FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => FE-FC Holden Nationals => Topic started by: surferboy on April 25, 2014, 10:00:31 AM

Title: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on April 25, 2014, 10:00:31 AM

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Title: Re: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on April 25, 2014, 10:16:42 AM
Tapatalk has been playing silly buggers again
I can't upload my diary
( I can upload all the other posts. Don't know if I've got limits on how much I can post ?????????)

So I will start a new post tonight for our cruise home, and catch up with the last couple of days.

Can't do it now. The steam & bubbles from the spa I'm relaxing in might damage my phone :D

8) 8) 8)

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Title: Re: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on April 25, 2014, 09:11:59 PM
Day 22

Smooth sailing overnight and woke to watch the balloons over melbourne

First on
Last off
We started to worry that we were packed in so tight that we would be reversing up the ramp

Took a scenic drive through Melbourne city streets. Followed the car infront ( you would have thought we would of learnt NOT to do that by now ::)) And the TomTom didn't shout KEEP LEFT. when it should have

Plenty of time to get to Horsham so we visited Ballarat. Signed up for some badly needed lessons here


And found another "souvenir" shop.
Cathy scored a free electric jug for her collection because I payed way to much for this
My brain must have been in holiday mode ???::)

Had a few problems trying to tie this souvenir to the roof racks ::)  :D

Arrived in Hahndorf early enough for Cathy to do some serious shopping

8) 8) 8) & Cathy

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Title: Re: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on April 25, 2014, 10:04:54 PM
Day 23

Last day of relaxation before we start the long drive home.
Did some more shopping in Hahndorf at Cathys other favorite shop
Lots of classic & muscle cars cruising the main street today.

Decided to go for a short cruise to Gumeracha & Birdwood. Got as far as Verdun (4km) and got caught in a traffic jam :o>:(. Took us an hour to get to Balhannah (another 4km)
We didn't know every drunk 17yo in Adelaide was heading there for a music festival !.

We've seen the Roo
We've seen the Galah
We've seen the Koala
And now we've seen

The BIG Rocking horse :D

And here's something rarer than rocking horse poo......

Here's the new lines on the map from this Nats trip
:):):) :D:D:D

8) 8) 8) & Cathy

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Title: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: JOX515 on April 25, 2014, 10:26:54 PM
And the award for the most entertaining Nationals Diary clearly goes to Surferboy and Cathy. 

Wished I knew you were in Ballarat - would have shouted lunch and a beer.

Have a safe trip back you two :)

Cheers, Graeme

Title: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: Eaton_FE on April 26, 2014, 08:44:30 PM
We are behind you now, We have had to raid Leo's car for parts (Harmonic Balancer & Waterpump) yesterday and just for something different we changed the rear uni joint in a caravan park today.


Title: Re: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on April 26, 2014, 09:25:48 PM
Day 23

We were going to get up early and have a leisurely cruise through to Kimba

OK    you can all stop laughing now

Yes we slept in and got talking car stuff with our cottage owner ::)
And left late ( yes..  again)

Raced up the highway with one quick pitstop and arrived in Kimba in time for dinner.
Chatted with some of the hotrodders on their way home to Perth.

Here's a pic of my NEW high tech S.L.S.C. Unit (with verbal warning system)

My Staight Line Speed Control Unit

It says " 108.  109.  110.  111kmh"
Then it hits me
To let me know I've exceeded the speed limits ;D :D
It gets painful when I get to 125 overtaking roadtrains :o:'(

Must go now. Need to get to bed.
We ARE getting up early in the morning.
Have a loooooooong drive to Border village.

Les, did you have to fix your own wobbly bits ?    I had a good team of "surgeons" :D;D fix mine.

How far behind us are you ?

8) 8) 8) & Cathy

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Title: Re: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on April 28, 2014, 01:03:19 PM
DAY 26

Lost 2 days in my diary somewhere ???::)
It is the end of our days drive to Border Village, Soth Aust. Sunday 27th April.

We managed to get up early :D. And hit the road at 8.15am after brekky at the pub.
Eventually arrived at Border Village at 6.00pm or 5.15pm depending on which time zone the clock is set on ::)???

Having problems sending pics
Will update when I can

Am into Day 27 now
Having lunch at Cocklebiddy
Letting motor cool down. It's been running a bit warmer than usual, and engine won't start when temp rises during fuel stop.

Off to Fraser Range
No mobile coverage

8) 8) 8) & Cathy

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Title: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: JohnBM on April 28, 2014, 06:14:52 PM
We got back home late Sunday, and the FE is now in getting serviced. it was running a bit rough, possibly a manifold gasket leak, most of the way back, but it got us here. Can relate to the heating problem.

John & Bette.

Title: Re: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on April 29, 2014, 07:52:03 PM
Thats good news John. I bet your stress levels have dropped now you are safely home. I know mine will.
Not sure if Les is still behind us or has overtaken us. We are staying in Kalgoorlie tonight. One more day on the road and home tomorrow.

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Title: Re: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on April 29, 2014, 08:42:55 PM
Day 28

Decided on a short drive today. Staying in Kalgoorlie tonight.  Cathy's in no hurry to get home. Getting home means we are closer to getting back to work :(
Cathy suggested we could turn around and drive back across the Nullabor if it meant avoiding work ( I think she wasn't joking ). But we have pressies for the grandkids, so we are still heading West.

To try and catch up with the diary and get it back on track
Left Kimba ( a few days ago) and found another BIG creature

Temp gauge started moving to the right of vertical
7th time across the Nullabor so we weren't going to stop for photos. But we changed or minds and decided to do one quick stop.

WHOOPS...car was running hot and wouldn't start :o middle of nowhere and no phone !
Got it going and made it to Border Village O.K.

Got up early and left South Aust at 8.00am and arrived in West Aust at 7.15am ?????????
You know your in W.A. when you see Wedgetail eagles soaring overhead


Sorry....::) thats the best pic I could do. :D
Stopped at Cocklebiddy for lunch and met most of its inhabitants

Was met at Fraser Range Station by some of the locals
And had time to wander up the hill to the watertank as the sun was setting




And now we are relaxing in Kal for our last night on the roap.

8) 8) 8) & Cathy

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Title: Re: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on April 29, 2014, 09:18:25 PM
And in the distance
From the view from the watertank at Fraser Range


It's on private property next door and the owner has a BIG shotgun. So I couldn't get numbers.

8) 8) 8)

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Title: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on May 01, 2014, 01:58:17 AM
Day 29

The FINAL DAY of our adventure  :(  :'(
Back to our mundane lives and then back to work in a few days  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(

Just a few hundred kilometres and a few hours of driving to get us home.

Left Kalgoorlie and followed the Pipeline that was built in 1903.
100+ years later and there are now TWO pipelines

(http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b354/surferboyandcathy/P1010191a_zps6d6f52de.jpg) ($2)

The people in Kalgoorlie are really happy to have hot water now  ;D

100km out from Kal and we hear BANG.. rattle rattle
"what was that ?" asks Cathy

"Oh,   just a rock from the passing trucks flying up and bouncing off the sunvisor"  says I  (not really having any idea)

Well I was right.
The rock hit the sunvisor

 (http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b354/surferboyandcathy/P1010186a_zpsc8ed61da.jpg) ($2)
Just after it bounced of the windscreen

We then watched it slowly spread until it couldn't go any further
(http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b354/surferboyandcathy/P1010187a_zpsea65250c.jpg) ($2)

Looks like we are adding a new windscreen to the list of damages on this trip  :(

We haven't had this many parts fixed or replaced in all the 5 previous Nullabor crossings put together

But we got to the Nats
participated in all the activities
and got home again
 :) :)   :D :D   ;D ;D

We did our first Nullabor crossing in the wagon back in 2005 to the Jindabyne Nats. It was going to be a one off, to be able to tick it off the list of "MUST DO" things
Now after the 7th crossing.........
I think we might get slack in 2016 and put the wagon on the back of a truck
( But driving through the Northern Territory is on my list, and I haven't done that yet. It's a BIG empty space on my map    :D )

Thanks again to everyone who participated in the Nats and made it another GREAT weekend
and thanks to everyone who kept us on the road for the past 29 days

I hope everyone has enjoyed the adventure as much as we have
(and for the guys at work who doubted the old Holdens ability to do the trip  :P.       ;D)

See you all again in Toowwwoommbbaa     ;D  ;D  ;D
(I promise to learn to spell Tooowwwooommmbbbaaa corektly by then  ::))

 8) 8) 8) & Cathy

Title: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on May 01, 2014, 06:51:44 PM
Cathy has just finished adding up petrol receipts
(I don't know why. I just assume it's going to be outrageously expensive...  and I'm usually right  ;D)

$2161.94 give or take a few $$$
I haven't added up total Kms
Don't ask mpg. (It's a 202 + trimatic auto + lower profile radials + ???diff)

and $700 + in repairs so far
+ accomodation

= way to much
and that doesn't include "souvenirs"
and I'm sure we spent more on pressies for the grandkids

 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on May 03, 2014, 11:36:47 AM
The windscreen replacement was FREE ::)

But The repairs to the roof won't be :'(


8) 8) 8)

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Title: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: NES304 on May 03, 2014, 06:46:43 PM
Looks like its time for a restoration!

Title: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: FCRB26 on May 03, 2014, 07:22:24 PM
They arent called chew "O" chews for no reason... ;D

Title: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on July 19, 2014, 12:01:46 AM

(http://s13.postimg.org/xe6pps8wz/image.jpg) ($2)

Title: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on July 19, 2014, 12:05:00 AM
This is the new reinforcing piece with the nutserts attached that is fitted inside the roof to take the stress off the wagons  sheetmetal

(http://s28.postimg.org/obnvlomp5/image.jpg) ($2)

(http://s16.postimg.org/hgype1hkh/image.jpg) ($2)

 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Surferboys Nats Diary going home
Post by: surferboy on July 19, 2014, 12:08:48 AM

(http://s4.postimg.org/mclr4prx5/image.jpg) ($2)

(http://s23.postimg.org/i8feo73dj/v12.jpg) ($2)

(http://s29.postimg.org/l7u5y10df/20140717_170056.jpg) ($2)

trial fit
repaint roof (2pac)

HOME  ;D ;D ;D

 8) 8) 8)