, 2005, 09:44:38 AM
Hi all,
A reminder - theree's only 139 days to go until the start of the 11th FE-FC Nationals at Phillip Island hosted by the FE-FC Holden Car Club of Victoria Inc.
If you haven't entered yet, just a reminder that entries close on 31st January 2006 - only 64 days away!  Don't wait or you might forget and be very dissapointed.  Entry forms can be downloaded from the Victorian section under "Nationals".

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: TorqueFC on November 29, 2005, 10:18:03 AM
so much to do, so little time..... :o :o

we are attempting to get our fc ute ready for the nats.....i tell ya it will be close!! :(

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: cruiser056 on November 29, 2005, 10:28:35 AM
        Do you know how many FE's are entered at present?  And how do think you's are going to go with getting 50 Fe's at Phillip Island?


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on November 29, 2005, 02:56:21 PM
Good Question Michael,
           Will have to check with Dina who is taking care of the bookings and entries. I know many have made their booking but are still to send in their entries.
 We are hoping to have 50 FE's which would be a record by a long shot.
 Cheers Tony.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: GOA350 on December 11, 2005, 01:00:23 PM
my FE's entered

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on January 12, 2006, 11:40:21 AM
Hi all,
As we are getting close to the 31st January deadline, entries are starting to arrive in droves.  We have received entries from ACT, SA, NSW, Qld, WA and of course, Victoria.  We're hoping to get entries from Tasmania too, so if you're from our Southernmose State, this will be a great opportunity to take part in a Nationals which is close by because they won't be held in this State again for another 10 years!
So come on you Tasmanians, spread the word and help make this a truly "National" event!
Tony Galea.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: 4hammers on January 12, 2006, 11:59:28 AM
Hi Tony.
Busting my arse to get there, but it won't be in a car most likely. An FC at any rate. I am hoping to get it all cool here at my bakery & get over for the event, but as a non-car entrant, participant.
Not sure if there are any other Tasmanians who will make it. Damn shame, as the club here had some good cars, but I doubt anyone that was in the club will make it. They just don't frequent this site very often, as you can see by the amount of posts in the Tas Club section (5 posts & 7 replies I think ::) ::)).

I may even fly up & pick my mate Sarge up for the trip down & we can practice some of our moves for the Grand Event! ;D

Anyway, hoping to catch up with you all & putting some faces to the names.

Rob J

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: customFC on January 13, 2006, 12:37:04 PM
Hey Rob.
Sorry to hear you won't have your car at the Nats.
Will be good to catch up with you again though.
Perhaps the Vic guys have a spare FE/FC that you could borrow and enter........anyone?  ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on January 15, 2006, 06:07:00 AM
Hi all,
    The Nationals are not far away and entries are starting to flow in. Yesterday all previous and expresion of interest on our data base were emailed a Nats update and those with no email were posted out. The Vic club has Nats merchandise avaiable for pre order only and will be ready for pick up only at the Nats. Also the Nats update and order form can be down loaded on the Vic site.
Cheers Tony Galea
 How many days to go ?

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fc104 on January 15, 2006, 06:32:03 AM
There are 92 days, thats right, only 92 days till the Nationals.

For those that aren't on the mailing list, please see the Nationals Update below from Tony.

Hello fellow FE-FC Enthusiasts,


The 11th FE-FC Nationals at Phillip Island hosted by the FE-FC Holden Car Club of Victoria Inc. over the Easter long weekend are getting closer.

The Nationals officially start on Friday 14th April with a welcome dinner and finishes on Monday 17th April at Holden's Proving Ground, Lang Lang where lunch will also be provided by the Victorian Club.  

Entries close with last mail on 31st January 2006.  So far we have received entries from ACT, S.A., N.S.W., Qld, W.A. and of course Victoria.  We are hoping to get entries from Tasmania too, so if you're from our Southernmost State, this will be a great opportunity to take part in a Nationals which is close by and won't be held in this State again for another 10 years.  This will be the 4th time Victoria has hosted the Nationals and also the first time that the Nationals have been held on an island, and so far south!  

These Nationals will be extra special to celebrate the anniversary of the FE's release in 1956 which also coincided with Melbourne hosting the Olympic Games.  Saturday night's dinner will include an Olympic Theme fancy dress (ie. dress in Gold, Silver or Bronze or Olympic theme).

For the 2006 Nationals, we have invited other car Clubs which cater for FE-FC's in addition to the FE-FC Holden Car Clubs of Australia.

Attached is the itinerary, entry form, accommodation information, details of penguin parade trip and apparel & merchandise order form.  All apparel and merchandise must be pre-ordered.  This information and more is available from the website: www.fefcholdenvic.org.au or you can ring Tony or Dina on (03) 9785-1015 or 0412 360 992.

All the best,
Tony Galea,

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: GOA350 on January 21, 2006, 10:04:45 AM
c'mon everyone who hasn't entered yet, there's only elleven days to go to enter, and if you miss out then you're going to miss out on the best time of your life. Take it from me, I went to my first one last year and had the best time. My wife had such a good time she let me buy another car to do up just for her.
   So if you are thinking about it then do yourself a favour and enter.
           Cheers Scott

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: graham_fuller on January 21, 2006, 12:32:23 PM
sent my Cheque today come on guys not much time left.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on January 21, 2006, 03:15:22 PM
10 days to go till entries close and 85 more sleeps till the Nationals. Who's counting ?
 Back to bed
    Tony. ::)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Phantom on January 21, 2006, 10:31:09 PM
Cheque will be in the mail first thing Monday morning, continental all booked and ready to go , cant wait
                                   Cheers Rusty

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on January 22, 2006, 12:09:05 PM
Entries are rolling in at a good pace and we're pleased to announce that we finally have an entry from Tassie with an FC!  Great to see.  Come on you Taswegians - what are you waiting for?  If we could get an entry from the NT it would be a truly National event - that might be something to work on for the future.  
Until next update

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on January 28, 2006, 12:28:40 PM
Hi all,
    Entries  are closing soon and to date we have 77 entries. Only 23 more to go for the magic 100. Get your entry in and be part of it.  Cheers Tony.                                              

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on January 29, 2006, 10:59:21 AM
With 74 days to go till the Nats and only 3 days until entries close we have 88 confirmed entries and the goal of 100 FE-FC draws closer!
This will be a first for the FE-FC Nationals; to have over 100 FE-FC's in the one spot at the same time!

Until the next update, Keep Holden On!
Tony Galea.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: customFC on January 29, 2006, 01:01:25 PM
Hey Tony.
Thanks for the update.
88 entries thus far.....great stuff!
You haven't got my entry yet, as i'm just putting it in the mail. Perhaps I will be the magical 100th entrant.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: TorqueFC on January 29, 2006, 01:21:46 PM
74 days...ahh so much to do so little time. you havent recieved ours yet either, will give the entry form to you tomorrow  :-[

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on January 29, 2006, 09:39:16 PM
Two FEs from my camp, the Black Sedan and the Ute (I hope  ;D ) forms to be Express Posted on Monday.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: graham_fuller on January 30, 2006, 02:17:24 AM
How are we going for FE numbers anywhere near 50?

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: collecta on January 30, 2006, 05:13:55 AM
Im bringing my FE ute entry forms almost on its way ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on January 30, 2006, 11:09:31 AM
Another day closer,
              Today we picked up another 8 entries at the Vic Holden day. This brings the total to 96 entries.
 Dina is processing all entries forms and we should have a break down of how many FE's and FC's soon.
 Till the next up date
    Tony.  ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on February 01, 2006, 08:00:00 AM
Time draws near.  The latest update is that we have 98 confirmed entries and the promise of more to come.
Break up (briefly) is;
FE's 42 (Stock, 20 Modified 22)
FC's 48 (Stock, 23 Modified 25)
State break up is;
NSW 20
Qld 5
SA 4
Tas 1
Vic 55
WA 5

We will reach our goal of 100 entries, but we're still looking for more FE's to make that magical 50!

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on February 01, 2006, 02:47:46 PM
The mailbox was full and the phone was almost on melt down with the last minute rush. Picked up another 19 entries last night which bring our total so far to 117 entries and wait for it more to come.
We now have 48 FE and 61 FC ACT 11 NSW 24 QLD 5
SA 8 TAS 1 VIC 63 and WA 5. WE still need 2 more FE to make the magic 50. Today is the official entries cut off, but we will be accepting entrant forms that make the Vic club mailbox by FRIDAY 3rd FEBRUARY.
 Only 70 more sleeps
   Till the next up date
     Tony Galea. ;)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: graham_fuller on February 01, 2006, 07:18:17 PM
Tony great to hear 48 FE'S and a record number of entries. Do we love our cars and the nats or What. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: RET on February 01, 2006, 10:17:05 PM
I know of one more FE (not mine, my form is in) sent Express yesterday.  Will be there today.  So make that 49....


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: FE_STD_WAGON on February 02, 2006, 11:41:33 AM
Don't tell me 49 fe's as I so much wanted to bring down my fe ute [stock daily driver ] but couldn't find a driver :'( that would have been 50


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on February 02, 2006, 12:34:30 PM
Hi Mick,
      Don't worry we now have over 50 FE's. When we first said we would like to get 50 FE's people though we were dreaming. Well the dream has come true.
Looks like we are going to have about 130 entries. Who would ever thought we would have over 100 FE's & FC's at the Nationals. People should  remember we are a 2 model car club that ran from 1956-1959. Unlike the FX-FJ that ran from 1948-1956.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: graham_fuller on February 02, 2006, 07:44:03 PM
This is unbelievable 130 Fe/FC's in 1 spot at 1 time and over 50 FE's just shows how strong the movement is.In April we take possession of Philip Island in May the
world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic.
Graham ;)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: RET on February 02, 2006, 11:14:04 PM
More than 50 FEs.  Sensational.

BTW Tony - I'm as happy as the next bloke to stick it to the "half-a-battery" mob ;D (just ask Ian O!) but to be fair 48s and FJs may have been manufactured for twice as long as FE/FC, but there were still 20% more FE/FCs produced.

All that aside, how does 130 cars compare to turnouts at other Holden Nationals?  That would have to be up there, surely?

Easter can't come soon enough ;D


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Hotlips on February 03, 2006, 05:42:27 AM
 ;)Well Done everybody,  What a massive NATS it will be.  It kinda puts the wind up us SA lot for when we organise the NATS in SA in 2008.  Cheers Hotlips ;)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: RET on February 03, 2006, 06:19:04 AM
Despite hitting the magic 50 FEs milestone, they're still outnumbered by the FCs.  So how big is the FC's 50th Anniversary going to be?

No pressure, huh? :-/


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: mcl1959 on February 03, 2006, 07:43:52 AM
Very roughly by memory, I would put numbers as follows
ACT - 82
NSW - high 70's
QLD - 60 something ?
VIC - 50 odd
all others before - less than 50


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: RET on February 03, 2006, 07:48:43 AM
Thanks Ken - I've got the actual numbers for FE-FC Nationals about the place somewhere, and could post them if anyone is interested.

What I meant was I wonder how this compares to 48-FJ or EJ-EH etc Nationals?


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: HAD 708 on February 04, 2006, 01:38:22 AM
Well how good is that Tony has talked it up from the start and i have just sat back and thought yeh maybe ???? Well HOW WRONG WAS I!!!!! 130 cars at a Nationals that is going to be unbloody beleivable! A Nationals record not just beaten but SMASHED.Full credit to Tony Galea and his incredible enthuiasm he never once gave up the hope of 100 cars and to think 130 cars and 50 of those FE types! it truly is fantastic. As mentioned by RET wait until the FC hits the Golden age it should go off!. Better head off to the next committee meeting and start to help a liitle more so that the event can be as good as everyone expects it to be!!!
Cheers for now and i look forward to meeting everyone at the biggest Nationals EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: customFC on February 04, 2006, 11:19:09 AM
130 cars....now I gotta see that.
Incredible to have 50 FE's there, but even more incredible is 80 FC's in attendance. That's almost as many FC's as there was cars in total at the last Nats.
This is going to be HUGE!

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: FE_STD_WAGON on February 06, 2006, 06:00:08 AM
MAN it's going to be a traffic jam at the racetrack & I for one couldn't think of another place I would rather be
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Congrates guys on a wonderful marketing job who would have thought we'd get that many. I can't wipe the smile of my face  Can't wait

Cheers Mick

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Wayne on February 06, 2006, 07:15:23 AM
 Great job VIC in getting all those cars going to the nats going to be a great weekend. Can not come quick enough.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Hewart on February 06, 2006, 08:12:02 AM
Unbelievable number of entrants!!! A fantastic job done by the Vics, and everyone involved in the FE/FC movement.

I'd also like to credit the Canberra guys with helping boost these numbers.... the success of the Jindabyne Nationals has surely added to everyone's enthusiasim...

All in all an excellent result!!

Well done

Les... ;)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: gp on February 06, 2006, 09:42:09 AM
I just know we're going to have the BEST time at Phillip island!

Congratulations on the Vic Club for hosting the BIGGEST Nationals Ever!

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and ALL THOSE CARS at Easter.


Graham :D :D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: collecta on February 06, 2006, 01:01:00 PM
This will be my first nationals and certainly not the last.
bring it on.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on February 07, 2006, 09:24:31 AM
Hi all,
  Our club committee meeting is on tommorow night. We will post the final number of entries this week.
  Cheers Tony Galea. :D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on February 09, 2006, 02:11:26 PM
63 Days to go.
  Just a reminder entries are now closed. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept any late entries for the 11th Nats at Phillip Island. This is due to confirming final entrants and guest numbers for catering,entrants goodies and merchandise / clothing orders, trophies and official program.
See you at the Island
  Cheers Tony Galea. ;)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on February 11, 2006, 02:13:40 PM
All entries have been processed and we have 137 entries which 127 entries are with cars. 57 FE's, 33 Mod, 24 Stock, 70 FC's, 32 Mod, 38 Stock
FE sedans 37, FE wagons 4, FE utes 12, FE vans 4,
FC sedans 49, FC wagons 11, FC utes 6, FC vans 3

ACT 10, NSW 31, QLD 7, SA 9, Tas 1, WA 6, Vic 73

See you at the Island
  Cheers Tony Galea. ;)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fc104 on February 13, 2006, 11:38:59 AM
Nationals merchandise orders close this Friday the 17th Feb.

Don't miss out get your order in early.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fc104 on February 22, 2006, 12:21:16 PM
Only 51 days left.......

Routes to Phillip Island have been published on the Victorian web site  


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on March 03, 2006, 10:00:24 AM
Only 42 Days to go. Are you ready ???
See Ya at the Island
  Tony. ;)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Hotlips on March 03, 2006, 10:58:36 PM
 :oCan't wait - was it only yesterday we were at Jindabyne????   I have heard on the grapevine that Russell Bates is not attending - any truth in this??? Cheers Hotlips :o

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: HAD 708 on March 04, 2006, 02:18:19 AM
Russell will be coming but only for one day as he has a prior family holiday that he has to go on and cant change the committment
See you soon

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fcpv on March 09, 2006, 09:50:08 AM
Hey Dexter, you dont really think I would let you come all the way to Victoria and not catch up with you and Gregells at some stage.
Shit, the Nationals would not be the same if I didn,t get a chance to say hello to you.
Yeah, this little black duck will be there and I will be looking out for you guys  OK

Russell Bates

P.S.  I will be checking out all the Panel Vans too as I am still in search of my old FCPV which was originally an FE Van    ( Brown )    ( nice color )

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Hotlips on March 10, 2006, 01:24:11 AM
 ;)Hey there Russell, it will be good to catch up with you at the NATS (yeah, you're right wouldn't be the same without a talk with big fella!!!).  Cheers Hotlips ;D ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: GOA350 on March 11, 2006, 10:41:57 AM
Hi guys,
           I'm going to try and have a beer with every entrant so look out the last person, I could be pretty drunk by the time I get to you,
                         Cheers GOA
ps, I'm the one with the vanilla peach FE with a Chev in it. :D :D ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on March 11, 2006, 10:57:28 AM
Jeez GOA, you'd better stick to butchers (200ml) if you are going to have 140 odd beers  ;D
Hmmm 140 x 200ml = 28 litres!

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: RET on March 12, 2006, 03:54:46 AM
28 litres?  That's only 3 and a bit cartons (or slabs in Vic-speak).  What about the other 2 days? ;D


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fcpv on March 12, 2006, 10:51:11 AM
Go forth young scotty,  just make sure its not that horrible 4x shit that they sell in Queensland


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: FCwagon on March 14, 2006, 08:54:54 PM
Now Russel, we all know everything's great in the Sunshine State, so I'm gunna stick up for their beer. It is after all a Victorian recipe founded in the goldfields of Castlemaine rated as 3x, taken up to Brisbane, improved somewhat by the Perkins boys then given a 4x's rating.
Having said all that, I doubt anyone could last 140 of them tho'. It does have a rather laxative effect after a while.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fcpv on March 15, 2006, 11:24:55 AM
Thanks for the history lesson leighroy but I was always led to believe, as were many others that the origin of the 4x was that Queenslanders could not spell "BEER"

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: gp on March 16, 2006, 09:36:06 AM
Hey Scott (GOA),
Last time I saw you with a few drinks under your belt, you thought you were John Travolta!  ;D Is there gonna be some Saturday Nite Fever happening at the Island?? :o



Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Cat on March 16, 2006, 11:07:58 PM
Do you think it might be worth posting a picture of Scott doing his big 'JT' on here?  Has anyone got one?  And exactly how much money could we get out of Scott NOT to post it??  ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: gp on March 17, 2006, 12:30:48 AM
Hi Cat

Yes we have a photo (or two) of Scott doing the JT in his nice 70s outfit.  We also have some very amusing photos of Galea and Ray doing their 'thing' on the dance floor.  But we can't work out how to post them..........


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on March 17, 2006, 09:46:00 AM
Hi everyone,
Better still Scotty - we have you on video!!!
Dancing to Stayin Alive, or was it Saturday Night Fever?  Just wait till we figure out how to put them on the forum! ???

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on March 17, 2006, 09:49:27 AM
28 DAYS TO GO!!! ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fccool59 on March 17, 2006, 10:05:16 AM
just a few finnishing touches to go, and some cutting and welding and filling and painting and engine building and trimming etc

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: gp on March 19, 2006, 10:19:51 AM
Are we there yet?  ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: surferboy on March 19, 2006, 12:15:02 PM
BUGGER   !!!
I'm getting all excited about the Nats and I can't go. :( :'(
Can't wait for 2008

8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Cat on March 20, 2006, 06:52:08 AM
How do I know Scott hasn't bribed you to say that??  Surely someone trustworthy can assist you with posting the evidence? Such an opportunity...let's not waste it!!

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: GOA350 on March 20, 2006, 10:55:49 AM
Hi Guys,
            Thought I had better reply to your threats to show those photos. I dont mind you showing them but dont forget, what goes around comes around, so show them at your own peril. By the way cant wait to have a beer with you guys and it deffinitly wont be a 4x. Most probably be a Boags Draught or a Coopers, so be ready you guys out there who are in for a good time.
              Cheers Scott ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on March 20, 2006, 11:05:04 AM
Most probably be a Boags Draught or a Coopers, so be ready you guys out there who are in for a good time.
              Cheers Scott ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

and who said Victorians had no taste  ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: gp on March 21, 2006, 09:06:28 AM
Oh dear,
I think Scott's threatening Payback.... maybe we'll have to discuss it over a few Bourbons?  :P

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on March 23, 2006, 11:09:16 PM
Hi all,
    21 Days To Go!  :o
    Who's counting  ???
     Are we there yet  ::)
     Are you ready  ;D ;D ;D ;D
  Cheers To all

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fe hotrod on March 24, 2006, 03:03:48 AM
 ;)ohhh yeah...........
heres my short list......
put front end back together..
replace leaking water pump..
color sand some areas i touched up..
fit new exhaust..
clean up engine bay..
finish off interior..
bleed brakes and clutch..
paint and fit new spats..
clean interior..
cut and polish whole car..
plus a heap of small shity jobs..
BUT I,LL BE THERE!!!!!when is a project car ever finished???cheers jamie ;)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Phantom on March 24, 2006, 04:50:25 AM
 ;D My list is a mile long FE HOTROD , but i will get to them as i accumulate some cash, so RUSTY FC will be going as she is, half finished.
                        Cheers Rusty
                            8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on March 28, 2006, 01:24:55 AM
17 Days! to go  :o
Better get back to it  ???
See Ya at the Island  ;)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on March 28, 2006, 04:31:05 AM
Check out the Shannons site and read all about the Nationals at Phillip Island.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Cat on March 28, 2006, 07:26:23 AM
Someone once told me....

It is better to publish and be damend than to never have published at all!

Captions are at your own imagination!!





From Cat and her co-conspirators!   ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Martin on March 28, 2006, 12:43:27 PM

Part of that Shannons post also appeared in the Adelaide "Advertiser" motoring section on Saturday 18 March.


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on March 28, 2006, 09:37:42 PM
Was curry on the menu that night?  ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Hotlips on March 30, 2006, 01:14:27 AM
 :o :o Put your right leg in and put your right leg out ....etc etc etc.    OR....  I've heard of the "Chicken Dance" but never the "Bum dance"!*#!(#(*#  Cheers Hotlips :D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on April 02, 2006, 08:32:14 AM
Hello again,
Nationals confirmations and information packs will be sent to all entrants on Monday 3rd April.  12 days to go.  Are we all ready?
See you all the Island,

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Cat on April 02, 2006, 12:39:37 PM
I'm ready, but I want to know what Scott is going to wear to the Gold, Silver or Bronze do on Saturday Night, given his last effort!?

Any takers for suggestions....!

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on April 03, 2006, 11:23:50 PM
Hi all,
    Nationals entrants packs were sent out today to all entrants. The Nationals entrants program will be ready for pickup at Friday's Entrant's registration at the CYC The Island from !0.00am- 5.00pm.
Not long now!!!
 Cheers ,
     Tony.  :)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: GOA350 on April 04, 2006, 09:13:14 AM
I suggest you just worry about yourself Cat and wait and see  ; ;D ;D ;D ;DD

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: surferboy on April 05, 2006, 02:05:33 AM
Gday Tony

Will there be an official ceremony for me to be passed from those terrific friendly partygoing West Aussies to the host Victorians on the Friday or Saturday ?

Will it be informal so I can wear my stubbies and singlet?

or will it be formal and will I need my tophat and tails ?


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on April 05, 2006, 02:29:14 AM
Hi Torch,
       You can wear what you like. Friday at the welcome dinner there will be a official ceremony when the WA pass the Nats Torch to the VIc'c and the Phillip Island Mayor opens the Nationals. :D :D

Let The Nats Begin!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on April 05, 2006, 04:34:32 AM
Only 9 more sleeps to go!!!  :o :o
To all the entrants that are starting to get them selves ready and their cars for the trip down to Phiilip Island all have a safe trip.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: GREGD on April 05, 2006, 05:04:36 AM
Hi all

only 9 sleeps I am exited it will be a fantastic Easter see you all soon


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: HAD 708 on April 05, 2006, 09:43:26 PM
Second last committee meeting last night and it is all full steam ahead we wish all our entrants a very safe trip and we look forward to seeing you all at the Island next Thursday/Friday!!!!
Take care

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: graham_fuller on April 05, 2006, 10:41:23 PM
Thanks for the well wishes Tony and Brett.Let me also thankyou and your committee for all the hardwork I'm sure it will be a great event.Can't Wait.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Cat on April 06, 2006, 02:09:18 AM
Hi Torch,
Don't forget to dress up on Saturday night in your Gold, Silver, or Bronze for our Olympic Theme dinner - top hat and tails is optional, but I must say you do look quite fetching dressed up like that....very HOT indeed!  :-*

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on April 10, 2006, 12:06:52 PM
The time draws near 3 sleeps to go and who's counting  ???
 Hope you all have a safe trip down to the Island.
  Tony  ;)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: smithy on April 10, 2006, 08:42:17 PM
unfortunately due to financial shortages and a still incomplete car i wont be attending this years nationals :'(
but i want to take this opportunity to wish all those attending a safe trip to and from phillip island and a great time while there.
ps. i wanna see heaps of photos, please ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: colt on April 11, 2006, 12:56:09 AM
Sorry you can't make it, Smithy. A great time is guaranteed from all accounts. 2 SLEEPS TO GO!
BTW, many photos are guaranteed!

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: surferboy on April 11, 2006, 10:25:29 AM
Wish we could be there enjoying all the fun with you at philip island ,but that would take a miracle.(or two).would love to see all those cars together and catch up with some of the great people we met at jindabyne.
Hope the West Aussies uphold the tradition and bring the club challenge trophy home.

8) 8) 8) and Cathy
(just sitting waiting for a miracle or two)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: NascoHunter on April 13, 2006, 10:50:23 PM
Hi all,
  To all that are leaving today and tomorrow for the Nats. Have a safe trip and catch you at the Island.
No more sleeps
   Tony  :o :o :o

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fccool59 on April 14, 2006, 09:50:10 AM
I should be on my way soon, just trying to work out how to fit evrything in the LTD.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Martin on April 14, 2006, 11:01:33 AM
 You need a wagon, Leon!!   ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: surferboy on April 18, 2006, 03:40:57 AM

(but I don't have any photos to prove it)

8) 8) 8)
( It's not really...... it's my panelbeating savings.
Now they're back to $0.00)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fe hotrod on April 18, 2006, 04:44:54 AM
 ;)just got home from the nats,the commitee needs to be congratulated for putting on such a great show!!!it was good to meet up with people from the forum and to put faces to names!!had a absulute ball!!will post some pics later....bring on Mt gambier in 2 years....... ;)cheers jamie

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: FC0058 on April 18, 2006, 05:54:23 AM
Ladies and gents
Photo's Photo's Photo's ??????

Stuck in Perth and missed the Nats  :'(

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fccool59 on April 19, 2006, 03:37:24 AM
You need a wagon, Leon!!   ;D  ;D

I have two, both FC's, I just wish they were on the road.
we just squeezed into the LTD but there was some luggage damage due to tight packing.
I didn't really think a $600 ford could make the trip there and back but it didnt skip a beat the whole way.
I am still finding it tricky to adapt to driving cars other than FC wagons as my wagon has been my only transport 95 % of the time since my teenage years.
hmmm, should I now try and do 2 FC wagons before the next natoinals or would the neighbours shoot me if I started doing the other car.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on April 19, 2006, 06:52:04 AM
Just got back, pheww, bit of a hike

As for the Nats themselves......

[size=12]W I C K E D[/size]

I had a ball, the kids didn't want to leave even Nadia thought it was great. The only bad thing was not having enough time to catch up with everyone I meant to.
Got a few photos, about 150 I think, I will post some as soon as I catch my breath.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fccool59 on April 19, 2006, 07:15:31 AM
Hey Stinky my kids didnt want to leave either and have been asking me to take them back. my wife was pretty exited about the high speed laps at Lang Lang in the Grand champion car, I had a ball but regretted not having my car there.
There was one minor issue [ EDIT: if it was minor maybe it's not worth putting in print? There's two sides and all that ]  ... one thing about the FE FC natoinals is most people there are great to have a chat with.
The bar/tv with holden adds/ and bon fire out the door from the bar was ideal and I reckon will be hard to beat for  future natoinals.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: FC-V8 on April 19, 2006, 07:24:11 AM
Come on guys spill the beans who got what in regards to awards? Who go grand champion?


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fccool59 on April 19, 2006, 07:33:28 AM
GOA 350, my wife is going on about this car at the moment on the phone as she had a high speed lap on the lang lang high speed circuit in it.(http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y14/FCCOOL/nats001.jpg)

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on April 19, 2006, 07:54:47 AM
Hey Stinky my kids didnt want to leave either and have been asking me to take them back. my wife was pretty exited about the high speed laps at Lang Lang in the Grand champion car, I had a ball but regretted not having my car there.
There was one minor issue ***COMMENTS REMOVED*** but one thing about the FE FC natoinals is most people there are great to have a chat with.
The bar/tv with holden adds/ and bon fire out the door from the bar was ideal and I reckon will be hard to beat for  future natoinals.

We had trouble getting a seat for all 6 of us, but got lucky in the end. I meant to catch up with you at the "Social Club" to discuss customs as I want to do one for the Mt G Nats. Not sure, but I think it was your son that was playing with my lot a while, he was stirring my son at the whirlygig saying he was going to throw up everywhere, RATFLMAO.

We have to congratulate Tony, Dina, Cat, Brett, Paul, Mahogany and anyone else involved (Sorry about names or anyone I missed). They all did a fantastic job.

BTW, we only got stopped three times by the cops, 2 in Vic and one in SA. The buggers in SA gave Nadia a nice new windscreen sticker (too low)  :'(

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fccool59 on April 19, 2006, 08:40:24 AM
yeah stinkyI meant to catch up with you to talk diy sewing and upholstery but you were in the wrong place at the wrong time (or I was)
I was surprised at all the people from other states watching my slow ever going build up of my car and at the interest they had in it.
as for building a custom I think since you can weld, sew and paint already the first thing to do would be to buy some magazines like this-
Look for magazines from the era you want it to be and get some ideas going, these old magazines used to have lots of how to articles as well.
dont worry about new magazines for styling ideas if you want a period custom becuase its like getting all your advice through chinese wispers.
$80 worth of magazines would be easily worth the difference it could make to your car in the end.

Any way I wreckon again that was a pretty good natoinals well set up for socailising, bench racing and having a good time, also fun for the whole family apart from the tables thing and not much could have been done better.
Ohh and next time we are at phillip Island we will have to get unlimited speed on the track.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: fccool59 on April 19, 2006, 08:57:32 AM

BTW, we only got stopped three times by the cops, 2 in Vic and one in SA. The buggers in SA gave Nadia a nice new windscreen sticker (too low)  :'(

I always thought canary's add character. hope you can temporarily borrow some springs, That is pretty rare to happen these days with early holdens.
I was only pulled over once and it was at the begining of the trip for rbt
Did they pull the 2 cars over together, maybe you just got a bad one who was dissapointed when he found you had a unreg permit and wanted to find something to write a ticket for.

Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: collecta on April 19, 2006, 09:18:04 AM
Have to agree with all the other comments made.
The VIC committee did a fantastic job after all, making 300+ people welcome and fed was a task in itself.
The olympics on sunday produced a lot of laughs and passed the time easily.They certainly have made a hard act to follow in Mt Gambier.
Putting a face to a name certainly was a well worn cliche on the weekend, but so true.

Hey Stinky had a mate sms me from tintinara this arvo thinking it was my FE and wondering about the canary.
looks like you have two for regency pk. now.


Title: Re: Nationals Update
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on April 19, 2006, 09:49:19 AM
Despite their reputation the Vic cops were pretty good, the first lot was on our arrival at CYC, literally at the front gates. We got a warning about no tail-lights on the ute and they said the rego on the Sedan was OK. The second Vic cop saw the rego paper, walked around and said thanks "You saved me the paperwork, See ya later".
The SA Cops pointed Nadia out from a speed trap in Tintinarra, I think the fact we had just pumped the air-shocks up (for all the luggage) and gave the car a little rake and made the front look too low. No tape measure, just said it looked to low. He was hanging out to ping my car though, he took details and will probably check my claim about having the car booked for inspection.
So two cars to Regency it is  ::)