FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => Events, Shows etc => Topic started by: mcl1959 on March 19, 2005, 07:35:25 AM

Title: Vic club auction
Post by: mcl1959 on March 19, 2005, 07:35:25 AM
The Victorian club annual auction is coming up on the 26th of June.
If forum members wish to sell stuff at our auction, we are accepting items now.
Initial list will appear next month
Items must fall into the following categories;

New Old Stock

Contact me for more details

Regards  Ken

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: TorqueFC on March 21, 2005, 01:10:58 AM
hay ken
will drop in today if thats ok and will give you the list

would prefer to drop the list in as we need to check some things on that motor in the fc and grab them heater fittings

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: mcl1959 on May 03, 2005, 08:06:03 AM
With much regret, we have had to cancel this long running event due to lack of interest from sellers.
It seems that ebay has finally killed the auction!

with this months newsletter going to print now and only 40 items submitted (mor than half were mine) there was not enough items to make a viable auction even if a few more items did come in during May.


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: RET on May 03, 2005, 07:41:26 PM
That's a real shame, Ken.  It seems to me that swap meets are going the same way, and I guess you can't blame the sellers for that.  Given the choice of:

loading up a trailer, carting it across the country-side to be wherever and ready to go sell at dawn, standing around all day watching your stuff and haggling with people, then packing all the unsold stuff up again to take it home,


taking a photo of an item in your garage, deciding the minimum you'll accept for it and listing it (for a nation-wide audience) on Ebay whilst sitting in the lounge-room, posting it to the customer at their expense and paying about 5% of the total to Ebay

I know which one I'd choose!

Still, the Vic Club Auction has been for many years the place for FE/FC   rarities, and it's a great shame to hear of its demise.


PS: RATS! That means I have to find something to replace that page in Sideplate this month...

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: Martin on May 03, 2005, 10:46:53 PM
That is a pity, Ken.  Frustrating.

But why not go with the flow:  put the list up on the For Sale to Club Members board and give us all a chance.  The items could be put up at fixed price or best offer submitted by a certain date/time.

That would give us interstaters a look at some of the goodies you Vics accumulate.


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: graham_fuller on May 04, 2005, 01:21:15 AM
hi Ken,
It is a shame as I always look forward to your Auction. I have bought some good gear from this day over the last few years.Martins idea is not a bad 1 though.

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: Shayne on May 04, 2005, 02:29:05 AM
Unfortunately this is the downside of Ebay.  I think less items are advertised in local papers for the same reason.
I would support Martin's idea, but then give me a 'real hands on' auction any day!
Sorry to hear of the Vic club's auction demise.

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: mcl1959 on May 04, 2005, 11:18:58 AM
The auction always was open to interstate bidders (although very few on the forum participated - Richard and Graham certainly have)
The only thing that interstate bidders never got to see was a picture, but then does a picture really tell the whole story?

I am personally dissapointed to see it go as it had really become an icon in Melbourne for not only rare FE FC stuff, but rare stuff for every Holden model.


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: gp on May 04, 2005, 07:16:13 PM
It's very disappointing to hear this. I've been down there for the auction a couple of times, and also bought stuff via proxy. It has always been a great event, with some spirited bidding at times.

:'( :'(

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: Sarge on May 05, 2005, 05:24:50 AM
It's time like this that Progress really SUCKS. May-be Martins idea could just work. Why not give it a try.


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: Jonno on May 05, 2005, 05:39:41 AM
how much stuff do you need to make it viable Ken? Does it have to be advertised in the newsletter (could it still happen if we all extracted our respective digits)?

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: RET on May 05, 2005, 06:12:39 AM
Progress doesn't suck.  And I don't feel listing the stuff in the Club-only area is the right approach either.  This site is not an auction house, and you can't effectively make it act like one, IMHO.

The fact is that there weren't enough lots to make it worthwhile for the Vic Club to hire premises, an auctioneer and all the rest of it.  However, just as Ebay may have rung the bell on this event in its current form it may also be the next logical step.  We all know stuff sells for more on Ebay than elsewhere (ie at swap meets, club meetings or in the trading post etc).  It's not like the event was a closed auction - it was heavily advertised in Melbourne and further afield, and open to the public/other clubs/other states etc.

So why not hold the auction through Ebay?  It seems to me everyone wins - more eyeballs, more bidders, less hassle and less cost.  Advertise whatever items were going to be auctioned through the normal channels, and the date they'll be listed on Ebay.  List whatever you've got, and see what happens.


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on May 05, 2005, 07:24:29 AM
A sad day indeed, but I think RET has the right idea about an eBay Auction instead.

My "trader rating" post was a little ill timed after what has happened here. We are onto a good thing and in hindsight trader rating and all the other associated guff could cause more harm than good.

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: NascoHunter on May 05, 2005, 12:03:27 PM
To make the Auction viable we need 150 plus items to date we only have 40 item which is well short of the same time last year. It is a sad day indeed after 15 years the auction which has help many collectors and enthusiast like us. Ebay has been chipping away at our auction for the last few years and l have found swap meet going in the same way. That's progress.
   Cheers Tony Galea

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: Sarge on May 05, 2005, 06:53:01 PM
Progress is something that you really don’t wont to happen when you have an event like this. But year after year people have watched this event change. Each year something would be different.
Over a period of time this event would grow and have people eagerly awaiting it the following year. Unknowingly people throughout the year would sell their item on E-Bay why not you can make more money and it’s all done from the comfort of your own home.
As Ret said earlier

“taking a photo of an item in your garage, deciding the minimum you'll accept for it and listing it (for a nation-wide audience) on Ebay whilst sitting in the lounge-room, posting it to the customer at their expense and paying about 5% of the total to Ebay”

We have all done it, and sadly the end result is this event is NO MORE as many others have stated the swap meet will be next.
This is Progress.

The way I express my self and the way I feel about something may not be pleasing to everybody and in some cases even offend (which is not my intension). But IMHO Progress does suck at times, and this is one of them.

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: 20.4_seconds on May 05, 2005, 10:02:17 PM
As a newbie I don't attest to knowing anything about how the clubs and auctions are run as yet, but I was wondering if there was a way to almalgamate the club auctions into the National Championships, I mean what better time with a captive audience to try sell something to people who are there for the bigger picture.
If this is about the survival of the clubs with much needed proceeds coming from auctions(I'm thinking that a percentage goes to the clubs?)
Change is good, being able to adapt to that change and succeed is better.

Just my humble thoughts


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: mcl1959 on May 07, 2005, 08:33:45 AM
Talk about stir up a hornets nest, there has been considerable support from a very generous benefactor with a whole load of NOS stuff for FX to HR who has offered 75 odd items for our auction, so we have to advise ----------

IT'S BACK ON !!!!!!!!!!

Richard, we may need to call on your generosity again to help us with posting the auction list.

I hope that all members of the forum will support us in what may end up being our last auction.


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: Sarge on May 07, 2005, 06:53:25 PM
     All I can say is YES YOU BEAUTY. This is great news and a great way to start the day. Good luck with it hope it all runs smooth. :D


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: HAD 708 on May 08, 2005, 09:06:29 AM
Yes the Auction has been resurrected and yes we still need more items. If any one on the forum has some quality items they would like to submit please contact either Ken or myself and we will endeavour to list them and add to our list. We have all read how sad it was that it was being scrapped so please help us to help you and make the Vic Auction a successful day.

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: TorqueFC on May 15, 2005, 09:25:32 AM


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: mcl1959 on May 16, 2005, 07:02:48 AM
All items in the auction must be delivered by 10am on the morning of the auction, or if you are not able to be there (or will be late), they must be given to a committee member to deliver.
All items will be numbered as shown in the newsletter and this number must be attached to the item by the owner so that the organising committee can quickly organise all the items.


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: RET on June 03, 2005, 01:02:21 AM
Here is the latest Auction list.

(Ken - I've sent you a PM to explain how you can update this list if necessary)


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: Emu on June 03, 2005, 09:10:45 AM
Hey Ken,

I would like to bid on a few of the items on the list attached to RET's post. How would I do that?

If I was successful, how do I get it up here to the Goldie?

Matt F

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: collecta on June 03, 2005, 01:17:30 PM
im having trouble seeing this list but did not last year .
any ideas muchly appreciated, something about xls download .
damn computers.

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: RET on June 03, 2005, 09:16:49 PM
I've only published the list as it was given to me.  Do you have Excel installed?  If not, you can download a free reader here ($2).

Otherwise, is it a security warning about Macro viruses or something?  That can be ignored as near as I can tell - I got no such warning in Excel v.X (Mac) that it contained any macros.

I'll do a copy in PDF and post it.  I can't guarantee to keep it up to date if the  original list changes though....


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: RET on June 03, 2005, 09:18:33 PM
PDF copy, based on list supplied 31/05/2005.


Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: mcl1959 on June 05, 2005, 09:22:44 AM
Firstly this is the final list - so no further changes will occur.

Regarding bidding;
All bids are directed to me via email or message and are confidential.
I will also act as proxy bidder on your behalf in order to get the lowest possible winning bid for you.
All you need to do is provide me with the item number, a brief description (so no confusion occurs about the item you wish to bid on) and the maximum you would be prepared to pay for it.
If you win an item, I will contact you regarding the amount plus postage and all the club asks is that you honour your commitments and pay promptly.
No fee is required up front and the system relies entirely on the honesty of the bidder.
On our side we will endeavour to fairly represent you and secure all items as cheaply as possible below your reserve price.

Hope this sounds clear

Regards    Ken

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: Emu on June 06, 2005, 12:17:44 AM
Perfectly clear.

Thanks Ken

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: collecta on June 13, 2005, 12:41:09 PM
Thanks RET,

Title: Re: Vic club auction
Post by: NascoHunter on June 25, 2005, 04:09:36 PM
Hi all,
    Just a reminder the FE/FC Club of Vic Auction is on this Sunday also there is a swap meet before the auction. Door open 10.00am.
  Cheers Tony