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Technical Board => Restoration Help => Topic started by: utey on June 13, 2004, 11:55:26 AM

Title: Complete Respray
Post by: utey on June 13, 2004, 11:55:26 AM
What is the best way to go about a complete respray inside/outside?
1 Remove doors guards etc and paint off the car ?
2 Paint interior then refit doors/guards and paint outside?

If method #2 used do you fit the rubbers before you paint the out side and mask them up?
I would prefer to paint disassembled but am worried will damage paint when lining panels up
Doors needs to be removed when fitting rubbers?
Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Complete Respray
Post by: colt on June 14, 2004, 10:58:39 AM
When we recently resprayed my car, we used method # 1. Strip body of panels, spray inside cab and door frames. Now put rubbers in. We sprayed panels off car & fitted them up sprayed. You do have to be careful. Other people will do it differently, but this way worked for us.
To fit your rubbers properly you will have to remove the doors.

Title: Re: Complete Respray
Post by: HARKO on June 14, 2004, 11:33:08 AM
Id also suggest it not so important to spray solid colours on a complete car - metalics need to flow right down the side of the car and if things are sprayed individually they can come out different due to many things such as -heat ,new mix of paint, angle sprayed at etc etc.
Best way I reckon is to do inside to out , top to bottom and if you want the doors on - mask the door jambs from inside then close the door onto the tape making sure it seals up against it.
Then screw the rest of the car together being CAREFULL and using rags ,padding and patience where needed.

And with door line up = do it before paint and scribe lines to realign to when painted

Title: Re: Complete Respray
Post by: Ed on June 21, 2004, 09:40:54 PM
interesting, I have been gving this much thought as well.

I am planning to do a metallic clear over base.

my plans at the moment are to
1) paint the insides (combination of solid colour and COB metallic).

2) paint insides of doors and window frames

3) refit and paint outside.

I am unsure though of how to mask off the insides without causing lines? perhaps using the weather strip channels as the masking point???

also do u clear over the base on the insides first, then buff out any overspray which may occur? ie on the backs of doors etc.



Title: Re: Complete Respray
Post by: utey on June 22, 2004, 12:49:45 PM
My problem is the rubbers as they are hard to mask successfully so you paint then you still have to remove the doors to fit the rubbers
Catch 22 then refit the doors and damage the paint!!!!!!
Another thing  is it best/easier to refit the glass, regulator etc with the door off, which makes it heavier and harder to fit.
So much fun.

Title: Re: Complete Respray
Post by: Ed on June 22, 2004, 08:13:56 PM
Last car I did, we did panels doors off etc.. but this was a solid colour.

last metallic job I did, i did panels on, but really didnt care about the jambs and they looked shit house, but at the time I thought it was OK.

i would leave all the heavy stuff out, as holding the door to get alignment is difficult and is already a 2 person job.



Title: Re: Complete Respray
Post by: smithy on June 22, 2004, 09:07:41 PM
hi utey,
just going through the same dramas with painting etc:
just gave my sedan a complete bare metal respray in and out, in solid and COB. after painting i had to remove doors to install full rubber kit then put doors back on. this is a nightmare, as the doors sat well before the rubbers went in but after hmmmmm!
im with Ed on leaving the windows and regulators out until completly happy with alignment the doors are heavy enough as it is.
if like me you cant wait till someone drops around to help hold the doors up while you align everything a little trick i found worked quite well was to use two trolley jacks one under the leading edge and one under the trailing edge of the door. this way you can lift the back / or front without everything else moving. just take your time. and walk away when frustrated ;D
hope it helped a bit

Title: Re: Complete Respray
Post by: nicko on June 22, 2004, 11:34:46 PM
i have used the trolley jack method very successfully over the years but always remember to use wad of carpet or rubber block under door so jack does not chip paint off edges,also the just walk away and have a break for ten minutes when you start to get pissed at it is the best advice we can have ,although i sometimes get that angry i dont listen to my own advice. ::)