FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Technical Board => Restoration Help => Topic started by: Cat on March 22, 2003, 12:24:26 AM

Title: Battery platform paint colour
Post by: Cat on March 22, 2003, 12:24:26 AM
Ok, next question!
In an FE where the engine bay is the same colour as the car, not black like in FCs, what colour is the platform that the battery sits on supposed to be?  I presume it is best to paint it in the tar paint so the acid doesn't affect it, but is that the right colour, or should it be the same colour as the car - in my case Castle G**y?
(See I didn't even use the "G" word ret! ;D)

Title: Re: Battery platform paint colour
Post by: Al on March 22, 2003, 02:09:33 AM
  Hi Cat,
 Im not sure myself what colour the battery box is on the FEs. But be carefull painting anything in the tar paint because it sweats and doesnt allow the panel you have painted to dry out causing rust. Just paint it with a few extra coats of normal paint, and take a few extra precausions such as dont over fill the battery, if you see the white powder on the terminals just pour hot water over them and leave the bonnet up to let it dry out. Hopefully I have helped you.

  Cheers Al

Title: Re: Battery platform paint colour
Post by: Cat on March 22, 2003, 02:13:02 AM
Thanks Al,
That's useful info to know and much appreciated.  

I was actually hoping not to use the tar paint if possible and I know overfilling batteries is a common problem so am always carfeul to make sure I don't and then I should't have any problems!

The person who owned the car before me used a couple of layers of rubber tubing under the battery and of course over the years this has gone really disgusting  and goopy so I though a clean up may be in order!

Cat  :)

Title: Re: Battery platform paint colour
Post by: graham_fuller on March 22, 2003, 07:30:46 AM
The battery tray in an FE is black.I had mine powdercoated a few years ago and its still fine.But as you and Al have said,dont overfill the battery.