FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => FE-FC Holden Nationals => Topic started by: gp on March 17, 2005, 08:09:23 PM

Title: Safe travelling
Post by: gp on March 17, 2005, 08:09:23 PM
Hi there,
As the WA contingent is departing tomorrow, I'd like to wish you a safe trip to the East.

We look forward to meeting you next week. :D :D



Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: graham_fuller on March 17, 2005, 09:30:58 PM
I'd like to second that motion.

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: fcfromscratch on March 17, 2005, 11:04:09 PM
Thanks guys,

we'll do our best to arrive safely....can't miss out on all that fun, can we??


Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: surferboy on March 18, 2005, 11:52:03 AM
Looking forward to meeting everybody.
We'll see you Thursday all ready for a fun weekend
Thanks guys

8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: gp on March 18, 2005, 08:29:03 PM
All the best to Jason Blanchard who's departing from Cairns tomorrow. Have a safe trip.


Graham :D

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: fcfromscratch on March 21, 2005, 10:54:12 AM
Hi Team,

its Brad & Gemma, Surferboy & Cathy saying "hoo-roo from Nundroo"

relatively uneventful trip so far, cruising along at 55 - 60 mph...

heading for Port Augusta Monday evening....

still on track for Adelaide Tues afternoon to catch up with Greg & Kathy......

cheers for now, see you all on Thurs night.....

Brad & Gemma & Surferboy & Cathy

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: gp on March 21, 2005, 09:51:19 PM
As the QLD contingent is departing tomorrow, I'd like to wish you a safe trip to the South.  30 degrees to 0 degrees in two days!!!!  Brrrrr...  :o

We look forward to catching up with you Thursday.


Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: julius on March 22, 2005, 06:53:17 AM
Hi Surfer boy and group

Hope you are taking some great interesting images on your digital camera ( I hope) on your way over as I would love to see some images of you guys crossing the Nulabour.

Look forward to Meeting you all on Thursday/ Friday.


Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: Hewart on March 22, 2005, 12:33:27 PM
A work mate was in Jindabyne last week and his convoy hit a kangaroo.... he suggested we should all keep an eye out in the area as there were plenty around last week. He also suggested that they wouldn't be an appropriate bonnet accessory.

Take care eh....!


Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: gp on March 23, 2005, 08:01:04 AM
As the SA contingent departs tomorrow (with the West Aussies in tow), I'd like to wish you a safe trip to the East.  Brrrrr...don't forget you winter woollies.    
We look forward to catching up with you Thursday.



Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: Martin on March 23, 2005, 01:27:40 PM
Thanks, Graham.

8 hours to depart.

Are we there yet?  Nearly.

See ya Thursday.

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: gp on March 23, 2005, 08:42:25 PM
Hi there,
As the NSW and VIC contingents are departing tomorrow, I'd like to wish you all a safe trip to the Snowies.

And to all those not travelling in convoy, we also wish you a safe trip.

Remember, keep your eyes peeled, read ALL the road signs, and drive safely.

See you all tomorrow...



Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: graham_fuller on March 23, 2005, 09:13:14 PM
Thanks Graham,
Hopfully the weather down your neck of the woods is better than ours wind gusts up to 90Km and heavy rain all at my front door.Looking forward to being there.
Graham ;D

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: colt on March 24, 2005, 01:41:19 AM
Just to reiterate Graham's message, have a safe trip everyone. Remember to watch out for old smoky between Canberra and Jindabyne, they get very active at holiday time.

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: Longhurst on March 24, 2005, 03:59:01 AM
They started yesterday and again early this morning. Keep an eye out for a blue XR6. However the FE's should not have a problem.

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: NascoHunter on March 24, 2005, 10:32:42 AM
Here comes the Vics leaving 6.00am one more sleep.
  See you all tommorow.
          Cheers Tony Galea :)

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: HAD 708 on March 24, 2005, 11:03:09 AM
Ill second that we will be on the road tommorrow heading for them there hills about 6-8 cars i think with more due on Friday. All being well we will see you all late arvo in Jindabyne.

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: craiga on March 25, 2005, 11:05:59 AM
Arrived in Jindabyne late today, really great to see lots of familiar faces and cars, and even better to see so many new ones attending. Cant wait for the next few days ~ OLD HOLDEN HEAVEN :-)

Gotta love old cars....


Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: Emu on March 25, 2005, 07:49:03 PM
Hilda and I am sooooooo jealous  :'(

It hurts!!!

Have fun guys. I hope you all have a blast. I can't wait to hear some of the stories and see ALL of the photos.

Phillip Island here we come. Have a beer for the Emu, The Sarge and the KIWI.

Emu - Jealous Bird

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: -KIWI- on March 25, 2005, 09:30:20 PM
im with emu
it guts me that we couldnt make it  but roll on 2006

a dejecteted kiwi  :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: Sarge on March 25, 2005, 09:45:33 PM
I hope that every one has a safe trip down, up or across and a even greater weekend. I look forward to the pic's and the tale's as I am sure Bug Jum will update us unlucky one's upon his return. Also have a safe return trip. See you all at phillip island 2006.


P.S Ret you may wish to have this framed as I think it's the first time the three of us have hit the same post and been nice. ;D

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: NO NAME on March 27, 2005, 03:40:16 AM
does anyone know if there are any vacancies left at the resort, I am thinking of heading down in the crappadore after midnight and staying tomorrow night.
other than that I hope it's a crappy nationals since I have missed most of it and didn't have my car ready.

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: zulu on March 27, 2005, 08:04:24 AM
You may as well use it mate, as they won't let you transfer it it to anyone else.
Cheers, Gary

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: gp on March 29, 2005, 08:32:04 PM
Ouch!!!  That hurt!!!!  Gee, thanks for your support Guys.

As you're well aware, Entries for the Nationals closed at the end of January (as per the constitution). The 10th Nats committee has busted their backsides for the last 5 years,  to ensure the entrants had an enjoyable Nats. I don't think you realise how difficult it can be for organisers to make changes at the last minute! I think the proof's in the pudding when the delegates from YOUR club told us at the delegates meeting yesterday that we just held "BY FAR, THE BEST NATIONALS EVER". These sentiments were also echoed by every other entrant throughout the weekend. Just because you can't get your act together, doesn't mean the hardworking Nat's committee needs to give you preferential treatment.

Graham  >:(

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: -KIWI- on March 29, 2005, 10:48:50 PM
if EMU KIWI or SARGE said something wrong were sorry but we WILL see you in 2006 just work commitments were against all 3 of us this year

cheers kiwi (bad mad 3some spokesbird )

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: zulu on March 29, 2005, 10:57:21 PM
Didn't set out to bruise any egos, though it might be an idea to look at  entry transfer for future Nats.

Not every one has a well ordered life & rather than a place not being filled due to whatever reason it's surely better if the place can be used.  

Congrats to all who organised & attended to make it a such a sucessful Nats.


Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: craiga on March 29, 2005, 11:58:22 PM
I think the difficulties that entry transfers or guys turning up on the day can create can be better understood by those who attended.

To explain - the printed program contained pictures of each and every entrant, the goodies bag was embroidered with your name, and the name badges included a picture of your car - not to mention the difficulties in determining what trophies are required without reasonable knowledge of who and what is coming. Add to that the fact that the resort was only open and catered for a specific number of people and you can hopefully more easily understand the frustrations that Graham's email obviously displayed.

I'll tell you something for sure - I'll be making sure my Easters are clear in 2006 (Phillip Island) 2008 (SA), 2010 (NSW or WA) and beyond..........

Wouldn't miss it for anything.

Great job guys.


A recovering Craig


Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: TorqueFC on March 30, 2005, 12:18:52 AM
hay everyone
i know ho unfortunae it was as many people couldnt go to the nats this easter, but does anyone know the total number of people who turned up to the nats, and where all the pics are???? i think every1 who dint go is anxious to see what went on

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: Kathy on March 30, 2005, 12:32:25 AM
Kiwi, Emu & Sarge  -  This was not at all directed at you.  The issue is with Zulu who phoned us the day before the event expecting to be able to transfer someone else's entry to himself.  As Craig A explained it is not that simple.

Zulu - I don't understand what people's egos have to do with you not being able to come to the Nationals.  

Additionally, why are you criticising the ACT Club because you didn't enter in time?  If you don't have a well organised life (as you put it), how is that the ACT Club's fault?

I think next time you are going to make comments about an issue, you should ensure you know what you are talking about.


Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: craiga on March 30, 2005, 12:47:10 AM

As people return home over the next few days more and more photos will start to appear.

Prior to the event there was full details and images of all the entrants at http://www.fefcholden.org.au/nats/onlionconvoy.html

Kathy, I have known Gary (ZULU) for a long time and he doesn't have a bad bone in his body, all he needed to know was why entry transfer was such an issue. Now its been explained to him I think he will easily understand.

Thanks again for your efforts.



Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: zulu on March 30, 2005, 01:44:56 AM
Hey Kiwi, Stop trying to take credit for my outbursts.
Don't listen to Craig, I am bad to the bone Kathy but I'll take that on the chin.

Cheers, Gary

See you all at Phillip Island (if I can make my mind up in time)

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: Kathy on March 30, 2005, 03:03:24 AM
Maybe this is one of those instances where the absence of facial expression can cause misinterpretation.  :-/

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: surferboy on April 04, 2005, 12:22:43 AM
I know we can't make Vic. in 2006 .
We've already started polishing the wagon (and the caravan )ready for S.A. in 2008.

                8) 8) 8) & Cathy

polishing the wagon......... believe that and you'll believe anything

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: old-blu on April 04, 2005, 01:22:39 AM
Hi Surferboy & Cathy. We had our fingers crossed for you both as we turned off to the North Coast on Ringroad 7, & you headed on towards "the big smoke".
Good to see you found your way.Hope you enjoyed that promised spa Cathy!!  [if you survived the Nullabor, then I guess Sydney was a "breeze".]
Cheers Old-Blu.

Title: Re: Safe travelling
Post by: surferboy on April 05, 2005, 09:36:05 AM
Gday Old-Blu
Cathy enjoyed the spa so much , I now have to take her to Margaret River for her birthday this week to spend more time relaxing before we go back to work on Monday.
The drive into Sydney was easy.(but I wouldnt want to do it to often) I,m just really happy that the wagon made the whole trip without missing a beat.
(it may not be the prettiest but it gets me from A to B.....or Z)
How do I convince Cathy that we should drive to ByronBay (with the longboard of course).

8) 8) 8)