FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => General Board => Topic started by: FE-FC Web Site Administrator on May 23, 2000, 12:00:00 PM

Title: New stuff on the website
Post by: FE-FC Web Site Administrator on May 23, 2000, 12:00:00 PM
I have just uploaded a work-in-progress, which documents all the various NASCO accessories available for the FE and FC Holden, incuding images, part numbers and original prices.  This has been taken from a book written by Alex Smits (the NSW Club President) that was published by the NSW Club around 10 years ago.
About half the information has been uploaded so far, including all Trim & Style Accessories, and all Safety, Security and Performance Accessories (the broad categories are mine).  Still to go are Maintenance Accessories and Creature Comfort Accessories.  Hopefully these will be completed in the next week or so.
Follow the link http://www.fefcholden.org.au/techinfo/nasco ($2) to this section.
Please post any comments or corrections to webmaster@fefcholden.org.au, or reply here.
cheers, Richard