FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

Technical Board => Restoration Help => Topic started by: Cat on March 20, 2003, 09:19:01 AM

Title: Which rubbers???
Post by: Cat on March 20, 2003, 09:19:01 AM
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I was wondering which rubber kit is the best to get?  I need to get TC waterproof before the big treck to queensland so the windows and doors are the main target and I have heard that the RS ones are RS.....is Peter Jackson better or are they the same manufacturer?  Or is there someone better that repro's them?  Any advice is very greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: graham_fuller on March 20, 2003, 10:46:05 AM
Hi Cat,
I used Peter Jackson rubbers on my car and found them to fit quite well.I don't know where Rares get theirs.

Kind Regards,

Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: craiga on March 20, 2003, 11:00:06 AM

Peter Jackson (now called Spectrum) is a Rare Spares distributor and generally sell Rare spares packaged rubbers which come from Taiwan.

I am in the process of fitting a complete rubber kit and have found that the Rare spares rubbers are of excellent quality and generally good fit. However I am not completely satisfied with the shape of the front dor rubber where it meets the top of the front guard. Originally this was a moulded section but is now the same profile as the rest of the upper part of the rubber. I will be removing this section and replacing it with another profile which I think is more suitable (FJ Door rubber profile). This should hopefully stop the door rubber being forced out over time as you see on most restored cars.

To replace door rubbers (especially fronts) it is necessary to remove the doors completely, and carefully clean any old rubber and glue from the channel. Unless your really brave and have absolutely nothing else to do (like work, eat, or sleep) I reckon it's now WAY too close to the Nats to start this process.

Door Windlacing is easily replaced (took me about 1 hours to do the whole car) but bailey channels are a bit more of an effort.

If you just want to stop the odd leak take your car over to Spectrum and buy lengths of replacement rubber and superglue them in. The guys there are very helpful and patient. It might sound a bit of a quick fix, but you may find its gets them good enough for the trip to QLD with minimum effort and dollars.

Hope this helps.


Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: customFC on March 21, 2003, 10:24:07 PM
Hey Craig.
Please tell me more about your windlacing installation. I bought windlacing to do the car about 8 years ago and never got around to it. Perhaps now is the time. The repro stuff does not have the little beading on the 'tongue'. This is what usually pinches behind the teeth to stop it falling out. What did you do to compensate for this if anything. More info please.

Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: RET on March 21, 2003, 11:05:17 PM
Craig and I talked about this before he did it.  A couple of options:

- roll the excess into a bead and glue it
- roll it and staple it every so often
- sew a thin rubber strip into it

Kev (59er) did the last of these (at my suggestion, Jacky was very impressed getting that job ::)), but reckons the results were worth it.  Very firm snug fit.


Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: graham_fuller on March 21, 2003, 11:15:36 PM
When I did mine I got  a trimmer to sew a pocket into the excess and put a Stainless wire into the pocket.This made it easy to push it back up into postion.


Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: craiga on March 22, 2003, 05:23:00 AM

4mm plastic cover wire (from Bunnings $1.04 per metre) was glued to the flat part of the windlacing. This was then folded over and pushed into the headlining retainer using a putty knife covered with masking tape. VERY easy and the windlacing is neat and tightly in place.

Kev's idea was great, but I couldn't convince Val she could do it.....

If you want, give me a call and we can arrange a time for you to come round and we'll either do it together or I'll show you how I did it.

You bring the VB ;D



Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: customFC on March 22, 2003, 12:26:04 PM
Thanks for the info guys.
Craig....are you talking about whipper snipper type plastic wire?
What glue did you use?
Did you install it with the fold facing out or in?

Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: craiga on March 22, 2003, 09:15:18 PM

I think the wire is meant for use on a clothesline !!! I chose it because of the nylon covering, so it won't tear the windlacing material when your fitting it in to the headlining retainer.

On the windlacing there is a glue line where the manufacturer originally glued the material around the rubber. I used a drop of superglue every 3 - 4" to fix the wire to the same side as this glue line, then folded it over and pushed it in to position. This hides both the wire and the glue line for a better finish. Fold was placed to the inside, but the wire goes so far up in the retainer you can't see it anyway.

I might make it to the run on Sunday (without FC) so I'll explain it more then.



Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: mcl1959 on March 23, 2003, 10:33:39 AM
Craig, might be a good idea to turn up to the run on Sunday as you may get a surprise ;D ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: 59er on March 24, 2003, 07:35:11 AM
I just saw the SURPRISE, very nice auto. Richard did very well.. For my windlacing my wife stitched rubberline onto the edge of the material that surrounds the foam. On the side that is longer. I got it at Clark rubber.It is very cheap and gives you the flexibility to get into the channels and under the roof lining. It has been there for several months and hasn't moved at all. "Yet"..

Good luck.When you start doing  it doesn't take long..

Regards Kev

Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: RET on March 25, 2003, 07:40:12 AM

Actually Craig was one of the very very few who knew about it (because he'd been to the Vic AHD and seen the car in person already, I'd sought his opinion).  But everyone else who turned up to yesterday's run got a good surprise!  It was worth the wait ;D  The look on Geoff Saul's face when he found out who belonged to this unknown car was priceless!  Probably because we had our Commodore there as well (no seat-belts in the new car for the kids), none of the late-comers suspected it was mine.  Col looked pretty gobsmacked too....


Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: RET on March 25, 2003, 08:21:54 AM
Just to drag this thread even further off-topic, here's a pic of the new old girl...


Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: Wayne on March 25, 2003, 08:41:08 AM
   Congrtulations  :) :) :)      Looks realy great sorry I missed it yesterday cant wait to see it on next outing.

Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: graham_fuller on March 25, 2003, 11:00:12 AM
Boy am I disappointed i didn't go yesterday no rain out west.Have to wait till the next meeting to see the new pride and joy.Looks great Ret.
Graham :'(

Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: Ed on March 25, 2003, 10:43:34 PM
Nice one Richard,

this would explain why you were "no longer looking".

v. v. nice



Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: customFC on March 26, 2003, 06:26:11 AM
Hey Richard
Wish I was there.
If Col was to close his mouth and open his garage, he too could turn up in a nice car that hardly anyone has seen. LOL.
Thanks for all the windlacing advice.

Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: Al on March 26, 2003, 12:40:41 PM
Hey Richard,
  That is one nice looking car. Will you be taking it to the nats?

      Cheers Al

Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: RET on March 26, 2003, 11:06:07 PM

Geez that's a slam-dunk if ever I heard one!


Absolutely, mate.  Can't wait to hit the Putty Road with those cross-plies :o


Title: Re: Which rubbers???
Post by: Al on March 28, 2003, 02:04:25 AM
I also can't wait to get onto the putty road, it meens we are on our way to the nat's.

   Cheers Al