FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => FE-FC Holden Nationals => Topic started by: FE_STD_WAGON on February 22, 2003, 07:30:27 AM

Post by: FE_STD_WAGON on February 22, 2003, 07:30:27 AM
Hi All,
       Just thought I'd let you know there are 58 entries to the NATS!!!!!! I can't wait to see them all cruising around the Gold Coast and meet all the entrants. ONLY 54 days to go and counting.

Regards Mick

Post by: Effie C on February 24, 2003, 06:26:25 AM
G'Day Mick
Any idea if we are going to hear from host club? I know they have the money as the cheque has been cashed.Doyou know if any info is being sent to the individual entrants?
There are a few at our club who raised the point at last meeting,as to the lack of information.
Look forward to hearing from someone,anyone.
John M

Post by: customFC on February 24, 2003, 07:07:37 AM
58....what a fitting number.
C U there.

Post by: mcl1959 on February 25, 2003, 08:23:35 AM
Mick - our club is asking the same question.  Can the QLD club at least send a receipt for monies sent ?
I know you are not personally responsible for doing this, but trust that you could print this off and make it known to the organising person(s).
The lack of information to entrants, to car clubs, in the QLD newsletter, and on this site is very frustrating, since whenever the subject is raised at the meetings (it's raised every meeting)  all we can say is that we haven't heard anything and assume all is well.
I am convinced that many Victorians have decided not to go because they just don't get a warm feel about the whole thing.
I have even rung the number on the entry form and left a message for someone to ring me back - all to no avail!

Only the diehards are coming from Victoria.


Post by: FE_STD_WAGON on February 25, 2003, 01:15:34 PM
Hi guys,
           I contacted the organising committee and they told me they will be sending out receipts and directions to all the entrants shortly. If you have any questions please call Greg on :0408063198 BH or (07)38867361 AH

Regards Mick

Post by: Effie C on February 25, 2003, 08:08:25 PM
Thanks for all your trouble mick, at last some info.
John M

Post by: FCwagon on February 26, 2003, 11:42:59 PM
For personal reasons I had to cancel my trip to the Nats but waited right up to the entry deadline before making it a final decision (as I was really keen to go).
After reading the Qld. club February newsletter, I notice they are still accepting entries and I might still have made it there had I known this.
Wots going on Queensland!! ???

Post by: Hotlips on February 27, 2003, 02:39:58 AM
 :) :) Hey there Mick, can't wait until Easter.  Unfortunately we just can't get SA people to the NATS.  They just don't know what they are missing! Only Glenn Adams (& family) and myself and Greg are coming from SA.  An ex-member who is now into the South-East club of Holdens of Age is coming.  
PS: Well done on getting 58 entrants! ;)! ;)!  QLD is a long haul for many people. We are staying for 1 week - Wednesday to Wednesday - driving up, flying back (EFFEE on road transport).  


Post by: HAD 708 on March 02, 2003, 03:56:33 AM
i am another disillusioned Vic member who is making the trip but are dissapointed so far with the very little input regarding entries and what is going on for the upcoming nationals in your lovely sunny state. A confirmation of my received entry and money would be appreciated! Also being a committee member for the vic club i am more than frustrated on the constant questions received from membership re  the Nationals that i am unable to answer. I am so looking frward to the event and hope that we can all enjoy the nationals. Congratulations on the good number of entrants.
Brett Gillard

Post by: Effie C on March 02, 2003, 07:35:16 AM
I have sent an e-mail to the QLD club committee from their web site seeking some sort of reply, will post any reply recieved.
John M

Post by: Effie C on March 05, 2003, 08:36:50 PM
Here is the answer I recieved,

       I understand your frustratons and agree with you.  It is my understanding that information, including receipts are being sent to entrants. We are having a meeting this Wednesday night, I will raise this issue and will reply a.s.a.p. to you with the latest information.

Michael Boyle

Well it is more than Ive had before and am waiting for the outcome from their meeting tonight.
John M

Post by: Effie C on March 10, 2003, 07:04:51 AM
Latest news from Michael.

All of the receipts and information about the nationals has been sent, maybe you have just received this.  I have little to do with the organising of the event, but will ensure to help with any queries where i can.  If there are any further problems or questions then please contact myself and i will endeavour to help.

Michael Boyle
0413 520 972

Hopefully we will all get the info this week.
John M

Post by: Hotlips on March 10, 2003, 10:21:31 PM
Good Morning everyone,  Well I rang QLD on the weekend and you will all be pleased to know that the entrants receipts were posted out last Friday (7/3/03).  Entrants will receive their "Goodies Bag" when they arrive at Easter and their entrant number will be inside.  They are very excited about their first Nationals and are trying to do their best.
Cheers Kathleen Textor, National Delegates Chairperson

Post by: Effie C on March 11, 2003, 08:19:51 AM
G'Day All
Well my receipt arrived in mail today,also a map and the same details as is available of this site.
Looking forward to putting same faces to log ins.
See you all there.
John M
PS Thanks to Michael for chasing up some answers and keeping us informed.

Post by: craiga on March 11, 2003, 08:27:41 AM
My receipt is in as well.

Thanks guys, really looking forward to the easter weekend!



Post by: customFC on March 11, 2003, 12:12:18 PM
Got my receipt today also.

Now the big question we all want to know the answer to...........
Will Craig get the POOmobile back together in time?


Post by: RET on March 11, 2003, 12:49:43 PM
I saw the poo-mobile today.  The passenger rear quarter Craig says I can have if I need it, since I helped him Prepsol it. (Actually he said it would be called the RET memorial quarter panel, but I reminded him that I'm not actually dead yet and only smelled that way).

I can only say that CraigA is a very ambitious man, and he's set himself an aggressive timetable.  But he'll do it, he's that kind of guy.

Sing out if you need help, Craig.  Are there any more panels I can have first dibs on?


Post by: craiga on March 11, 2003, 07:48:53 PM

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

If the Poo Mobile is to be finished for the Nats my finger will have to be well and truly pulled out. I'm back to the spraypainters this morning to final primer rub before colour goes on this afternoon. Body planned to be home by end of the week, body fit up over the next 14 days, then swinging panels added in the following week.

I'll be at the nationals, but most likely asleep in the corner ::)



Post by: Wayne on March 12, 2003, 05:46:58 AM
Still got in the Number 1 colour

Post by: craiga on March 12, 2003, 08:30:07 PM
Yep. That's why I'm covering it up as quickly as possible ;)

Here's a picture of the New Poo being applied. The India Ivory will go on today.

Getting closer now!!!!

Post by: Ed on March 12, 2003, 09:25:26 PM
Very impressive Craig,

You must be the main contender for the "Biggest Effort for the Nats" Award.

Love the Kiwi brand Respirator in that last shot!  ;)



The only thing going grey must be your hair from the big effort..

"Say NO to grey"

Post by: fcpv on April 06, 2003, 10:35:08 AM
I wonder if those disillusioned victorians are now going to get a warm fussy feeling about the nationals now that they have their long awaited info they have been calling out for ??

Post by: mcl1959 on April 10, 2003, 06:50:25 AM
Dear fcpv, firstly if you are going to criticise - have the guts to state your name.
As president of the Vic club, I believe that the way in which the Nats has been promoted has certainly affected the number of entries from our state, as do others on the Vic committee.

Also if you read the responses, you will see that the Vic club were not the only ones complaining.

This will be discussed at the Nationals delegates meeting and hopefully guidelines will be adopted to promote the Nats in there best light.

Ken McLean
President  FE/FC Holden Car club Of Vic Inc.

Post by: 4hammers on April 10, 2003, 07:22:19 AM
I agree Ken.
We had a few from the TAS FE HR Holden car Club of TAS that were VERY keen to go, but after repeated requests, from myself & some of the members, no info was forthcoming. All but one decided not to bother. It is a BLOODY long way to go, if you don't really know WHERE to go, or WHAT is gonna happen when you get there!!!
The amount of cash that had to be sent, BEFORE any other info was forthcoming, should have assured a speedy response. I don't have ANY idea of how hard it is to organise such an event, so am not going to mouth off too much.
BUT, as Ken said, Grow some balls FCPV (Well, maybe he didn't say it EXACTLY like that!!) & leave your name when you Gob Off!!

You MUST admit it was a reasonable request for info!!!
Rob Jeanneret
FE HR Holden car club of TAS.

p.s. Welcome to the forum FCPV!!! ::)

Post by: Hotlips on April 10, 2003, 10:20:32 PM
Sorry the last message was cut off - so I will continue.


Let's see:

1: We knew two years ago that it was being held at the Isle of Palms resort, Gold Coast, QLD.  

2: We know its over Easter - Friday, Saturday, Sunday and possibly Monday.

3: We have the welcoming barbeque on the Friday night.

4: We have a run on the Saturday.

5: We have Show N Shine on Sunday.

6: We have an itinary.

If you are going (which we are) this should be enough information.

Could I get some feedback regarding what other info is required as these points are generally what happens at each NATIONALS.  

Cheers Kathleen Textor, National Delegate Chairperson

Post by: 4hammers on April 10, 2003, 10:55:08 PM
Hi Kathleen.
You miss the point!! YES, we have the info NOW, but it took a bloody long time to get it. Remember, the entries CLOSED OVER a month ago, & the ONE person who decided to go, only got ALL of that info about 1 month ago. AFTER he had paid the cash.
Like I said, I can imagine it is VERY hard to organise something like this, but something should have been up earlier.
This would have made it easier to organise a long trip for everyone.
The FE HR Holden club down here went to the SA Nationals, & was given ALL the info we needed early on.
I, as Secretary asked the QLD club for info to be sent to our club address, or emailed to me. I got an email reply, very late in the piece letting me know the info would get here soon. It never came. The first bit of hard evidence was the fella who is going got his stuff.
Again, our club got nothing!
That is the point I am making. I should be easier to get the info. $1000 to get 2 people & a car across Bass Strait is not cheap. So I expect to know what I am gonna get when I arrive.

Post by: Effie C on April 10, 2003, 11:01:26 PM
Sorry the last message was cut off - so I will continue.


Let's see:

1: We knew two years ago that it was being held at the Isle of Palms resort, Gold Coast, QLD.  

2: We know its over Easter - Friday, Saturday, Sunday and possibly Monday.

3: We have the welcoming barbeque on the Friday night.

4: We have a run on the Saturday.

5: We have Show N Shine on Sunday.

6: We have an itinary.

If you are going (which we are) this should be enough information.

Could I get some feedback regarding what other info is required as these points are generally what happens at each NATIONALS.  

Cheers Kathleen Textor, National Delegate Chairperson

Great if you in the movement two years ago, have attended a Nationals before, but for the newly arrived FE FC person with no prior experience with the Nationals this previous lack off info does put one off going and the outlay off the dollars.

Just remember all that have been on the scene for a long time and have been there and done that, that not all have the luck of prior knowledge of what happened before.
John Mayberry
New to FE FC Club Scene and Nationals.

Post by: RET on April 10, 2003, 11:11:42 PM

That's making the assumption that everyone who wants to go to the Nationals has been before and knows the drill, and/or is able to attend their local club's meetings to ask questions of those who are regular Nats attendees.

The fact that it took well over 6 months for people to have receipts for their entries posted back is just unacceptable.  There has been virtually no correspondence from the Qld club in two years about any of the planning of the event.  Because I ring Ron and ask questions I'm able to keep our members informed, but there has been almost nothing about the Nationals in the Qld newsletter, which means there's nothing for the clubs to pass on in their newsletters.  Where do people turn, then, for info?

For example, when the Isle of Palms changed hands last year and the new owners wanted to renege on the arrangements made by the prior owners with the Qld Club, I would have thought it the responsibility of the Qld Club to get that fixed and to keep us informed.  Individual members have been left to battle it out with the proprietors over minimum stays, room prices, etc etc.  That sort of stuff leaves a bad tase in the mouth for entrants.

Yes, those of us who have attended a few Nationals are going to go regardless, but newish members don't really know what to expect.  All anyone has had to go on is the set of dot points you gave that are the bare minimum of a Nats itinerary, and that's hardly promoting the event, is it?

You said earlier that you just couldn't get SA people to the Nats.  Don't you think if the Qld club were more active in promoting the event that might have made your job easier?

FCPV:  I don't recall you responding to any of the questions about the Nats with helpful and factual information, and snide remarks from the sidelines help no-one.  Opinions are welcome here, but just baiting people isn't.


Post by: Hotlips on April 11, 2003, 01:25:49 AM
Hi;  I just can't believe that people went to the Sydney Nationals (perhaps for the first time) and did not bring back the information given us about the QLD NATS.  Surely the delegates/members attending the Sydney NATS would have told their other members when returning home all about the NATS and the upcoming NATS.  I know Jodie and Derek from Tasmania went to Sydney (and have moved interstate now) and I know that the President Graham Knowles had been to the Mildura Nationals.  

Surely all other state representatives/members would have gone home from the NATS and shown (with photos/videos etc) and told what a good time was had by all (we have been since Sydney).

New members should only have to ask/enquire their committee/delegates/members who have attended NATIONALS what goes on at these functions.  Let alone continual advertising in their club's newsletters about past NATIONALS and upcoming ones for those members who cannot make regular monthly meetings.

SA members are hard enough to get to our own events (it happens every few years) and Greg & I have been promoting the NATIONALS nearly every meeting and newsletter since Sydney.  Any extra information from QLD would not have made the slightest difference in participation.

As for the Isle of Palms - other than the owner of the penthouse we were staying at reneging - the Isle of Palms put is into another unit and we have had no trouble with them.  

I am sorry though that people ringing/emailing/writing etc to QLD have not received prompt response and this will be discussed at the delegates meeting.

Cheers Kathleen

Post by: 4hammers on April 11, 2003, 03:21:46 AM
Why do you not just face the fact that the QLD club didn't do enough??
Jodie & Derek DID go to the SA Nats. But have since moved to the mainland & we do not have any contact with them. They said it was great, but why on earth would they expect to know all the details for an event 2 years from that time.
Graham HAS been to a Nationals, BUT he didn't have a clue WHERE or WHEN the QLD nationals were happening.
Does EVERYONE who attends a Nationals AUTOMATICALLY get programmed with the next Nationals event?
I am STRESSING that we asked & didn't receive. It is NO-ONE elses problem, except the QLD club who should have sent the info.
You CANNOT blame anyone else!!
End of story!!
Rob J

Post by: mcl1959 on April 11, 2003, 09:16:57 AM
Kathleen, I'll give you just one example (I have lots but lets not make a novel out of it!!!!!!!)
Badges are offered as part of the package at an extra cost - quite a large extra cost I might add - One of the points raised at a meeting was "do the badges look like the picture on the bottom of the single entry form which our club received?"
The reason why they asked was because they didn't like the modern format of the badge and were not keen to buy one if it looked like that, but did not want to miss out if it was different.
Anyway - I phoned the number on the entry form that was marked "for enquiries ring this number" left a message - got no reply.
Left another message - got no reply.    Gave up trying

Do you call this promoting the event ?????

In answer to your earlier question about what info we need to promote the event is just contact.
Even stuff like "Nats committee report for July meeting - surveyed and routed the Saturday cruise last weekend - Great cruise - entrants will love it"   or
"Signed up the band for the dinner dance - heard them play at a function and they were terriffic"

This is the sort of stuff when read out at a meeting gives people the feeling that there is life up north and they are not spending a few thousand dollars and a week of their time on something they know nothing about.
We told our members everything you rattled off every meeting for 2 years - eventually they want to hear something else!!!!!!


Post by: fcpv on April 13, 2003, 11:39:37 AM
Who is FCPV  ????
OK an oversight on behalf by not leaving my name but I have no problem in telling you that I am Russell Bates from the Vic club and might I say that Kathy seems to be the only one here with some positive views, I have never heard so much negativity from people about an event thats meant to be a fun time when we all come together. Ken I could do some rebuttal about when you were doing the nationals but I have sent both you and Rob a personal email and I hope you both and others follow what is the true tradition of the Nationals and that is to have a good time.


Post by: 4hammers on April 13, 2003, 12:48:15 PM
Hi Russel.
You still seem to miss the point ???. All we wanted was to get info regarding the Nats. Like you said, (I quote you) "It is about an event thats meant to be a fun time when we all come together". EXACTLY, but it is a bit bloody hard when you dont know where to go!!!!!!! :-/ :-/
Rob Jeanneret

As for the "Private Email", thanks, your reply is on the way!! ::)

Post by: effeyoot on April 14, 2003, 06:17:30 AM
Dear All,
             My name is Michael Boyle and i am a member of the Queensland  Club, and i must say that i can't believe in all the negativity about how the Nationals has been organised, ok, maybe things could have been done better, but don't forget we are a small club and have never hosted such an event before.  How many times have some of the other clubs hosted the Nationals, and how was there first time?
             I don't see any problem with suggestions or remarks but it really seems like some people are going overboard a little.  I sent out an email of the itinerary on the 5th September 2002 to each of the clubs and received a few replies, so how can people still say they have no information.  And on many emails i have noted that i am open to any questions from anyone concerning the upcoming Nationals, and have had little response.
             My family & I went to the last nationals held in Sydney after being relatively new to the Queensland Club and we thoroughly enjoyed it, a real family type get together, but after reading some of the messages above I am really disapointed.  Some of the excitement of the upcoming nationals has now diminished in my eyes and i feel that i won't be attending any in the future.  I am sorry that we can't all be as perfect as others.

Michael Boyle

Post by: FCwagon on April 14, 2003, 11:12:27 AM
G'day Michael,
Leigh Detlefsen here from the Vic club. I'm not attending the Nationals this year due to personal reasons & not because of lack of information. I've attended 3 others and know what a great event it is and would go along just on that. Kathy was a little over the top with her explanation as not every Nationals I've attended has been the same.
I think the point being drawn out for so long is that we (other clubs) need more info from the host club so we can encourage any recent members who haven't had the pleasure of attending a Nationals.
We all realise Qld. is a small club and I admire your members for taking up the challenge (which you will not regret) to be hosts of this great event.
I'm sure you will find that come Friday when you see all those great looking Holdens rolling in, you'll reconsider your feelings about attending any more Nats in the future. Geez you might even find the mexicans are friendly enough to have a beer with.
Good luck. I know it'll be a fantastic Easter you'll remember for ages.

Post by: RET on April 16, 2003, 02:00:40 AM

I really hope you reconsider that position.  For what it's worth I concur with everything Leigh said.  I have spoken to Ron many times in the last 2 years and every time I have hung up the phone I have thought: "These nationals are in good hands.  These blokes have got all the bases covered".  In no way do I doubt that the event will be a success.

The only point I want to make is that it has been difficult for us in the other states to get people enthused to go to the event when so little information about the Nationals has been available.  NSW has the biggest contingent of any club this time, and I think that is due to a couple of things:
1. We hosted the last one, and it was very successful.  We had quite a few of our members come along who hadn't been before, and get the bug.
2.  It's not as far to travel for us as for those further south.  And we're heading north!! How cool is that?!
3.  We have flogged the bejeezus out of it to all our members for the last two years.
But as committee members we also wear the brunt of it at meetings when people ask if there is any news of the Nationals.  Just to hear little bits and pieces about the organising team help.  As I said before, because I speak to Ron more frequently than he probably has time for, I have some knowledge of where things are at to pass onto our members.  But really, it should be you guys broadcasting the information, rather than us having to chase it.  I guess that's the nub of the problem.

But I'm heading off tomorrow, and I'm jumping out of my skin.  I just can't wait.  I have been looking forward to this event for such a long time.  And I'm going to have a good time, like I always do.

See you very soon, and even if you don't know who Royce Simmons is, like he said "I'll be having a beer with every one of youse!"


Post by: kma on April 16, 2003, 03:13:52 AM
Hi all, I saw a nationals promotion in the TWEED SUN on page 4 from wednesday april 9th. Paragraph 2 of the article, quote, "The popular event orginised by the queensland fefc holden car club is expected to drawclub members from across far north queensland." unquote
I thaught that I was up here for the nationals with members from all over australia. After 3 months of preperation, 3 weeks off work I hope there is not two events on over the easter weekend

Reguards kevin.

Post by: 4hammers on April 16, 2003, 04:11:36 AM
Hi all.

I am not sure what you mean Kev, this year, or last year. It's like the "Tweed Sun" is NOT a HUGE seller in the rest of Australia.
I cannot believe there are still people out there who think it was an unreasonable rerquest of our club to get info.
Calls were made, emails were sent. No reply. I KNOW there is a lot of effort in getting something like this going. GOOD on those people, GREAT job, NO ONE expects them to be "Perfect". I also KNOW it will be a great time.
But, don't you think it would be better if there was more info available? I would liked to have gone & would have. My wife asked why we can justify spending $3000+ to go on a car run to QLD. What could I say? Nothing!!! All I knew was what I had heard from other NATS. NOT the info I required for this one. Fat chance she said, & who could blame her?

I am NOT bagging the NATS, or ANYONE who is involved, but thought more info would have been good.

Can you not see that????? :-/

A saying to clear things up.

"There are NONE so blind, as those who will not see"!!
This could apply to both sides of the story, but I think you all know my point of view.

I sincerely hope everyone enjoys the good times they have in QLD.


Post by: Ed on April 16, 2003, 04:25:44 AM
I think more info is required in future???..j/k

this has been a really entertaining thread!

o well.. on the brighter side.....

the Nats are now upon us.. this is my first to attend, I would of liked to drive my wagon, but hey things dont always work out.

.. whaddya mean..? you dont get the TWEED SUN?!?!?!  lol

C U there



Post by: effeyoot on April 16, 2003, 07:22:52 AM
As for the add in the Tweed Sun, I think they were emphasising the extent of popularity in Queensland, we have a member from Cairns, North Qld attending, that is the same distance as Brisbane to Melbourne but in one state.  I have not seen the add myself but it was to promote the Nationals, it is also been declared the NO 1 event on the Gold Coast over the Easter weekend.

I have to agree that we probably could have done many things better, we will just have to notch this up to experience this time.  I have no problem with constructive critisism, like just posted today, it is healthy but i think some has been over board.  As for emails, i have  received hardly any at all, and all of those i have replied, maybe something else has gone wrong there?
I do believe that in the end it should be a great weekend and look forward to seeing everyone there.


Post by: Hewart on April 16, 2003, 07:45:10 AM
G'day guys...

Les Hewitt, SSEHCC editor and FE/FC NSW Club member here.
I just hope the next host club of the next NATS dosen't get too scared off by this thread either....!!!

I couldn't make this one, but after the last one, I'm looking forward to the next one.... did that make sence..??

Cheers.... ;)

Post by: Effie C on April 16, 2003, 09:32:28 AM
Just a change of style,found this post on EJ EH Club QLD web site

ye im heading up at easter theres the Fe/Fc nationals on at winders
park Currumbin (Duringan street ) should be worth  a look even
though there not EH's maybe we could all meet there its on 20th

Appears this may be the park that is mentioned for show and shine?

John M

Post by: FC0058 on April 18, 2003, 06:20:57 AM
Well only one more sleepless night till everyone starts to arrive.

I hope to meet you all sometime over the weekend.

Hope you all enjoy yourselves.

Cheers Jim

Post by: fc4me on April 18, 2003, 10:44:41 AM
To all the travellers "safe and happy motoring" wish i was going. Hope you all do some droollin for me!!!!

Post by: craiga on April 26, 2003, 04:12:29 AM
Just a note to let everyone who didn't get the chance to attend the Nationals what a great event it was. The QLD guys did a FANTASTIC job and must be fully congratulated for their efforts. Excellent accomodation, great run on Saturday, slightly small but nevertheless beautiful location for the show and shine, an UNBELIEVABLE meal on Saturday night, a Nat's shirt that I'll never forget ;D, topped off with some incredible quality cars. An all round GREAT event for the FE FC enthusiast.

On the downside I think the "professional" judging left a bit to be desired, not only for their lack of mathematical ability, but also a lack of understanding by the majority of participants of what it meant to have professional judges.  For the next Nats it would be wise to provide a detailed explanation of how the judging process is to be carried out, and a brief overview of each judge and his/her experience and qualifications. It all seemed a bit of a mystery to me  ??? am I alone here?

The only real downer was the damage to one of the entrants cars - WTF is going on :(

Still can't wait for Jindabyne in two years!!!!!!!

Thanks again to the QLD club.



Post by: customFC on April 26, 2003, 08:56:09 AM
Some great points there Craig.
I would also like to add some comments.
I believe the Qld guys deserve a big pat on the back for the work they put into the preparation and running of the Nats. I think everyone needs to look at things with a bit of perspective. Most people would compare the 9th Nats in Qld with the previous Nats held in Penrith 2 years before. Some things to think about when you do this.
The NSW club have held 3 Nats now, and know what it takes from experience.
They also have a bigger membership, with many of those attending previous Nats and lending a hand.
The Qld club did anOUTSTANDING job with the experience and help they had.
My hats off to you guys.

Adding to some of Craig's comments, a list of do's and don't when presenting your car for professional judging is a must for future Nats. Things like open your bonnett and boot or get ZERO points.....etc.

Who were those judges anyway?

Personally, I don't care for trophies, that's not why I attend the Nats, but I do understand that some people need/want this recognition. I am happy to meet up with some cool people and check out some very cool cars.

I recall saying to someone in Kevin's garage when he showed some of us his car for the first time, that "this is why I just drove 3 days to get here".

I'm sure lessons were learned from these Nats as all the others before them, and the Nats will continue to evolve to be even better.


Post by: RET on April 27, 2003, 04:26:40 AM
Just to chime in with my 2c worth on this topic...

I think the Nationals were an outstanding success, and I would like to congratulate Ron, Harry, Greg and the team for putting on such a great weekend.  All the venues were great, and the organisation excellent.

I think the professional judges let the side down in a number of ways.  I never met the other two judges, but the so-called head judge left me underwhelmed to say the least.  To not be able to appreciate the importance of the event to the entrants enough to even double-check the arithmetic and the results is simply breath-taking in its idiocy.  It's a shame that for many people the memory of the event has been tarnished by so-called professional judges who were clowns, and forced a redistribution of trophies after the presentation.  Still, it's the first time for professional judging so we've all learnt a few things from it.

I made this comment at the delegates' meeting, and will repeat it here:  I think that everything that the Queensland club organised went like clockwork, and they deserve to be congratulated on a terrific event.  The fact that it was their first time doing it would not have been apparent to any observer.  It was clear that a lot of effort went into it, and I think everyone got a lot out of it.


Post by: mcl1959 on April 27, 2003, 05:25:10 AM
I would like to add my congratulations as well to the QLD guys, just about everything was perfect which was a top effort for the few guys who put the whole thing together.
The cruises were good - getting the cars out onto country roads without traffic lights and other traffic was achieved well.
The sports were entertaining with the hub cap bocce was a hit being new and kept the crowd entertained for a good couple of hours.
The meals were simple and well executed, (as well as delicious), the music wasn't too loud.
The show venue was about 6 cars too small but very nice anyway in regard to being close to ammenities.
I agree entirely with RET about the judges as the reputation of the head judge should have warranted the trust he was given - obviously this was not forthcoming and I am sure that ACT will employ some judges with relevant experience and due diligence for the job at hand.
I for one attend not only to see the cars and meet new people but to see who wins the trophies is a big part of it for me, and I have to say that the botch up with the vote counting spoiled Sunday for me.
I really feel for the QLD guy who was awarded a first place trophy only to have it taken away from him.  I know if it was me I would have been devastated, so please don't give him such a hard time.


Post by: fcpv on May 03, 2003, 11:26:35 AM
As Alex said, the Queensland Club have done an OUTSTANDING job being there first Nationals and I to along with many others, take my hat off to you guys because not many people from other states know the story of the Qld Club from only a couple of years ago when I lived in Qld.
Here was a club with no magazines because they had no events because they had no cars on the road and a total membership of 4
In a few short years we were able to get the ball rolling along after a simple Sunday afternoon BBQ in a park at Acacia Ridge and as they say, the rest is now history.
So yes, for me personally you can understand what a buzz it was to hear that the Qld Club wanted to host the Nationals after I had returned to Melbourne and to think that you guys were prepared to take on such a challenge absolutely blew me out of the water as they say.
It has been good to hear many positive comments about the Nationals as they really deserved it and I know the number 1 aim of the Qld Club was for everyone to enjoy themselves
Russell Bates   fcpv  vic
     things are great in the sunshine state