FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => FE-FC Holden Nationals => Topic started by: RET on January 04, 2003, 12:02:27 AM

Title: Are you going to the Nationals on the Gold Coast?
Post by: RET on January 04, 2003, 12:02:27 AM
Hey guys,

Time is slipping away if you still want to get along to the 9th FE-FC Holden Nationals.  Entries close 31 January, and you must be a member of one of the FE-FC Holden Car Clubs of Aust to participate.

Check the other threads on this board to find out about the rules and to grab an application form.

So hands up who's going? ;)


By the way, as you get your act together, you can change your vote in the poll.  So if you've voted that you want to go but having nothing organised, once you send off your entry form, come back and update your status in the poll!


Title: Re: Are you going to the Nationals on the Gold Coa
Post by: Mooky on January 04, 2003, 12:18:47 AM
G'day to all, Ret, even though I am not a member of the club yet(I am planing on joining the QLD Club on arriving in QLD very soon)  I will not be able to attend as duty calls.  I hope all those who attend have a great time and that the event is a major success.  Even though I will be watching sunsets from a different shore I will still be checking out the web site, and hope to see some great photos.

Title: Re: Are you going to the Nationals on the Gold Coa
Post by: mal on February 01, 2003, 02:43:39 AM
Can the Nationals be held in a different City each year to give others a chance to enter, costs to transport the vehicles are enormous???

Title: Re: Are you going to the Nationals on the Gold Coa
Post by: RET on February 01, 2003, 03:00:20 AM

They are held in a different city each time (every second Easter).

The history of the event can be found at http://www.fefcholden.org.au/nats but in summary:

1988 #1 Ballarat, Vic
1989 #2 Wagga Wagga, NSW
1991 #3 Adelaide, SA
1993 #4 Bendigo, Vic
1995 #5 Sutton (Canberra), NSW
1997 #6 Mildura, Vic
1999 #7 Adelaide, SA
2001 #8 Sydney, NSW
2003 #9 Gold Coast, Qld

This is the first time it has been held in Queensland.  The 2005 event will be hosted by the FE-HR Holden Owners Club of ACT, probably in NSW somewhere not far from Canberra. The venue has not yet disclosed.

And anyway, the idea is to drive the cars.  That's what the majority of entrants do.  Getting there and getting home is half the fun when you're in a convoy with your club mates ;)

You didn't say what part of he country you're from.  If you're in Darwin or Broome then everywhere's a long way - at least until the FE-FC Holden Car Club of WA gets formed!

Hope that helps,