FE-FC Holden Discussion Forum

General => FE-FC Holden Nationals => Topic started by: weddo on March 15, 2007, 02:05:32 AM

Title: Judgeing
Post by: weddo on March 15, 2007, 02:05:32 AM
Hi all,
Phillip Island was our first national event and the first time to see judging of standard and modified vehicles and as the only Tassie entrant is was mind blowing to see the variety of vehicles on show.  Members on the forum provide some fantastic photo's of their vehicles and it seems to me that there is almost another category to be considered in the judging. Standard, "historical" or old school" modified and "modern" modified.
There are some super looking and extremely well engineered "modern" modified vehicles out there, that are judged against a just slightly "historical"modified but still all FE or FC mechanically complete vehicles. Has this been discussed or thought about before?
Would appreciate comment from someone who is involved in the judging process,


Title: Re: Judgeing
Post by: Hotlips on March 15, 2007, 02:32:42 AM
Hi Weddo,  with my partner as delegates for the S.A. club, we have sat on many meetings with other delegates regarding this topic.  We have wanted a third class for sometime.  We (S.A.) call it Street class - which means slight modifications e.g. no body changes but engine (within reason) and some interior changes and possibly paint colour.  Unfortunately agreeing on the actual allowances/penalties for this class has not happened and other classes have been discussed also - "Authentic/Original"/"Restored" Stock - "Mild"/"Wild" Custom etc.  I am sure with future Nationals we (all the delegates) will come to some sought of agreement regarding introducing other classes.  Cheers Hotlips

Title: Re: Judgeing
Post by: Glenn 'Stinky' Stankevicius on March 15, 2007, 03:50:05 AM
Judging is a hot topic no matter where you go.

I think now is as good a time as any to start a discussion and maybe nut-out some changes prior to the Mt G Nationals.

One thing is for sure though, you will NEVER make everyone happy no matter what system is put in place.

Title: Re: Judgeing
Post by: surferboy on March 15, 2007, 12:24:23 PM
I dont care what judging system is used

I'LL BE HAPPY :D ;D :) 8) :) :D ;D 8) JUST TO BE THERE

8) 8) 8)

How about   'the dirtiest'  then i dont have to wash it (again)

Title: Re: Judgeing
Post by: weddo on March 16, 2007, 01:38:11 AM
I'll be happy just to be there too surferboy and we will bring two cars from Tassie to Mt G. ;D but I do think that the technology advances that have happened since the very early nats, disadvantages those vehicles that are still old school and trying to preserve the "era"of modification. A cool looking, slightly modified, still commands a lot of work and effort and perhaps gets overlooked in the judging or overshadowed by the super modified and highly engineered vehicles.
