FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => Events, Shows etc => Topic started by: customFC on June 23, 2005, 08:18:31 AM

Title: Alex and John's Drag Racing Adventures
Post by: customFC on June 23, 2005, 08:18:31 AM
Thought I would share some pics and thoughts on a great day last Sunday.
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/customfc4/NOS Drags1/NOS016.jpg)
John and I met up and arrived at the track early. No sooner had we found our pit allocation then it started to rain. A little prayer whilst standing in line at registration seemed to do the trick, as it fined up for the rest of the day. Soon after car inspections (really only # allocation as they did not even pop the bonnet) the cars for the show and shine started to arrive. Spent the next few hours checking out show cars and race cars whilst catching up with mates.
It seemed like forever, but we finally got the call to the staging lanes. Here we go!!
Waiting behind the track was cool, checking out the other cars and sizing up our competitors whilst waiting for our turn. The front engine dragsters  were staged beside us, and it was an extra treat standing there watching these awesome dinosaurs fire into life. They wheeled out to the track, and our vantage point behind the lanes gave us an extra perspective as the tyres were lit up.
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/customfc4/NOS Drags2/NOS168.jpg)
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/customfc4/NOS Drags2/NOS172.jpg)
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/customfc4/NOS Drags2/NOS174.jpg)
Before long it was our turn, and with helmets in place we made our way to the waiting area. You had to keep your eyes open, as it was hard to hear, watching for the signal to move into the burnout position. A further signal was given to light 'em up, and by now I was only happy to oblige. More signals helped us into the staging lights, and now my eyes were focused on the 'christmas tree' and the expected flashing lights. Yellow, Yellow, hit the gas pedal, slip the foot off the clutch, Yellow, Green. Let her rev out, snatch second, more revs then third and finally fourth, there's the finish line, keep the power on till after you cross and now you can coast to the end of the track. I look around, find John on my right and hook around to the return road with a big grin on my face, along with the relief that I did not break anything.
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/customfc4/NOS Drags2/NOS182.jpg)
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/customfc4/NOS Drags1/NOS093.jpg)
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/customfc4/NOS Drags1/NOS094.jpg)
Cruised down the return road in front of the stands and noticed the guys from the club giving the thumbs up and a small round of applause, gave 'em a wave and headed for the pits. Stopped to pick up my timing slip and when I parked the car, took the time to check out my efforts 18.2 @ 75 mph. With the first anxious run out of the way, it was time to wait for the next call to staging......

Would I do it again.....HELL YEH!


I just want to say thanks to the guys who helped me out by taking some of these shots for me.

Title: Re: Alex and John's Drag Racing Adventures
Post by: customFC on June 23, 2005, 08:22:16 AM
If you want to check out more photos of the Nostalgia Drags, here are the links to my photoalbums
May take awhile, there are 174 pics in there.


Title: Re: Alex and John's Drag Racing Adventures
Post by: Martin on June 24, 2005, 01:44:44 PM
A great story with terrific pics, Alex.  Well done - and thanks.  I really liked the narrative.

Glad nothing broke.



Title: Re: Alex and John's Drag Racing Adventures
Post by: Emu on June 24, 2005, 05:33:02 PM
Great story, beautifully written, excellent pics. You should apply for a job at "Cruizin' " mag!

Thanks Alex

Title: Re: Alex and John's Drag Racing Adventures
Post by: SRVLIVES on June 24, 2005, 06:31:41 PM
You should apply for a job at "Cruizin' " mag!

Thanks Alex

Nah, he can spell! :P

Title: Re: Alex and John's Drag Racing Adventures
Post by: Hewart on June 28, 2005, 01:22:11 AM
Hey Alex...
Great yarn...! And, as always, excellent pics....!!
Looks like you guys had a blast..

Well done... cheers

Title: Re: Alex and John's Drag Racing Adventures
Post by: craiga on June 30, 2005, 08:26:26 AM

If you want to look at the 'official' photos of the event check out this site http://www.nostalgiadrags.com.au/site/gallery.cfm?srcFolder=20050619



Title: Re: Alex and John's Drag Racing Adventures
Post by: customFC on June 30, 2005, 10:44:03 AM
Thanks for the links Craig.
If you want to see some more pics from the Nostalgia Drags taken by the trackside photographers, check out these links.


Lotsa pics in this one.
