FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => Events, Shows etc => Topic started by: RET on April 12, 2005, 01:10:45 AM

Title: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: RET on April 12, 2005, 01:10:45 AM

The FE-FC Holden Car Club of NSW and the FE-HR Holden Owners Club of ACT have opened up their annual combined run to Berrima to a number of other Holden Clubs.  At last count we have 8 clubs attending, with several others invited.  While the theme of the event is to celebrate the mighty "Grey Motor", all members and models are welcome.  Note also that the event is open to stock and modified vehicles, so your car doesn't have to still be grey powered!

A number of trophies will be awarded on the day, and at this stage the following clubs will be attending:

* 48-FJ Holden Owners Club of NSW
* FE-FC Holden Car Club of NSW
* FB-EK Holden Car Club of NSW
* EH Holden Car Club of NSW
* Southern Sydney Early Holden Car Club
* FX-FJ Car Club of Canberra
* FE-HR Holden Owners Club of ACT
* EJ-EH Holden Club of ACT

If your club would like to get involved in Grey Pride, get in touch by email (ret@nsw.fefcholden.org.au).

You can download the event flier here ($2) (PDF, 300K).

Show your colours by going grey at Grey Pride 2005


[ Edit: Update of details to clarify status of EH/HD/HR (non-grey powered models) ]

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: RET on April 13, 2005, 08:53:49 PM
A number of posts have been deleted from this thread.

One of the things that came out of the NSW Club survey was a request from members for more combined runs with other clubs.  Grey Pride is the biggest (bar Nationals) combined run we have ever put together, with a much wider variety of vehicles than is typically the case.  Additionally, our club is sponsoring trophies to be awarded on the day, so we're investing in this event for this year and hopefully the future.  We (the NSW Committee) would like to see Grey Pride become an annual feature on the calendar of all the early Holden clubs in the vicinity.

Yes, the event name has a certain amount of irony, even self-mockery about it.  Hopefully it will also be memorable.  This thread was posted to raise awareness amongst forum members of the event, not just so the usual suspects can take cheap shots.  Ask yourself if what you're adding to the thread is helping to promote the event or not.

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: Sarge on April 14, 2005, 05:32:23 AM
    If you don’t like us usual suspect's having a bit of fun that is not hurting anybody or any thing why allow us posting rights if your only going to delete them. I to hope the event become's an annual event and also a very popular one at that. As for your remark about cheap shot, I don’t agree.  How can us usual suspects be taking any thing away from this event by joking about the name? Don’t you think other's are doing the same.


Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: RET on April 14, 2005, 06:07:25 AM

I believe you may not have seen all the posts in question.  One was deleted by the original poster off his own bat, and everything else I deleted, including my own replies on the original topic.  It wasn't selective, and the finger was not pointed at anyone in particular.

The fact that yours was only the second reply on the topic (and there were quite a few more that followed, mine included) should tell you something.  However, you can be one of the usual suspects if you want.


Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: Wayne on April 15, 2005, 04:43:41 AM
  I agree with RET we should not have the topic side tracked as this is going to be a top run that RET is organising with the ACT and all the other clubs. I did not mind my reply was taken off as there is the right time and wrong time to have our fun. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE ON THE RUN TO BERRIMA

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: Sarge on April 15, 2005, 09:37:44 AM
Point taken and enough said


Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: oldgmh on April 15, 2005, 09:48:38 AM
Sarge - are you taking the point...again.

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: HAD 708 on April 22, 2005, 08:23:01 AM
My Grey Pride.



Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: HAD 708 on April 22, 2005, 08:26:24 AM
Oh wow it workked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have finally loaded a picture after 2 years on the forum which means if i can do it any one can. Just a couple of shots of my old girl which will be in all its glory with the wagon at Phillip Island.
I would love to attend the Grey Pride Day but unable to this year maybe another year



Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: HAD 708 on April 22, 2005, 08:28:02 AM
And another one now i can do this i could go mad!!!!!!!!


Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: HAD 708 on April 22, 2005, 08:33:15 AM
And one more!!!!!!!!!
Grey is GOOD


Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: oldgmh on April 22, 2005, 09:41:55 AM
Hey Brett,

My eyes tell me 8126 miles on your speedo - first or second time around?  

I luuuuv the look with spats, venetians and whitewalls!

And grey is a colour!


Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: HAD 708 on April 22, 2005, 09:57:45 AM
First time around i am the second owner of the car. It is a rare one as it has a FB interior 1960 Chevy headlining and FB exterior colors in Corona Grey and Artic White and  all Factory specs. On the spec plate it shows SPEC to indicate that it was a prototype. I purchased it in 1996 from a deceased estate in Hawthorn Vic.

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: RET on April 22, 2005, 10:06:47 AM
Well done Brett, there'll be no stopping you now.  (When I saw all those new  posts in this thread I thought I was going to have to crack some more heads ::))

Since you're into the swing of it, how about some pix of that funky FB hybrid interior that's been discussed in that Wedgewood Blue thread?

Love your wagon, but looking forward to seeing this one again too.  11 months, isn't it?


Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: graham_fuller on April 22, 2005, 10:47:24 AM
Hey Brett,
Thats 1 top looking car and all those Nasco accessories what about a few pics showing the headlining and upholstery.
Roll on Easter 2006

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: Martin on April 22, 2005, 11:51:16 AM
Hey Brett,

2 great cars - you make me absolutely green (or is that grey) with envy.

I'm with Graham - give us a look at the interior.  What a rare gem.


Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: 4hammers on April 22, 2005, 08:28:12 PM
Hi Brett.
Man, I am stoked you have mastered the art of photo posting. Bring em on! Tell us a bit about the Grey one. That is one sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet car. Those miles, are they genuine?
Also, love to see some shots of that FB Interior.

Looking forward to seeing more of your toys.

Rob J

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: HAD 708 on April 23, 2005, 04:58:47 AM
108000 original genuine miles and it is a great car it is getting some work done on it at the moment when it returns i will post some pics of the FB interior etc.

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: parisian62 on May 16, 2005, 06:05:37 AM
To the The FE-FC Holden Car Club of NSW and the FE-HR Holden Owners Club of ACT - many thanks for organising Grey Pride 2005.  What a sight to see all those early Holdens cruising the highway to Berrima!  It was a great opportunity to meet up with other Holden enthusiasts and put faces to names as well.

Our Club had a wonderful day and we look forward to participating again next year.  :)

Stewart Watters
FB EK Holden Club of NSW

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: craiga on May 16, 2005, 08:10:16 AM
I certainly have to agree with Stewart, plenty of cars (over 100!!) and great support from all attending clubs.

Anyone got some photos to post to show everyone else?



P.S: And thanks to everyone who placed a vote for the Poo Mobile - I was just over the moon to win a peoples choice trophy at a gathering like this. For your car to be judged positively by your peers is very satisfying. Thanks guys.

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: Phantom on May 16, 2005, 08:31:56 AM
Well is my puter on the blink or am i the only one who cant see any HAD 708 pictures ?
                A confused or blind Rusty

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: Phantom on May 16, 2005, 08:33:38 AM
Well is my puter on the blink or am i the only one who cant see any HAD 708 pictures ?
                A confused or blind Rusty

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: Jonno on May 16, 2005, 09:09:47 AM
well...unless the cars look uncannily like question marks in blue squares, there are at least two of us. Is this a Mac/PC thing?

Jonno ???

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: Spinner on May 16, 2005, 11:18:04 AM
Scottish Computers?

I suspect that the pictures are gone because they don't really have much to do with cruising to Berrima.

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: gp on May 16, 2005, 07:34:07 PM
Thanks to everyone who attended Berrima and made the day such a great success. Wow.....we were expecting about 50 cars, but something like 105 turned up!  :o Good onya RET for doing most of the organising.

Also a big thanks to the NSW FE/FC Club for the great picture that they handed over to the 10th Nats committee.

I'll try to find time to post some photos in the next day or so.



Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: RET on May 16, 2005, 10:59:43 PM
The pictures weren't deleted by me, I've no idea why they no longer show up.

Thanks for the kind words regarding the event.  We had 9 or 10 clubs in attendance, with 110 cars in all.  Way more than we anticipated, but luckily we had room to fit them all in comfortably.  There was a lot of local interest too, following a half-page spread in the local paper devoted to promoting the event.

Given the huge support we will definitely be doing this again next year, and we urge any participants who have ideas to improve the event to get in touch (not in this thread, but by email or phone) and let us know what they think.  We (the NSW Club) certainly learnt a few things from the day that will go into the mix for next year.

As usual I was too busy running around to take any photos, but hopefully some other participants can come up with the goods here (and for Sideplate, for that matter...)

Graham referred to the print that the NSW Club presented to the ACT Club.  This was something we wanted to do to show our appreciation for the huge effort that went into Jindabyne.  Shown below are the two grand champions from the 10th Nationals with the framed print.  The NSW Club will be producing more of these for sale to Nats entrants (and others).  Details to follow shortly.


Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: MalFE on May 17, 2005, 09:37:40 AM
Here are a couple of photos.
The foremost car is the winning Poo Mobile.


Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: MalFE on May 17, 2005, 09:43:32 AM
Sorry Craig,
I will try again.

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: MalFE on May 17, 2005, 09:45:38 AM

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: fc_clint_nz on May 21, 2005, 08:02:24 AM
Hi Rusty, you have to be the funny man on this site good on ya i can't see pics ? take it easy may catch up nexyt year. Clint

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: FC_Driver on May 23, 2005, 09:26:36 AM
Our FC at Berrima.
I hope this works as It is my first attempt to post a photo?
Here goes

Title: Re: Grey Pride 2005, Berrima NSW, 15 May
Post by: FC_Driver on May 23, 2005, 09:27:22 AM
Ah well Try Again later