FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => FE-FC Holden Nationals => Topic started by: fcfromscratch on April 13, 2002, 09:26:54 PM

Title: 2003 Nats??
Post by: fcfromscratch on April 13, 2002, 09:26:54 PM
Hi Team,

Are there any details on the Qld Nats next year yet?

I'm planning that I may drive my FC over from the west, just need to start thinking about dates etc for booking holidays from work....

A convoy from the West....there's an idea.  Anyone else interested??  Could this be the beginnings of a WA club!!


Title: Re: 2003 Nats??
Post by: RET on April 18, 2002, 01:01:27 AM
Hi there Brad,

Good on you for bringing your FC across.  The event is held over the Easter long weekend, which will be 18-21 April 2003.
The venue for the weekend is the Isle of Palms Resort http://www.isleofpalms.com.au/, and you need to mention that you are part of the FE-FC Holden Nationals when you ring up to book your accommodation.

At this stage the entry forms have not been released, but they are expected in the next 2 months or so.  More info will be posted here when they are available, rest assured of that.

Please note that you must be a member of one of the FE-FC Holden Car Clubs of Australia, or a member of an invited club to participate in the Nats.  Vehicle entry is not open to the general public.  Those clubs include:
  • FE-FC Holden Car Club of NSW
  • FE-FC Holden Car Club of Vic
  • FE-FC Holden Car Club of Qld
  • FE-FC Holden Car Club of SA
  • NSW Mid North Coast FE-FC Club
  • FE-HR Holden Owners Club of ACT
  • FE-HR Holden Owners Club of Tas

If you belong to another club you can apply for your club's invitation.  Email nats@fefcholden.org.au if you'd like to know more about that.

Sorry to crack you over the head with the rules and regs, but how pissed would you be to drive across from WA, doing three fibre timing gears along the way and not be able to participate?! >:(


Title: Re: 2003 Nats??
Post by: fcfromscratch on April 19, 2002, 12:12:58 PM

Thanks for clarifying about the need for club membership...no problems there....can you send me details or application forms?


Title: Re: 2003 Nats??
Post by: RET on April 19, 2002, 11:57:48 PM

No worries.  Just go to the main site http://www.fefcholden.org.au and follow the links to any and all of the state sites.  NSW, Qld and Vic all have downloadable application forms.  You will need to get in contact with the SA club directly (committee@sa.fefcholden.org.au) if you wish to join them - and they're geographically closest to you - since they don't have that information for download.

There seem to be plenty of people in WA with FEs and FCs that participate here.  You guys need to get yourselves organised into a local club.  It's not like your state is that big ::)


Title: Re: 2003 Nats??
Post by: FCwagon on July 02, 2002, 08:06:47 PM
Hi All,
I thought it would be better to get a few opinions other than what is printed in a brochure, so I spoke to a couple of Vic. members who've visited the Gold Coast and checked out the venue for the 2003 Nationals.
From their responses it looks like it will be an enjoyable stay. The Isle of Palms is easy to find, has security and is close to shops but is also just out of the hustle and bustle of the Gold Coast strip. It's what they class as an "up market" holiday village with stacks of things to do.
The initial hiccups with bookings was due to the place changing hands, but the new people are quite helpful and looking forward to our event. I for one can't wait to get there!  ;D :D
Anyone else from interstate been there and can share there views?